Joepippin (Genom forex_trader_107743)

Användaren har raderat systemet..

Joepippin Diskussion

Jan 24, 2013 at 20:42
596 Visa
6 Replies
Medlem sedan Jan 20, 2013   8 inlägg
Feb 14, 2013 at 07:41
OK so this is my first post on here. Now that I found out how. lol So this is my trading account. I mostly trade off a couple of ICT's concepts. Im still getting used to the bigger trading account. I plan to give a short descipiton of what I did the day before and what im doing currently. =)
So for my first update. Im really enjoying trading at 3% on most my trades. The ones im not as confident in are going to be anywhere from .5-2%... I generally use a 30pip stop. Less if I find a better spot to place it. and If im awake ill try and manage a loss as its happening but seeing as how most the time after I place a trade I fall asleep, so it doesn't happen very often...
Hope everyone enjoy's valentines day tomorrow =)
Medlem sedan Jan 20, 2013   8 inlägg
Feb 14, 2013 at 09:33
Just woke up about 15 mins ago. I see that Fiber dropped out of asian range. It stopped rather nicely at the .79 on the fib. 15 pips is first profit, feeling greedy and super tired. SL moved to BE . A lot of news ahead so to me that could mean possible big moves. 1.3480 is what i have as TP... Hopefully ill hit it before i wake up for work.

Good night everyone
Medlem sedan Jan 20, 2013   8 inlägg
Feb 15, 2013 at 09:10
Woke up just in time to see price above asian range high and in a smaller ote Downward. First tp is going to be 20 pips. I stayed up pretty late for Valentines day and I need to be up early for work. Ok so as im writing this I got my first tp. Half my position is off and the rest is break even. My tp and exit is at 1.3287 Or no matter what out by 1800gmt I'm still trying to adjust to this sleep schedule. Message me for questions. I will respond.
Medlem sedan Jan 20, 2013   8 inlägg
Feb 19, 2013 at 09:57
Current trade is short usd/zar. It's retraced into a pretty nice level to get short. Small ote within big ote. It knocked out the high that I was wanting to sustain it self. I reduced risk once it did that. I have a 30 pip stop. If it hits my stop it should continue to be bullish and take out the highs on Feb 12. tp is asia low.
Medlem sedan Jan 20, 2013   8 inlägg
Feb 19, 2013 at 20:28
Ok so I didn't post about the Cable trade yet, I was super tired and forgot. The reason I took that trade was the fundamentals behind it lined up with a small ote being bullish. The News was high impact and suspected to come out better then expected. I also reviewed the past performance of each of those news release's just to be safe. The news did come out better then expected and at a level 80 level i was eyeballing. Now a couple of things could have happened in this situation, that led me to take the risk in this trade. One--News comes out worse then expected and I collapse my trade early. Two-- It comes out good and the market is news fed and it projects price higher. 3-- It comes out better and prices goes down... Now you may ask why it would go down if its better then expected. My thoughts were because price had already run up in asia, witch was already gathering people to go long, So when they see the better then expected news release they add more longs and more people are getting long. So very shortly after the release I noticed price didnt go higher as expected, Invalidating number 2, number 1 is invalid because it was better, So what was left was number 3. I just collapsed my trade for a small loss, I didn't reverse my trade because I Didn't feel comfortable taking it until I woke up for work witch would of been NYO. I overselpt so I just put it down as an Idea instead of a trade as im running out the door lol , but look at the perfect ote Bearish, it was a sick setup that i missed lol
Medlem sedan Jan 20, 2013   8 inlägg
Feb 19, 2013 at 20:28
joepippin posted:
Current trade is short usd/zar. It's retraced into a pretty nice level to get short. Small ote within big ote. It knocked out the high that I was wanting to sustain it self. I reduced risk once it did that. I have a 30 pip stop. If it hits my stop it should continue to be bullish and take out the highs on Feb 12. tp is asia low.
I should of let it run till 1800 gmt or to my tp but i woke up late and figured id just BE for the day. BE is better then taking a loss =D
Medlem sedan Jan 15, 2013   6 inlägg
Feb 26, 2013 at 07:23
I woke up for work witch would of been NYO. I overselpt so I just put it down as an Idea instead of a trade as im running out the door lol , but look at the perfect ote Bearish, it was a sick setup that i missed lol

Confirmation of your idea is goodnews, not as sweet as pips in the bank, I go e you but goodnews all the same...

I only trade cable, want to add fiber soon though, I'm only taking 3 or 4 trades weekly still spend a time placing dotted lines all over candles tho!

Peace and pips!
Peace, Pips and Happiness
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