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VarenGold is closing its FX service!
It looks like keeping wide spreads have pushed customers away.
Location and safety of account is a big plus.
Not offering some exotic and cross pairs.
Spreads not good at all, albeit with a demo i was expecting better infact its really bad.
demo: usdjpy 3.5, usdchf 3.7
So basically no scalping encouraged, but longer term trading may suit, and safety in funds unlike offshore brokers
Testing with demo, will have to wait a while to going live due to trade increment 10k units
Will report back in good time.
Der Beste Broker, gute IB Verträge und normale Spread!
The best Broker, good IB and normal Spread!
Been trading with VG for 2 years. they always take care of business promptly.
The best !!! :) Working there since 2009. Happy !
Bank under germany law ... Segragated account, Safety !
Recommended !
This is a quote from their clients services when I pointed out that trading with Oanda is 1000 times more efficient than they are.
"[2010/07/22 05:22:12 PM] xxxxxxxxx: anyways! if you make some comments like this we are maybe not the write partner for you."
And it's pure math. Not even about service or anything else. With VG the minimum correction you can make to a position is 0.1 lots Block size x lots x current price.
So 100 000 x 0.1 x 1.2550 for eurusd = $12 550. On Oanda it's $1.2 - just open a 1 unit trade and look at position value.
So when I pointed out that they have a severe competitive disadvantage I was told that if I have an opinion like that again that I would not be welcome to be a customer.
Right there my decision was made. And so should yours be, you can be a client if they find you worthy enough, and you do not disagree with how great they are.