MAM Pepperstone (โดย godcfds)


MAM Pepperstone การสนทนา

Oct 31, 2016 at 01:08
4,390 การดู
97 Replies
เป็นสมาชิกตั้งแต่ Oct 24, 2016   42 โพสต์
Dec 29, 2016 at 15:36
Hello to all, I work for my customers, not for myfxbook forums, but how I said, account will be verified because I have nothing to hide, what I want is to offer people to gain a lot of money, and me too, of course.
What I am not going to do is do it when you, jdsjijoj, Ozzie and fuze want it.
เป็นสมาชิกตั้งแต่ Nov 19, 2015   23 โพสต์
Dec 29, 2016 at 15:53
godcfds posted:
Hello to all, I work for my customers, not for myfxbook forums, but how I said, account will be verified because I have nothing to hide, what I want is to offer people to gain a lot of money, and me too, of course.
What I am not going to do is do it when you, jdsjijoj, Ozzie and fuze want it.

Then why are you engaging in a debate and saying you will verify the account but then dont do it? You said you will do it weeks ago, you repeated it a few times and you just said it again now. It just looks suspicious when you keep saying something and then not holding your word. It usually means you are hiding something. I would gladly invest with you but because all this secrecy I believe the account is not real and the performance is fake.
เป็นสมาชิกตั้งแต่ Oct 24, 2016   42 โพสต์
Dec 29, 2016 at 16:01
Ukadvisor posted:
Could you send me a private link at least with your account verification please?

Send me your email please
เป็นสมาชิกตั้งแต่ Feb 06, 2010   74 โพสต์
Dec 29, 2016 at 17:19
godcfds posted:
Hello to all, I work for my customers, not for myfxbook forums, but how I said, account will be verified because I have nothing to hide, what I want is to offer people to gain a lot of money, and me too, of course.
What I am not going to do is do it when you, jdsjijoj, Ozzie and fuze want it.

I don't understand what you've said here. You are here campaigning for clients, customers, investors, suckers whatever you want to call them. Why does anyone have to beg you to verify what you are claiming.... or why would you need to send a private link to someone to show a verified account where you can send someone a photo shop document. You are on here advertising something. You have to expect that you are going to be under scrutiny. Especial when you have not and can not verify your claims. I could be the customer that gives you a lot of money to manage but after all this cycle I wouldn't touch you with a 20' pole. Imagine you have $100k of my money in a bad trade and I'm telling you to get out but you keep debating with me that its a good trade. That would be a nightmare. So you can keep referring to the suckers who may still fell that you really have something but keep me out. I knew that you can never verify this account. For the guy that asked you for the link....What's the point....
เป็นสมาชิกตั้งแต่ Oct 24, 2016   42 โพสต์
Dec 29, 2016 at 18:17
Fuze, you are funny, really. You compare this discussion with business, of course for investing in PAMM - MAM - LAMM accounts of mine, you will have to sign a POA with conditions.
Be calm fuze, I promise don´t allow you to invest in my nex PAMM account, inclusive begging to me.
เป็นสมาชิกตั้งแต่ Feb 06, 2010   74 โพสต์
Dec 29, 2016 at 18:39
godcfds posted:
Fuze, you are funny, really. You compare this discussion with business, of course for investing in PAMM - MAM - LAMM accounts of mine, you will have to sign a POA with conditions.
Be calm fuze, I promise don´t allow you to invest in my nex PAMM account, inclusive begging to me.

I have no idea what you just said, Good luck
เป็นสมาชิกตั้งแต่ Jul 08, 2014   21 โพสต์
Dec 30, 2016 at 04:45
That account
Balance: €0.00
Equity:(0%) €0.00
เป็นสมาชิกตั้งแต่ Jan 05, 2016   1097 โพสต์
Dec 30, 2016 at 14:45 (แก้ไขแล้ว Dec 30, 2016 at 14:46)

If you want people to believe you are being honest and truthful simply verify your account.
If you can't verify your account and just make excuses then it's pretty obvious as to the reality of the situation.

If it looks too good to be true, it's probably a scam! Let the buyer beware.
เป็นสมาชิกตั้งแต่ Oct 24, 2016   42 โพสต์
Dec 30, 2016 at 18:56
Since I am here, on myfxbook, usually are the same people that are trying to throw shit to others.
Fortunately there are serious people, professionals that really want to gain money.
เป็นสมาชิกตั้งแต่ Jan 05, 2016   1097 โพสต์
Dec 30, 2016 at 19:12
godcfds posted:
Since I am here, on myfxbook, usually are the same people that are trying to throw shit to others.
Fortunately there are serious people, professionals that really want to gain money.

Not throwing shit at anyone. Just asking you to prove that your account is real by verifying it.
It only takes 30 seconds to prove you aren't a scammer. Simply fully verify your account.

If it looks too good to be true, it's probably a scam! Let the buyer beware.
เป็นสมาชิกตั้งแต่ Jan 05, 2016   1097 โพสต์
Dec 30, 2016 at 19:16

You are the one who said you would verify it.

Prove you are honest and truthful. Simply verify your account.

If you can't do it, then the evidence proves you are lying.
If it looks too good to be true, it's probably a scam! Let the buyer beware.
เป็นสมาชิกตั้งแต่ Oct 24, 2016   42 โพสต์
Dec 31, 2016 at 09:54
Hi Professional4X, account will be verified when I decide, not you. In other hand, account was verified at first, don´t remember? and people here could see it. For that reason, there are plenty of people interested in my services. It doesn´t mean that I am not going to verify, of course it will do it.

I wish all people in this forum a very good new year 2017.
เป็นสมาชิกตั้งแต่ Feb 06, 2010   74 โพสต์
Dec 31, 2016 at 19:28
godcfds posted:
Hi Professional4X, account will be verified when I decide, not you. In other hand, account was verified at first, don´t remember? and people here could see it. For that reason, there are plenty of people interested in my services. It doesn´t mean that I am not going to verify, of course it will do it.

I wish all people in this forum a very good new year 2017.

Not to start anything but where are those people? Why aren't they on here vouching for you....At this point I really don't think this matter anymore so stop saying that you will verify. It's your right not to and it's our rights not to believe you. Happy New Year buddy. Lots of pip dreams in 2017!
เป็นสมาชิกตั้งแต่ Jan 05, 2016   1097 โพสต์
Dec 31, 2016 at 21:11
godcfds posted:
Hi Professional4X, account will be verified when I decide, not you. In other hand, account was verified at first, don´t remember? and people here could see it. For that reason, there are plenty of people interested in my services. It doesn´t mean that I am not going to verify, of course it will do it.

I wish all people in this forum a very good new year 2017.

You are selling your services without proof of fiscal responsibility towards your clients and without proof of your account being legitimate, and without ANY verifiable evidence of your trading skills.

YOU are the one who said you would verify it. YOU have not done so.

Prove you are honest and truthful. Simply verify your account.

If you can't do it, then the evidence proves you are lying and a scammer and a fraud.

If it looks too good to be true, it's probably a scam! Let the buyer beware.
เป็นสมาชิกตั้งแต่ May 04, 2012   1534 โพสต์
Jan 02, 2017 at 08:25
Fuze posted:
godcfds posted:
Hello to all, I work for my customers, not for myfxbook forums, but how I said, account will be verified because I have nothing to hide, what I want is to offer people to gain a lot of money, and me too, of course.
What I am not going to do is do it when you, jdsjijoj, Ozzie and fuze want it.

I don't understand what you've said here. You are here campaigning for clients, customers, investors, suckers whatever you want to call them. Why does anyone have to beg you to verify what you are claiming.... or why would you need to send a private link to someone to show a verified account where you can send someone a photo shop document. You are on here advertising something. You have to expect that you are going to be under scrutiny. Especial when you have not and can not verify your claims. I could be the customer that gives you a lot of money to manage but after all this cycle I wouldn't touch you with a 20' pole. Imagine you have $100k of my money in a bad trade and I'm telling you to get out but you keep debating with me that its a good trade. That would be a nightmare. So you can keep referring to the suckers who may still fell that you really have something but keep me out. I knew that you can never verify this account. For the guy that asked you for the link....What's the point....

Well said @Fuze !

You have pointed it out correctly for this MyFxBook member: "You are on here advertising something. You have to expect that you are going to be under scrutiny. Especial when you have not and can not verify your claims."

ไฟล์แนบ :

Please click "Vouch" if you liked my post. If not, just put me on your Blocked list. :o)
เป็นสมาชิกตั้งแต่ May 04, 2012   1534 โพสต์
Jan 02, 2017 at 08:26
Come on guys...! Don't fall for these results...

ไฟล์แนบ :

Please click "Vouch" if you liked my post. If not, just put me on your Blocked list. :o)
เป็นสมาชิกตั้งแต่ Nov 19, 2015   23 โพสต์
Jan 02, 2017 at 09:41
godcfds posted:
Hi Professional4X, account will be verified when I decide, not you. In other hand, account was verified at first, don´t remember? and people here could see it. For that reason, there are plenty of people interested in my services. It doesn´t mean that I am not going to verify, of course it will do it.

I wish all people in this forum a very good new year 2017.


เป็นสมาชิกตั้งแต่ Oct 28, 2016   6 โพสต์
Jan 02, 2017 at 11:58
Personally, I will try with this manager, in the Broker that opens its new PAMM or MAM, but pointing out the Broker with a certain level of risk.

I think not everything in life can be bad, I also believe in the opportunities or in managers who can generate good returns and without a doubt the best of the vibes for this year.
เป็นสมาชิกตั้งแต่ Feb 06, 2010   74 โพสต์
Jan 02, 2017 at 12:47
Ukadvisor posted:
Personally, I will try with this manager, in the Broker that opens its new PAMM or MAM, but pointing out the Broker with a certain level of risk.

I think not everything in life can be bad, I also believe in the opportunities or in managers who can generate good returns and without a doubt the best of the vibes for this year.

You are either Gogfds or you are the worse unwise investor on this platform, and I said unwise to be politically correct. " Personally, I will try this manager " ! On what basis have you reached this decision....After what everyone have pointed out that you would post a comment as unwise as that. So when you lose your account, it will be well deserved. I can't believe that you are this unwise that is why you have to be Godfds or his affiliate.
เป็นสมาชิกตั้งแต่ Feb 06, 2010   74 โพสต์
Jan 02, 2017 at 13:13
@FxMasterGuru , Thanks. Happy new year
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