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Inlägg av forex_trader_202879
Erfaren Traders
Sep 18, 2014 at 20:19
As of this moment based on the scalping system which I use. EU is a scalp buy. EU would be a big time scalp sell once the price closes under 1.2912 but based on the lack of the price action it appears we won't get that close. By the way the scalp sell on EU would be once the price closes under 1.2912 on the 5m... At the current moment I am managing over 51k usd spread of 3 accounts. Please have a look at them to gain an idea on the system which is used.
PAMM recommendation
Erfaren Traders
Sep 18, 2014 at 20:17
I wouldn't go as far as saying they are scamming, but I will say is that if the account is 10usd or 10,000usd the % change is still the same. The trades would have to be executed the same way to get the desired results.
Erfaren Traders
Sep 18, 2014 at 20:15
Well said. Forcasting is pretty much useless, as it isn't reliable. GBP has had bad news today, and it keeps going up! If we simply focused on supply and demand it would be much profitable in the short-term. As much as people all agree that the trend is down on eu. Look at how many times it has spiked up the last 16 hours. People keep shorting, and they will keep longing it.
Erfaren Traders
Sep 18, 2014 at 07:18
Nice prediction. You simply went back as far as you could with the h4 chart and looked for the last time eu accumulated near its current price and that is how you got 1.2832... Under that we have 1.2807 1.27655 and 1.27549 You must admire how EU was able to stay sideways for the time it did Showing higher highs and higher lows and then all of a sudden have the rug pulled out from under her. I would take a stab in the dark and say that if eu doesnt go back to 1.2920 before 1.28078 then EU will for sure have a big time correction in the making. Right now on all smaller tf eu is clearly showin...
Do you think 1000% a year is sufficient ? What is your performance ?
Sep 18, 2014 at 07:17
Although psychology does play a major rule in our decisions trading forex. The reality is your expecation of earning 50% or 1000% in any given point won´t or shouldnt effect the trade which you open. No one opens a trade hoping to hold it long enough to reach his or her target. Well anyway expections is simply hype. Focus on other important factors and your goals can be obtained. Do you think that people who earn 900% set out to do so? I would think they set out to make as many good trades as possible to earn profit.
PAMM recommendation
Erfaren Traders
Sep 18, 2014 at 07:04
Pay attention to the name of the account. It is a cent account. :) So what the user is doing is trying to make it appear that he/she is withdrawing large sums of funds when in reality he is only withdrawing dollars. Example it shows his deposit being 246,685 when in reality the person only deposited 246 usd.
ECN/NDD forex brokers: Marketing? Fantasy? Truth?
Sep 17, 2014 at 06:54
I agree. Most people don´t trust Russians, but have never even interacted with them. We hold opinions about them, but those people are very professional. +1 to yadix, rvdmarkets, and exness. Russian brokers I have done business with and have been paid!
Elliott Waves
Trading System
Sep 17, 2014 at 06:51
Of course the stats are fake. The broker is a small white lable broker who in which you can manipulate the stats as he has! When you see accounts like this, ask the manage to show you the account via teamviewer. Unless they can´t do that never trust stats like those.
PAMM recommendation
Erfaren Traders
Sep 17, 2014 at 06:50
Define gambling.
Do you think 1000% a year is sufficient ? What is your performance ?
Sep 17, 2014 at 06:50
Why do you say that 50% is safer in the long run? First of all LONG TERM ANYTHING is a pipe dream. Currencies can change it´s overall trend at the drop of the time, and by the time you starting going with the new trend you will easily be in red 150 to 200 pips. Have a look at all the traders which EU has knocked out of the market over the last 4 months. People kept calling for long term correction to the upside, but even the strictest money management could not stop the EUR machine. Some traders have the ability of not owning aiming for 1000%, but actually obtaining it. Hopefully the...
Do you think 1000% a year is sufficient ? What is your performance ?
Sep 04, 2014 at 14:11
It would be appear that you have done nothing else then contradict yourself. Your very first sentence describes that trading is objective. So if that is the case, why would you ask me why would I withdraw all the profits? Your opinion of a small part or original is simply your bias opinion on what my money management should be. Yet, to claim I don't know what I am talking about because our money management isn't the same seems to be a rather stand offish comment. For the record, the word GAMBLE is defined by taking ANY sort of wager against something which you do not know for certain...
is it possible to turn $100 to $1000 in 4 weeks ? (real account)
Nya Handlare
Sep 04, 2014 at 06:44
I truly believe that EU has cleaned out most of the retailers out. Clean out! They have cleaned out the retailers and now EUR/usd returns to 1.31xx area which was its yearly avg just 2 years ago. 30% from 35% isn't that big of a difference. Remember i moved around 100usd which I started from 14 usd. then turned that 240 eurs, and as of this writing I have 461 Eurs in the account. More then 1,000% profit from a point in which I was all liquid. This week the EA has snipered for 110%+ profit since the start of this week. If I cash out, and turn EUR into dollar. I would have more then double...
Do you think 1000% a year is sufficient ? What is your performance ?
Sep 04, 2014 at 06:44
What does it matter if it works the first year? You would be braindead to make 1000% profit in one year and not withdraw it all .
is it possible to turn $100 to $1000 in 4 weeks ? (real account)
Nya Handlare
Sep 03, 2014 at 15:07
Excellent money management if you ask me. As of this moment we are at 112% profit I believe. If I were to not place another trade, and withdraw all of my funds, I would of gained almost 500% profit since having posted in this thread. That is of course not including the commission which I charge for profits gained in the PAMM account. So 100 to 1k in 4 weeks is almost a reality for my accounts, I still have two more trading weeks in order to try to hit the 1k mark (1000% profit) since having posted on this forum. Let's see how our the system which is used holds up.
is it possible to turn $100 to $1000 in 4 weeks ? (real account)
Nya Handlare
Sep 03, 2014 at 07:15
From the start of the week until this moment my 3 followers have a total profit of over 93%! Would you cash out or would you keep your money invested?
is it possible to turn $100 to $1000 in 4 weeks ? (real account)
Nya Handlare
Sep 02, 2014 at 14:11
Yes Dmitry, so can I. Which is why I have the EA trade for me, so it can make really good scalps. Mix it in with Martingale, and you have a very good chance of closing the week green maybe for 2-3 months straight! That is the goal.
is it possible to turn $100 to $1000 in 4 weeks ? (real account)
Nya Handlare
Sep 02, 2014 at 11:19
Although forex is 100% subjective. We tend to use terms which are in it's entirety subjective. Such as Short term. Long term. Could anyone please be as kind as to define either word with an actual number? Until either can be defined as such. we should re frame from using those words when we trade. Those words bring bias into our trading which of course goes against how we should be trading.
ECN/NDD forex brokers: Marketing? Fantasy? Truth?
Sep 02, 2014 at 11:18
It isn't that these guys are unhappy about their broker. They simply are repeating what they have read on the internet. Most of them don't have a real account or have even deposited in a real account. I for one have used a Russian broker in the past and my PAMM account is currently with a broker which is Russian based. I have been able to withdraw funds with my broker almost right away which of course would suggest they are liquid and not a bucket shop. Forums are full of negativity sadly enough and you shouldn't hold weight with the opinions of others unless they have actually ha...
ECN/NDD forex brokers: Marketing? Fantasy? Truth?
Sep 02, 2014 at 11:17
One of the most popular RUSSIAN brokers around is exness..... Bucketshop?
is it possible to turn $100 to $1000 in 4 weeks ? (real account)
Nya Handlare
Sep 02, 2014 at 06:32
Let's have a look at the EUR account, Please download and read the caption, then lets look at it at the chart, and find the candle I entered on using your 15m chart. Mine MT4 (myfxbook) IS SET TO LONDON TIME! Then find the engulf after my entry to the down side. That candle itself never was engulfed, and a sl of even 4 pips was safe! The problem is you never know when the run will continue or when it will reverse, what you do know is that on certain formations the next 6-15 pips are as clear as day as a sign to either long or short. Th...
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