FunnelTrader EA ($1000 / Low Risk) (Genom forex_trader_269379)

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FunnelTrader EA ($1000 / Low Risk) Diskussion

Jun 13, 2016 at 17:38
499 Visa
1 Replies
Medlem sedan Aug 18, 2015   90 inlägg
Jun 20, 2016 at 20:10
Investor access is a popular request among traders. Essentially, the developer give you direct access to his Forex account by logging into his account using a special investor password.

This is the ultimate proof that the account is real. But I must warn you in order to prevent people from abusing this privilege, Developer will constantly change the password and some days will not provide the password.
Once your logged in you will be able to see any live trades going on and check out the real history, you’ll have access into this account.

Next you will be prompted to login you can enter the details below:
Account Number: 40185
Password: qFfQqEa4
Server: FXChoice-ECN Live

Find both developer's live account and our 3rd party monitoring here:
Medlem sedan Aug 18, 2015   90 inlägg
Jun 22, 2016 at 22:26
Update: The forward test account is already 30% within about a week of trading.
This is not tight scalping and some times trades might be kept from few hours to a day long. So even it is a demo account we can see very close to reality results.

Find both developer's live account and our 3rd party monitoring here:

Pricing per developer:
$130/month for monthly plan
$497/year for yearly plan

Special discounts available for IB customers. For more info about the IB offer special offer, you may email:
[email protected]
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