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- HighProfitSys
HighProfitSys (Genom forex_trader_234245)
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HighProfitSys Diskussion
Medlem sedan Mar 01, 2015
8 inlägg
Apr 09, 2019 at 06:20
Medlem sedan Mar 01, 2015
8 inlägg
HighProfitSys is based on a solid trading strategy! S&R Zones, SL & TP, Money Management, & Swap Free. Trade 0.05 lot per $1000 for high annual profit & minimum DD. Safe & profitable .. Check it out!
Medlem sedan Mar 01, 2015
8 inlägg
Apr 10, 2019 at 08:41
Medlem sedan Mar 01, 2015
8 inlägg
philhuynh2006 posted:
Could I ask what is this system about? could I buy if it's an EA?
Thanks for checking .. It is a special trading strategy uses specific indicators .. It does not need an EA because one glance on the chart is enough .. I apologize for not being able to sell this precious strategy .. Welcome Happy and Profitable copying ..
Apr 30, 2019 at 11:48
Medlem sedan Dec 10, 2016
9 inlägg
I will subscribe tonight to your signal. I saw in your account history that in the past a few trades were left without Stop Loss and 1 full lot was traded (instead of 0.05 lots per $1.000 account balance). Is this a manual strategy? I truly hope we are setting up a long lasting business relationship: I am looking for a profitable money manager to count on for years.
Medlem sedan Mar 01, 2015
8 inlägg
May 01, 2019 at 07:59
Medlem sedan Mar 01, 2015
8 inlägg
Hi there .. I always use stop loss for all my trades, please check and if you find any with no stop loss, please do a screenshot and show me. I do my trades carefully and manually .. No automated EA! Yes, at the beginning, before anyone copied me, I opened some large trades to only increase my rank .. the strategy stays successful as is! 0.05 lot per $1000. Sure feel free to subscribe and enjoy spending! Best wishes!
Medlem sedan Feb 08, 2019
4 inlägg
May 13, 2019 at 14:00
Medlem sedan Feb 08, 2019
4 inlägg
Hi @HighProfitSys ,I followed your recommendation of 0.05 lot per $1000 and almost depleted my margin last week. Had to top up my account my account to give it some breathing space. What's your average trade time? I see some of your current trades have been floating for a week now. Cheers.
Medlem sedan Feb 08, 2019
4 inlägg
May 13, 2019 at 14:00
Medlem sedan Feb 08, 2019
4 inlägg
@HighProfitSys The drawdown is getting higher and higher. What's going on?
Medlem sedan Apr 06, 2018
254 inlägg
May 13, 2019 at 19:33
(redigerad May 13, 2019 at 19:34)
Medlem sedan Apr 06, 2018
254 inlägg
95% drawdown and you are saying your trading system is safe. You need a lesson on money management professor.
The market will trade through it’s path of least resistance .
*Kommersiell användning och skräppost tolereras inte och kan leda till att kontot avslutas.
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