What Broker is the best? (Genom detected)

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What Broker is the best? Diskussion

Dec 07, 2016 at 16:08
618 Visa
6 Replies
Medlem sedan Dec 07, 2016   4 inlägg
Dec 07, 2016 at 16:25
In your experience, what Broker do you recommend?
Medlem sedan Dec 07, 2016   4 inlägg
Dec 08, 2016 at 05:23
I am using FXCM with 500.000 GBP, you can see my trades in real time. at the moment I am winning £18238.99

Good luck for everyone
Medlem sedan Feb 11, 2011   1768 inlägg
Dec 08, 2016 at 07:31
i.c market or thickmill
Medlem sedan Feb 11, 2011   1768 inlägg
Dec 08, 2016 at 07:31
meant tickmill
Medlem sedan May 19, 2015   42 inlägg
Dec 08, 2016 at 08:54
All brokers are about the same.

The downside worries are:

1 . Negative balance protection
2. Spreads and Fill
3. Lag and server hang issues

In terms of regulation, no one will worry about FXCM so much compared to other brokers based on shady places.

But FXCM itself, spreads are not that ideal. Reputation is good but they were also hit bye CHF movement last year, and had lost massive money and clients due to that incident.

I would still prefer negative balance protection regardless of broker.

But your amount is significantly higher than most retail FX traders here. You probably know best.

Medlem sedan Aug 22, 2016   148 inlägg
Dec 08, 2016 at 11:33
Medlem sedan Feb 22, 2011   4573 inlägg
Dec 08, 2016 at 11:34
eruditeX posted:
All brokers are about the same.

The downside worries are:

1 . Negative balance protection
2. Spreads and Fill
3. Lag and server hang issues

In terms of regulation, no one will worry about FXCM so much compared to other brokers based on shady places.

But FXCM itself, spreads are not that ideal. Reputation is good but they were also hit bye CHF movement last year, and had lost massive money and clients due to that incident.

I would still prefer negative balance protection regardless of broker.

But your amount is significantly higher than most retail FX traders here. You probably know best.

No, there are huge differences. Some of the brokers are just bucket shops and you will never get your money back. (mainly Russian brokers)
Some of the brokers offer better conditions for trading - spread, execution. leverage, platform.
It took me years to find the ones that suit bet my needs.
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