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Trading Journal
Nya Handlare
Sep 08, 2016 at 06:41
Pre-trading analysis:Trending or Range Bound?: Range boundIf trending, direction of trend?: N/AIf range bound, identify support and resistance levels: 1.12575 - 1.12350 (22.5 pips)Entered short on range bound market. Price had seemed to hit resistance and be turning downwards at my analysis. However, the price encountered a strange support level near the middle Bollinger band and did not move further downward as expected. Fearing a turn was coming from the stalling market, I concluded that my position was weak and exited in hopes of finding a better position.Long/Short: ShortEntry: 1.12448Exit...
Trading Journal
Nya Handlare
Jun 15, 2016 at 07:06
Pre-trading analysis:Trending or Range Bound?: Trending If trending, direction of trend?: BearishIf range bound, identify support and resistance levels: N/A Trade 1: Shorted on a pullback to the 38.2% Fib level. The trade quickly went my direction. I saw the push downward begin to exhaust and MACD turning, so I got out before my TP level was hit. Not a bad trade, but I probably should have stayed in the trade longer to accumulate more profits.Trade 2: Went long on what I expected to be a slight pullback quickly after the first trade. Was quickly punished for my rash decision making when the ma...
Trading Journal
Nya Handlare
Jun 14, 2016 at 07:40
Pre-trading analysis:Trending or Range Bound?: Ending trending, beginning range boundIf trending, direction of trend?: Bullish trend endingIf range bound, identify support and resistance levels: 1.12711 - 1.12422Trade 1: A trade I really should not have taken, but not a bad trade. The market seemed to be transitioning from trending to range bound. I believed that the range had already been set on the chart fairly well. The price appeared to be nearing the bottom of the range, so I went long. However, given my uncertainty about the state of the market, as well as the messy nature of the appeara...
Trading Journal
Nya Handlare
Jun 11, 2016 at 11:36
Pre-trading analysis:Trending or Range Bound?: Range BoundIf trending, direction of trend?: N/AIf range bound, identify support and resistance levels: 1.13158, 1.12859 - 29.9 pip rangeTrade 1: Saw the price nearing the support, as well as the MACD turning upwards and the RSI turning from near 70. Decided to get in for a range trade. The market turned upward, but the upward move was quick and did not last as long or go as far as I expected it to. Given the speed of the rise in price and the confirmation of strength by the indicators, I thought that the downward turn was merely a quick retraceme...
Trading Journal
Nya Handlare
Jun 10, 2016 at 06:40
Pre-trading analysis:Trending or Range Bound?: TrendingIf trending, direction of trend?: Bearish trendIf range bound, identify support and resistance levels: N/ATrade 1: Much better trade today already than yesterday. Took more time this morning for market analysis and identification of the state of the market. The EURUSD seemed to be in a bearish trend, likely following subpar interest rate talk from President Draghi. Whatever the reason, the clear down trend was quite strong. However, when I opened the charts this morning, I could see that there was a possible pullback forming near the 23.6%...
Trading Journal
Nya Handlare
Jun 09, 2016 at 06:18
Pre-trading analysis:Trending or Range Bound?: Range Bound, but a possible breakout appearingIf trending, direction of trend?: Possible trend upwardsIf range bound, identify support and resistance levels: 1.13780, 1.13579 (20.1 pip range)Trade 1: Saw the range bound market near the top giving a strong overbought signal and starting to move downwards on the MACD. I got in near the top of the range and the move was confirmed shortly after with two long black candles. However, immediately after the market sharply turned and I was stopped out. Not much to say, other than it's possible I should...
Trading Journal
Nya Handlare
Jun 08, 2016 at 06:37
Trade 1: Saw a down trend starting when I got on and a bit of a retracement beginning. Identified my possible entry points, entered when the market touched the 23.6% pivot level and looked to begin to turn around and continue the trend. After entering, price moved higher and stopped me out slightly above the 38.2% pivot level. Overall, a solid trade, but at one point I moved my S/L lower to the parabolic level and then moved it back to its previous level to prevent being stopped out, which I was anyways shortly. Furthermore, I should have waited on more confirmation from my other indicators an...
Trading Journal
Nya Handlare
Jun 07, 2016 at 06:41
Good couple of trades today, after a streak of losing and taking a break from the market. EUR/USD seemed to be range bound today, so I made several trades using the Bollinger Bands as S/L and T/P levels. With each trades I waited for a MACD divergence and waited for a sell signal from the RSI for the second trade. Not too much to say about the trades, but overall I feel that I need to work on letting the winning trades ride and that should help my profitability greatly. I think I feel too much like I am going to lose the gains that I have and that causes me to get out too quickly. I will resea...
Trading Journal
Nya Handlare
May 20, 2016 at 16:49
Profitable trade on EUR/USD this morning. Range-bound market allowed for a pretty simple trade setup when the opportunity presented itself. Market was towards the middle BB, then took a bearish turn, despite already being near resistance level at 1.12105. Furthermore, the MACD was nearing a cross, and on the 15-minute chart the price was near the lower BB. I watched the market for some time before seeing some weakness appear on the 1-minute and 5-minute chart. On the 1-minute, the market was slowing and beginning to turn, and this was confirmed by a doji on the 5-minute chart. I waited for a b...
Trading Journal
Nya Handlare
May 18, 2016 at 06:48
Made a trade on USD/JPY tonight. The signals were aligned well. MACD divergence told me the pair was soon to rise. I saw the opportunity for an entry on a dip from a recent rally at the 38.2% Fibonacci line. The candlesticks also showed long lower wicks with small black and white real bodies, signaling that a reversal was soon to come. However, I was too eager to enter and entered on a slight pullback from the 38.2% Fib. line, at 109.143. Eventually I was stopped out, as the price continued down past the 50% Fib. line, for a loss of 10 pips, accounting for a $0.93 loss. However, quickly after ...
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