Forex handels profilen av thirdbrainsa | Myfxbook
ThirdBrainFx has been operating since 2010 and is a software application designed to buy and sell foreign currencies and financial instrument automatically .

This software is made up of multiple software called robo-advisor, each of which is independent of the others, and which are essentially based on mathematical algorithms. Robo-advisors will in 2020 manage US $255bn of Assets worldwide.

Our Robo-Advisors are based on several years of development on man-machine interfaces designed to reproduce the behavior of a human trader, our aim is to understand the motivations of leading traders to take advantage of the remarkable opportunities available in the foreign and stock exchange market.

This is the biggest market in the world, with trillions of dollars traded every day. Our(s) software(s) are designed to give you a small place at that table and help your savings grow with rates of return that you will never get from your bank, even though it uses YOUR money to carry out the same foreign exchange transactions every day. We are confident that one of our products will match your risk profile and financial requirements.

ThirdBrainFx is built by ThirdBrain SA. ThirdBrain SA is swiss company based in Switzerland, incorporated in Jura, and have a representative office in Sofia, Bulgaria.
Clever and Smart Trading


System av thirdbrainsa

Namn Förstärkning Uttag Pips Handel Hävstångseffekt Typ
Beta-SwissQuote 9.38% 4.15% 361411.3 - 1:100 Demo
DURBAN-LEV-X112-USDCHF-1300365457 1.45% 4.32% -15.2 - 1:100 Verkligt
LAUSANNE-LEV - BRITISHJAPANESE-1300439822 24.39% 5.38% 6238.7 Automatiserad 1:100 Verkligt
MONTREAL-X112 - 1300365445 1.54% 4.91% 9576.3 - 1:100 Verkligt
CHICAGO-LEV-AUDUSDUSDCHF-1300439849 -8.51% 19.38% 3823.9 - 1:100 Verkligt
MUNICH-LEV-MORN-EURCHF-1300439850 1.43% 2.65% 523.0 - 1:100 Verkligt
MADRID-LEV-1300439859-X113-USDJPY 1.49% 8.14% 618.2 - 1:100 Verkligt
HAMBOURG-LEV-MARS-EURCHF-1300439864 -3.69% 1.93% -458.3 - 1:100 Verkligt
ZURICH-THIRDBRAINFX -1.27% 8.69% 2807.6 - 1:100 Verkligt

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