SGDJPY Exchange Rate


Singapore dollar mot japanska yen Exchange Rate (SGD to JPY)

-0.02% -2.3 pips
Bid/Ask: 111.416/111.439
Dagligt intervall: 111.142 - 111.547
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BOJ and MAS Interest Rates

Japan Bank of Japan 0.5% 0.5% 30 dagar
Singapore Monetary Authority of Singapore 2.36% 2.98% -

Latest SGDJPY News

Japan Retail Sales Rise 0.5% In February

Japan Retail Sales Rise 0.5% In February

The value of retail sales in Japan was up a seasonally adjusted 0.5 percent on month in February, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry said on Monday - coming in at 12.193 trillion yen.
RTTNews | 1 dag sedan
BoJ Minutes: Japan Economic Activity Developing As Expected

BoJ Minutes: Japan Economic Activity Developing As Expected

Members of the Bank of Japan's Monetary Policy Committee believe that the country's prices and economic activity are in line with expectations, minutes from the central bank's January 23-24 meeting revealed on Tuesday.
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