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Risk and Forex
Nya Handlare
Jul 23, 2018 at 14:15
1:100 and 1:2000 leverage makes no difference when calculating position sizes. The only difference is that you can open up more positions with 1:2000 leverage compared to 1:100. If you have a good plan and you have a maximum number of open trades that you allow yourself to take and remain loyal to that plan, then it doesn't really matter what leverage you use. If however you have no self control(or don't like to mentally fight with yourself about how many positions to take) and willing to open as many positions as possible, then choosing the right leverage is important as it will set a...
I Really Need a Mentor That is Making Money
Erfaren Traders
Feb 01, 2018 at 08:43
That's great. Keep it up. Hope you keep on improving on your trading and making more profit. Another thing I wish to pass on to new traders is that pips doesn't tell you if a system is profitable or not. My expectancy is currently -10.7 pips with +$0.98. So I'm expected to lose pips but make profit. So be careful if someone just post how many pips they make per week but doesn't tell you if they've made profit or not.Also, My gain is -60%+ but absolute gain is +9%. Again, gain alone doesn't tell you the true story of whether someone is profitable or not. In my case, I ...
I Really Need a Mentor That is Making Money
Erfaren Traders
Jan 30, 2018 at 08:42
Hmmm.. Not trying to be rude or anything, but winning percentage doesn't mean a system is profitable. Example. Say someone have a 90% win rate. But the Risk: Reward is 10:1. What this means is every time that person wins, he wins say $100 but every time he looses, he loose $1000. So with a win rate of 90% that person should win on average 9 times out of 10 and loose 1 time out of 10. So let's do the maths.9 wins = 9 x $100 = $9001 loss = 1 x $1000 = $1000That's a net loss of -$100.In this scenario, even though that person had a 90% win rate, the system was still a losing system be...
I Really Need a Mentor That is Making Money
Erfaren Traders
Nov 29, 2017 at 07:38
Thought I'd add this for the fun of it. I'm technically a multimillionaire in that currency and I've literally made millions in Indonesian Rupiah in trading. If I converted the dollars I've made that is. lol Don't take me too seriously. Just thought that this thread has become a joke that's all.
Risk and Forex
Nya Handlare
Nov 26, 2017 at 15:49
We need to take risks to make money. But we need to take calculated risks to make consistent profit. Sometimes even with calculated risks, a black swan event can do a lot of damage to our account which can leave a scar on our psychology. The main thing for me is trying to learn not to attach myself to the profit I've made.Some traders say that you have no emotions to trade the market properly. I personally think that we are humans and humans naturally have emotions. So I don't try to fight my own nature. I also know that I can't predict the market, so I don't try to. One thing ...
I Really Need a Mentor That is Making Money
Erfaren Traders
Nov 26, 2017 at 08:08
My apologies if I offended you. All the best in your trading and all your future endeavours.
I Really Need a Mentor That is Making Money
Erfaren Traders
Nov 23, 2017 at 15:30
From your latest post I think I have an idea why you can't take it to the next level. You seem to have a lot of assumptions about us even though you have very little information about any of us. I mean really? Christian? God? who said any of that? If you have this mentality when trading the markets, it's probably hurting your trading. The market doesn't care much about your assumptions of it. Helping someone for free doesn't make you a good person. It probably make you an enabler and you're most likely helping the person to become dependant on you rather than becoming indep...
I Really Need a Mentor That is Making Money
Erfaren Traders
Nov 06, 2017 at 07:35
I'm not that good at trading yet but I think finding a multi millionaire mentor may be limiting and hard to find. In my experience, mentor's and mentee have mutually beneficial relationship. So unless you're bringing something to the table for the mentor, it may be hard to get one willing to mentor you. Having said that, when I look around the world, I often see mentor (coaches, teachers, tutors, etc...) help the people they train achieve excellence without they themselves ever achieving that level in their life. Being successful, doesn't equate being able to pass on that knowl...
What to trust Gain or Abs Gain?
Nya Handlare
Nov 05, 2017 at 07:39
Hi AllI started trading On 3rd of March 2017. I went straight with live account because impatience/greed/etc... So... I wiped out. But in August I broke even, September and October I made profit. I actually made back all the cash I lost in the previous 5months. But when I check my gain is -64% and absolute gain is 5.99%.I'm confused by this. Shouldn't they both be positive? When I check the profit I made, it was $363.68 but the pips made is -2335.9. So is myfxbook using pips to calculate my gain and cash to calculate my absolute gain? The reason I'm asking is because I see a lot of...
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