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Which indicator you use most for your trading?
Nya Handlare
May 11, 2020 at 05:36
Chaikin Histogram Oscillator, OBV(On balance volume) If you use no volume Bears and Bulls volume you will not get decent info) Hire Real Volume Info.
Intraday Trading is gambling
Nya Handlare
Aug 15, 2017 at 06:28
Then you are right. It does not really matter now. You have experience here @togr most people trust you. People should not use this forum to promote their own stuff. Thanks for clarifying
Intraday Trading is gambling
Nya Handlare
Jun 04, 2017 at 06:23
And... trading and gambling are very similar, but some people that study trading for a long time are able to gamble with the odds in their favour. The difference between gambling and trading is that Trading is not absololutely random. In this way some traders can see systems or strategies that makes them earn alot of money. It is a game in which you can get odds on your side. In casinos it is only chance, in trading there are underlying rules which, if discovered , can produce profit. In pure gambling everyone is against the odds . In trading , some traders find the way to combine chance and ...
Intraday Trading is gambling
Nya Handlare
Jun 04, 2017 at 06:22
VONTOGR, your accounts and systems are all over the place, many of your accounts have been deleted or are in negative, WHy don't you just trust Damien. You do not need to be rude. People do not have to publish their accounts if they do not want to. I'd say VOntogr is just looking for investors to trust him, probably a scam too.
Intraday Trading is gambling
Nya Handlare
Oct 23, 2016 at 06:38
in this case intraday traing is gamble. yes any kind of trading is so. It depends on risk and probabilities in order to succd. the tf does not matter
Intraday Trading is gambling
Nya Handlare
Oct 23, 2016 at 06:38
I am saying we take risks in order to achieve things we desire. Not very different from Gambling. The differce is what are we betting, Our whole deposit, I am taking risks by saying these words becuase other people will think I am an idiot. BUt I do not care. I accept that risk. We not only risk money but nearly everything. It is not the same to start a business and considering investing a lot of money to see then it fails. We never now the outcome of things before hand. But we learn from experience and failing and thta makes us have more chances to succed the next time we risk.
Intraday Trading is gambling
Nya Handlare
Oct 23, 2016 at 06:38
I did not really want hurt anyones feelings. Life is full of risk. But The probabilities are nearly 0% in most cases. Bad things can happen of course. When I mention life being gamble I mean only in certain areas. Waking up from bed is not risky. There is very small chance of it going wrong. SO we can live life happy and confident. The whole thing here is seeing the concept Gamble as bad. I see it as taking chances in life. We cannot be sure of the outcome and we need to make our bet in very area in life, to fail or succeed. not to live or die. Humans have gambled for centuries. It is part o...
Intraday Trading is gambling
Nya Handlare
Oct 21, 2016 at 13:22
you are one of those Trump voters!!! hahahaare you frustrated with the fact that we all need to take some moderate risk in life or are you serious?
Bring me a grid system solution and i code for free!!
Oct 11, 2016 at 10:06
Have you all hear of Litewave Ea. It is a grid martinglae solution that works very well. Check it out. Google it.
Erfaren Traders
Sep 18, 2016 at 06:53
I suppose you mean USDCAD
Erfaren Traders
Sep 18, 2016 at 06:51
It could go up to 1.34. I read somewhere.
Erfaren Traders
Sep 18, 2016 at 06:48
Not yet, it could be after USD and CAD data, or it could keep bullish.
Erfaren Traders
Sep 14, 2016 at 06:33
yes it seems so it might go up to 1.33. Thanks
Erfaren Traders
Sep 13, 2016 at 10:16
do you think USD CAD will rebound now and go back to a downtrend to 1.28
Only 40 trades in a year will double your capital
Erfaren Traders
Sep 07, 2016 at 06:26
Exactly , That is a good point, the more trades the more persistent is a system, We have more statistical evidence that it will provide good results in the future.
Only 40 trades in a year will double your capital
Erfaren Traders
Sep 06, 2016 at 09:54
I insist in encouraging people to find their own rythm and pace in trading. Some people need to see many trades to feel ok. Other people need only to enter market just now and then. Everyperson has a unique psyche that they have to satisfy. And that also includes trading styles. As long as a trader profit I really do not care how they do it as long as it does not disturb them psychologically. If I am sure of system but it only trades very little I would feel anxious. Because my personality requires me to be more present with trades in the markets. Other people have other psychological needs. S...
Only 40 trades in a year will double your capital
Erfaren Traders
Sep 06, 2016 at 09:53
It depends on the risk, the DD and size ofLots of the trades, the risk reward ratio, the profitability, the looks of the curve, but it does not depend on the amount of Trades. I would rather follow a system with more trades, because they would be smaller lots and tighter stop loss, and eventually that would result in Less DD. SO less risk. But that is not science.
Only 40 trades in a year will double your capital
Erfaren Traders
Sep 05, 2016 at 10:17
Let everyone find their own pace and system. Each person has a rythm. Some people prefer to trade a lot. And they can profit. Others are very patient and they trade only a few trades a year. Everyone can profit or lose money at the end but we should encourage people to find their own pace. Not everyone has the same disponibility , some profit with bots with lots of trades and other trade manually with patience, but it is about finidng calmness in trading and of course profit. If you find a method or system it does not matter how it profits , but it should make you feel confident and relaxed. A...
Intraday Trading is gambling
Nya Handlare
Jul 27, 2016 at 13:50
This is the best comment I have ever read, Very good, Life is chance, we are risking all the time without knowing if it will be ok or not, But we have to go on with out¡r lifes, There is nothing wrong in Gambling or risking. All or nothing. To live life at is fullest, I think people trying to safe trade are control freaks. There is no fun without a bit of risk in life.
Forex Excidus™ v2.2
Trading System
Nov 09, 2015 at 15:38
Why is the account not updated in three hours? Last Trde OCT 28, What kind of system is this?😂
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