My name is Jacob, I'm 21 years old, and I leave, breath..and eat forex. I grew up with an addictive love towards the stock market, but as I aged to 17 years old (Around the 2008 financial crisis) I started to look towards different markets to trade. I discovered the foreign exchange market shortly after, and fell in love with everything about it. I loved the economics behind currency volatility, I loved the hours of the market. I loved the risk. I loved it all.
Handel stil
I use Price action and bollinger bands. My charts are pretty clean. If there are too many indicators, not only could it confuse you, but it also congests your chart and makes it harder to find candlestick patterns, etc.
Losses happen, Limit them.
System av Trade4Profit
Senaste inlägg
Feb 14, 2012 at 07:42
Feb 12, 2012 at 07:39