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- Free MQL5 Programming for Your Trading Strategies!
Free MQL5 Programming for Your Trading Strategies!
I'm offering to program trading strategies in MQL5 for free!
I'm looking to gather new ideas for developing trading robots and thought this would be a great way to connect with the community. Whether you have a simple strategy or a complex idea, I'd love to hear about it and bring it to life.
Feel free to share your strategies or ideas below.
AndreiW7 posted:
Hey everyone,
I'm offering to program trading strategies in MQL5 for free!
I'm looking to gather new ideas for developing trading robots and thought this would be a great way to connect with the community. Whether you have a simple strategy or a complex idea, I'd love to hear about it and bring it to life.
Feel free to share your strategies or ideas below.
Hi, One strategy I frequently use is two moving averages (one fast, one slow). Buy when the fast MA crosses above the slow MA, and sell when it crosses below. This helps spot trends and make good trades. What do you think?
An idea for your next/future EAs.
How about work on 2 pairs with correlation(arround...50-60% negative) for positive swap, e.g. Long for USDJPY and short for EURGBP...with hedge/basket TP closed strategy.
Order Start Distance multiply count=value(order count)
Position Distance multiplication %=1.0~1.1,1.2,1.3.....
Order Start Lot multiply count=value(order count)
Lot Martingale coefficient %= 1.0~1.1,1.2,1.3.....
Spread filter(in point)
Trading time filter:
Start Time: 00:00
End Tine: 00:00
Pause/stop trading when Equity decreased
A simple EA for your reference.
Hopefully, the idea makes sense.
zero9898 posted:
An idea for your next/future EAs.
How about work on 2 pairs with correlation(arround...50-60% negative) for positive swap, e.g. Long for USDJPY and short for EURGBP...with hedge/basket TP closed strategy.
Order Start Distance multiply count=value(order count)
Position Distance multiplication %=1.0~1.1,1.2,1.3.....
Order Start Lot multiply count=value(order count)
Lot Martingale coefficient %= 1.0~1.1,1.2,1.3.....
Spread filter(in point)
Trading time filter:
Start Time: 00:00
End Tine: 00:00
Pause/stop trading when Equity decreased
A simple EA for your reference.
Hopefully, the idea makes sense.
Just made this in Python for anyone interested as a start:
import MetaTrader5 as mt5
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import time
from datetime import datetime, time as dt_time
# Connect to MetaTrader 5
if not mt5.initialize():
print("initialize() failed")
# Trading parameters
CORRELATION_THRESHOLD = -0.5 # Looking for negative correlation
SPREAD_FILTER = 20 # in points
EQUITY_STOP_PERCENT = 0.05 # 5% equity decrease
# Position parameters
POSITION_DISTANCE_MULT = [1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4]
LOT_MARTINGALE_MULT = [1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4]
# Time filter
START_TIME = dt_time(0, 0)
END_TIME = dt_time(23, 59)
def calculate_correlation():
data1 = mt5.copy_rates_from_pos(PAIR1, TIMEFRAME, 0, 100)
data2 = mt5.copy_rates_from_pos(PAIR2, TIMEFRAME, 0, 100)
df1 = pd.DataFrame(data1)['close']
df2 = pd.DataFrame(data2)['close']
return df1.corr(df2)
def check_spread():
spread1 = mt5.symbol_info(PAIR1).spread
spread2 = mt5.symbol_info(PAIR2).spread
return spread1 <= SPREAD_FILTER and spread2 <= SPREAD_FILTER
def check_time():
current_time = datetime.now().time()
return START_TIME <= current_time <= END_TIME
def check_equity():
account_info = mt5.account_info()
if account_info is None:
raise Exception("Failed to get account info")
initial_equity = account_info.equity
current_equity = mt5.account_info().equity
return (initial_equity - current_equity) / initial_equity <= EQUITY_STOP_PERCENT
def open_position(pair, order_type, lot):
point = mt5.symbol_info(pair).point
price = mt5.symbol_info_tick(pair).ask if order_type == mt5.ORDER_TYPE_BUY else mt5.symbol_info_tick(pair).bid
deviation = 20
request = {
"action": mt5.TRADE_ACTION_DEAL,
"symbol": pair,
"volume": lot,
"type": order_type,
"price": price,
"deviation": deviation,
"magic": 234000,
"comment": "python script",
"type_time": mt5.ORDER_TIME_GTC,
"type_filling": mt5.ORDER_FILLING_IOC,
result = mt5.order_send(request)
print(f"Order for {pair} sent: {result}")
return result
def close_all_positions():
for pair in [PAIR1, PAIR2]:
positions = mt5.positions_get(symbol=pair)
for position in positions:
close_request = {
"action": mt5.TRADE_ACTION_DEAL,
"symbol": pair,
"volume": position.volume,
"type": mt5.ORDER_TYPE_SELL if position.type == 0 else mt5.ORDER_TYPE_BUY,
"position": position.ticket,
"price": mt5.symbol_info_tick(pair).bid if position.type == 0 else mt5.symbol_info_tick(pair).ask,
"deviation": 20,
"magic": 234000,
"comment": "python script close",
"type_time": mt5.ORDER_TIME_GTC,
"type_filling": mt5.ORDER_FILLING_IOC,
result = mt5.order_send(close_request)
print(f"Position closed for {pair}: {result}")
def main():
initial_equity = mt5.account_info().equity
while True:
if not check_time():
print("Outside trading hours. Waiting...")
time.sleep(3600) # Wait for an hour
if not check_equity():
print("Equity decrease threshold reached. Stopping trading.")
correlation = calculate_correlation()
print(f"Current correlation: {correlation}")
print("Correlation not negative enough. Waiting...")
time.sleep(3600) # Wait for an hour
if not check_spread():
print("Spread too high. Waiting...")
time.sleep(300) # Wait for 5 minutes
# Open positions
for i in range(MAX_ORDERS):
result1 = open_position(PAIR1, mt5.ORDER_TYPE_BUY, lot1)
result2 = open_position(PAIR2, mt5.ORDER_TYPE_SELL, lot2)
if result1.retcode != mt5.TRADE_RETCODE_DONE or result2.retcode != mt5.TRADE_RETCODE_DONE:
print("Failed to open positions. Closing all and waiting...")
time.sleep(300) # Wait for 5 minutes between orders
# Monitor positions
while True:
if not check_time() or not check_equity():
total_profit = sum(pos.profit for pos in mt5.positions_get())
print(f"Current total profit: {total_profit}")
if total_profit > 0:
print("Profit target reached. Closing all positions.")
time.sleep(60) # Check every minute
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print("Script terminated by user")
except Exception as e:
print(f"An error occurred: {e}")
time.sleep(60) # Wait a minute before retrying
if __name__ == "__main__":
zero9898 posted:
An idea for your next/future EAs.
How about work on 2 pairs with correlation(arround...50-60% negative) for positive swap, e.g. Long for USDJPY and short for EURGBP...with hedge/basket TP closed strategy.
Order Start Distance multiply count=value(order count)
Position Distance multiplication %=1.0~1.1,1.2,1.3.....
Order Start Lot multiply count=value(order count)
Lot Martingale coefficient %= 1.0~1.1,1.2,1.3.....
Spread filter(in point)
Trading time filter:
Start Time: 00:00
End Tine: 00:00
Pause/stop trading when Equity decreased
A simple EA for your reference.
Hopefully, the idea makes sense.
MT5 EA Version - not complied or tested:
//| CorrelatedPairsEA.mq5 |
//| Copyright 2024, Your Name Here |
//| https://www.mql5.com |
#property copyright "Copyright 2024, Your Name Here"
#property link "https://www.mql5.com"
#property version "1.00"
#property strict
// Input parameters
input string Pair1 = "USDJPY";
input string Pair2 = "EURGBP";
input ENUM_TIMEFRAMES Timeframe = PERIOD_H1;
input double InitialLot = 0.01;
input int MaxOrders = 5;
input double CorrelationThreshold = -0.5;
input int SpreadFilter = 20;
input double EquityStopPercent = 5.0;
input double PositionDistanceMultBase = 1.0;
input double PositionDistanceMultStep = 0.1;
input double LotMartingaleMultBase = 1.0;
input double LotMartingaleMultStep = 0.1;
input string StartTime = "00:00";
input string EndTime = "23:59";
// Global variables
double initialEquity;
int magic = 234000;
//| Expert initialization function |
int OnInit()
initialEquity = AccountInfoDouble(ACCOUNT_EQUITY);
//| Expert deinitialization function |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
// Close all positions when EA is removed
//| Expert tick function |
void OnTick()
if (!CheckTime())
Print("Outside trading hours. Waiting...");
if (!CheckEquity())
Print("Equity decrease threshold reached. Stopping trading.");
double correlation = CalculateCorrelation();
Print("Current correlation: ", correlation);
if (correlation > CorrelationThreshold)
Print("Correlation not negative enough. Waiting...");
if (!CheckSpread())
Print("Spread too high. Waiting...");
// Open positions
for (int i = 0; i < MaxOrders; i++)
double lot1 = InitialLot * (LotMartingaleMultBase + i * LotMartingaleMultStep);
double lot2 = InitialLot * (LotMartingaleMultBase + i * LotMartingaleMultStep);
if (!OpenPosition(Pair1, ORDER_TYPE_BUY, lot1) ||
!OpenPosition(Pair2, ORDER_TYPE_SELL, lot2))
Print("Failed to open positions. Closing all and waiting...");
Sleep(300000); // Wait for 5 minutes between orders
// Monitor positions
while (true)
if (!CheckTime() || !CheckEquity())
double totalProfit = CalculateTotalProfit();
Print("Current total profit: ", totalProfit);
if (totalProfit > 0)
Print("Profit target reached. Closing all positions.");
Sleep(60000); // Check every minute
//| Calculate correlation between two pairs |
double CalculateCorrelation()
int bars = 100;
double close1[], close2[];
ArraySetAsSeries(close1, true);
ArraySetAsSeries(close2, true);
CopyClose(Pair1, Timeframe, 0, bars, close1);
CopyClose(Pair2, Timeframe, 0, bars, close2);
return MathCorrelation(close1, close2, bars);
//| Check if current time is within trading hours |
bool CheckTime()
datetime currentTime = TimeCurrent();
datetime startTime = StringToTime(StartTime);
datetime endTime = StringToTime(EndTime);
return (currentTime >= startTime && currentTime <= endTime);
//| Check if equity has decreased beyond threshold |
bool CheckEquity()
double currentEquity = AccountInfoDouble(ACCOUNT_EQUITY);
return ((initialEquity - currentEquity) / initialEquity <= EquityStopPercent / 100);
//| Check if spread is within acceptable range |
bool CheckSpread()
return (SymbolInfoInteger(Pair1, SYMBOL_SPREAD) <= SpreadFilter &&
SymbolInfoInteger(Pair2, SYMBOL_SPREAD) <= SpreadFilter);
//| Open a new position |
bool OpenPosition(string symbol, ENUM_ORDER_TYPE orderType, double lot)
MqlTradeRequest request = {};
MqlTradeResult result = {};
request.action = TRADE_ACTION_DEAL;
request.symbol = symbol;
request.volume = lot;
request.type = orderType;
request.price = (orderType == ORDER_TYPE_BUY) ? SymbolInfoDouble(symbol, SYMBOL_ASK) : SymbolInfoDouble(symbol, SYMBOL_BID);
request.deviation = 20;
request.magic = magic;
request.comment = "CorrelatedPairsEA";
request.type_filling = ORDER_FILLING_IOC;
bool success = OrderSend(request, result);
if (!success)
Print("OrderSend error: ", GetLastError());
return false;
return true;
//| Close all open positions |
void CloseAllPositions()
for (int i = PositionsTotal() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
ulong ticket = PositionGetTicket(i);
if (ticket > 0)
if (PositionSelectByTicket(ticket))
MqlTradeRequest request = {};
MqlTradeResult result = {};
request.action = TRADE_ACTION_DEAL;
request.position = ticket;
request.symbol = PositionGetString(POSITION_SYMBOL);
request.volume = PositionGetDouble(POSITION_VOLUME);
request.price = (request.type == ORDER_TYPE_SELL) ? SymbolInfoDouble(request.symbol, SYMBOL_BID) : SymbolInfoDouble(request.symbol, SYMBOL_ASK);
request.deviation = 20;
request.magic = magic;
OrderSend(request, result);
//| Calculate total profit of all open positions |
double CalculateTotalProfit()
double totalProfit = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < PositionsTotal(); i++)
ulong ticket = PositionGetTicket(i);
if (ticket > 0)
if (PositionSelectByTicket(ticket))
totalProfit += PositionGetDouble(POSITION_PROFIT);
return totalProfit;
//| Custom function to calculate correlation |
double MathCorrelation(const double &x[], const double &y[], int size)
if (size <= 1)
return 0;
double sum_x = 0, sum_y = 0, sum_xy = 0;
double sum_x2 = 0, sum_y2 = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
sum_x += x[i];
sum_y += y[i];
sum_xy += x[i] * y[i];
sum_x2 += x[i] * x[i];
sum_y2 += y[i] * y[i];
double numerator = size * sum_xy - sum_x * sum_y;
double denominator = MathSqrt((size * sum_x2 - sum_x * sum_x) * (size * sum_y2 - sum_y * sum_y));
if (denominator == 0)
return 0;
return numerator / denominator;
AndreiW7 posted:
Hey everyone,
I'm offering to program trading strategies in MQL5 for free!
I'm looking to gather new ideas for developing trading robots and thought this would be a great way to connect with the community. Whether you have a simple strategy or a complex idea, I'd love to hear about it and bring it to life.
Feel free to share your strategies or ideas below.
Hi sir
can you make platform mt4 for copy demo only?
AndreiW7 posted:
Hey everyone,
I'm offering to program trading strategies in MQL5 for free!
I'm looking to gather new ideas for developing trading robots and thought this would be a great way to connect with the community. Whether you have a simple strategy or a complex idea, I'd love to hear about it and bring it to life.
Feel free to share your strategies or ideas below.
Hey, yes -
i am a fulltime intraday trader and i am searching someone who can code my stuff. Is this still uptodate?
XreyTrading posted:AndreiW7 posted:
Hey everyone,
I'm offering to program trading strategies in MQL5 for free!
I'm looking to gather new ideas for developing trading robots and thought this would be a great way to connect with the community. Whether you have a simple strategy or a complex idea, I'd love to hear about it and bring it to life.
Feel free to share your strategies or ideas below.
Hey, yes -
i am a fulltime intraday trader and i am searching someone who can code my stuff. Is this still uptodate?
Yes friend, I can help you
How are you
I have an EA that I need to implement following 2 things in it.
> Have a Time Security License where I input time "DD/MM/YY" lets say 27/03/25 - EA should stop functioning and get removed from chart at 0000 on 27 of March. Give a message "Trial has expired"
> Have a Account Number based Security Check where lets say I input 5 Account numbers and EA should be allowed to run only on those 5 Account Numbers.
Can you implement these 2 security features in the EA.
Let me know.
We'll create a Telegram channel, and I'll share a percentage of the profits with the developer. The strategy is very simple. I want to create an indicator in the TradeinView platform. The platform generates buy and sell signals when the MACD indicator crosses. Buy signals appear above the exponential moving average line, with a 200-candle close, and sell signals appear below it. The reward-to-loss ratio is 1/2.
ABOQASSEM posted:We'll create a Telegram channel, and I'll share a percentage of the profits with the developer. The strategy is very simple. I want to create an indicator in the TradeinView platform. The platform generates buy and sell signals when the MACD indicator crosses. Buy signals appear above the exponential moving average line, with a 200-candle close, and sell signals appear below it. The reward-to-loss ratio is 1/2.
Hi, send me a private message