Forex Heist EA (Genom forexheistea)

Förstärkning : +328.49%
Uttag 47.03%
Pips: 1593.4
Trades 99
Typ: Verkligt
Hävstångseffekt: 1:400
Handel: Automatiserad

Forex Heist EA Diskussion

May 02, 2020 at 13:01
4,868 Visa
64 Replies
Medlem sedan May 22, 2020   2 inlägg
Jun 30, 2020 at 13:49
I wrote about my own account with 1000 € live and 3000 € Demo. DD always the same because LOT Sizes are bigger. But just try it for yourself and you will see. DD has nothing to do with account size, it depends on the LOT Sizes and they increase with bigger account.
Medlem sedan Jul 20, 2019   338 inlägg
Jun 30, 2020 at 14:22
dalutzi posted:
I wrote about my own account with 1000 € live and 3000 € Demo. DD always the same because LOT Sizes are bigger. But just try it for yourself and you will see. DD has nothing to do with account size, it depends on the LOT Sizes and they increase with bigger account.

That's what I said... for a 1k account I'd just use 0.01lot if the max. account leverage is at 1:500. Just saying. If the EA is using higher lot-sizes I guess the original creator used a bigger account, or something is wrong with the programming. The original author should leave a comment about this here (and on FPA aswell).
patience is the key
Medlem sedan May 30, 2020   12 inlägg
Jun 30, 2020 at 14:39
marco_mmbiz posted:
dalutzi posted:
I wrote about my own account with 1000 € live and 3000 € Demo. DD always the same because LOT Sizes are bigger. But just try it for yourself and you will see. DD has nothing to do with account size, it depends on the LOT Sizes and they increase with bigger account.

That's what I said... for a 1k account I'd just use 0.01lot if the max. account leverage is at 1:500. Just saying. If the EA is using higher lot-sizes I guess the original creator used a bigger account, or something is wrong with the programming. The original author should leave a comment about this here (and on FPA aswell).

There is nothing wrong in Programming, in fact the EA has a built in Lot sizing and Risk management system. We always send a user manual and a guide as to how user can control Lot size, Max DD, and the number of Max Positions.
Most of the traders like to get the same % of profit in Master account. It is certainly achievable but it involves risk of DrawDown.
If you only cut the lot size to half in your account then you will get the DD of only 23% which is not too high.
Please always and always make sure that you read the user manual and set the Lot size wisely, don't take extra risk.
and if some one claims that they blew their account because master account has 47% DD then it is only possible if they set the lot size too high.
"Earn Money Like Never Before"
Medlem sedan May 30, 2020   12 inlägg
Jul 01, 2020 at 11:54
EA is still making the money.
"Earn Money Like Never Before"
Medlem sedan May 30, 2020   12 inlägg
Jul 02, 2020 at 18:10
119 Pips & 7.03% Profit this week so far.
EA is back with good performance and working fine after some modifications.


"Earn Money Like Never Before"
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