RoFx (โดย rofxnet)


RoFx การสนทนา

Jan 01, 2019 at 23:16
12,839 การดู
255 Replies
เป็นสมาชิกตั้งแต่ May 06, 2020   3 โพสต์
Nov 08, 2020 at 06:03
mangocheesecake posted:
what are people's thoughts on the recent flood of positive reviews on trustpilot recently?

I noticed that, as well. It was relatively dormant for weeks, then all of a sudden, many. It could just be that ROFX is picking up steam. Or it could be marketing. But so many positives in such a short period of time does seem a bit suspicious.
เป็นสมาชิกตั้งแต่ Oct 17, 2020   13 โพสต์
Nov 08, 2020 at 11:39
SFinvest posted:
mangocheesecake posted:
what are people's thoughts on the recent flood of positive reviews on trustpilot recently?

I noticed that, as well. It was relatively dormant for weeks, then all of a sudden, many. It could just be that ROFX is picking up steam. Or it could be marketing. But so many positives in such a short period of time does seem a bit suspicious.

Check if the reviewers made any other review before. If not then they can be fake users. You just make a free email like gmail and post review. There is no verification on this and one person can put hundreds of fake reviews each time from different free email...
เป็นสมาชิกตั้งแต่ Jul 06, 2020   35 โพสต์
Nov 12, 2020 at 22:10
@marco_mmbiz Isn’t your motto on here “patience is the key”?

I’m well on my way to 100% return. That’ll work.

Just need a little patience.
If it is to be it is up to me!
เป็นสมาชิกตั้งแต่ Jul 20, 2019   338 โพสต์
Nov 13, 2020 at 09:17
OldRetiredGuy posted:
@marco_mmbiz Isn’t your motto on here “patience is the key”?

I’m well on my way to 100% return. That’ll work.

Just need a little patience.

Your posts are just bla bla all the time. Read through this thread on FPA and learn:
Or watch this video again an learn aswell:
patience is the key
เป็นสมาชิกตั้งแต่ Jul 06, 2020   35 โพสต์
Nov 13, 2020 at 11:54
marco_mmbiz posted:
OldRetiredGuy posted:
@marco_mmbiz Isn’t your motto on here “patience is the key”?

I’m well on my way to 100% return. That’ll work.

Just need a little patience.

Your posts are just bla bla all the time. Read through this thread on FPA and learn:
Or watch this video again an learn aswell:

Your posts on this thread reflect somebody with zero skin in the game. My posts reflect an actual trader who is a money maker. Does that bother you? Of course it does. It definitively refutes every negative claim from you on this thread and every site you link.

For your information (which I knowingly point out I owe you none of), I read every word (beginning in July of 2019) from every site you've linked on this thread. All prior to joining RoFX in January, 2020. I also watched the video when it came out (which was 8 months ago). I can definitively point out that the risks, at this point, are worth the reward. Can you refute this? NO!

I can also factually claim to personally knowing over a dozen people who, like me, are making money in this vehicle. All of which have over $50k of real money in the game. Will we all lose it? Sure, it's possible. Risk is real. That's why I balance my factual claims of money making with a conservative approach of taking profits and getting one's initial investment withdrawn asap. Doing so also refutes the claim of it being only "one way" - your foray into this thread.

So, at this point, my "bla bla" as you refer to it is not the meaningless drivel you'd like to proclaim but rather, the truth. As it exists. In real time. The clock is ticking.
If it is to be it is up to me!
เป็นสมาชิกตั้งแต่ Mar 10, 2020   5 โพสต์
Nov 14, 2020 at 10:12
I dont understand this !
OldRetiredGuy and me are using RoFx for quit some time, ... we both got way over our investement back ... and still get profits.
I can understand that you have doubts and you might be suspicious. You have to be ... for there are many many scams... and I know for I've tried over 20 different compagnies. I've been scammed so many times ...

But if you don't agree with someone, you don't have to insult them for what they believe ...

And to be hones I don't care if you think it's blablabla ...
I also don't care if you invest there ore not ...

We just tell you our experience ... but if you prefer to watch video's of people who are claiming to know the trued ... be my gust.

เป็นสมาชิกตั้งแต่ Jun 22, 2013   91 โพสต์
Nov 15, 2020 at 11:11
Frederob posted:
I dont understand this !
OldRetiredGuy and me are using RoFx for quit some time, ... we both got way over our investement back ... and still get profits.
I can understand that you have doubts and you might be suspicious. You have to be ... for there are many many scams... and I know for I've tried over 20 different compagnies. I've been scammed so many times ...

But if you don't agree with someone, you don't have to insult them for what they believe ...

And to be hones I don't care if you think it's blablabla ...
I also don't care if you invest there ore not ...

We just tell you our experience ... but if you prefer to watch video's of people who are claiming to know the trued ... be my gust.

You do know that you are participating in a scheme and your profits are other peoples investments? Also do you know once this collapses all profit (except initial deposit) u took out will have to be returned to compensate investors that lost in this scheme? The fbi or whoever will gain complaint will make sure of it. So now knowing all this, how can you stil support it?
เป็นสมาชิกตั้งแต่ Jun 22, 2013   91 โพสต์
Nov 16, 2020 at 09:03
OldRetiredGuy posted:
@oportunis Might have taken the scare post to an entirely new level with that last post:
"You do know that you are participating in a scheme and your profits are other peoples investments? Also do you know once this collapses all profit (except initial deposit) u took out will have to be returned to compensate investors that lost in this scheme? The fbi or whoever will gain complaint will make sure of it. So now knowing all this, how can you stil support it?"

Everything in that post is either completely made up and/or complete conjecture. This is why making any investment decisions taking advice from anonymous people on an internet message board should be a crime. I'll check back to update y'all on the status of my investment. Good luck - if you keep reading trash like that quote above, you're gonna really need it!

I suggest that you read first how Ponzi scheme is dealt with by law in your country before saying it's all made up...

I participated in one unknowingly and in my country they froze all company assets, the team behind it was prosecuted and sent to prison only for 6 years but at least something. The remaining funds went then into court and then it was decided who gets what part, all that company owned was sold and sent to compensate investors. I got about 30% back from my total investment the person that introduced me to them got about 200% out but then the court ordered him to return all his profit because it was proven that this in fact wasn't profit but other people's investments. This "baloon2 is probably over 10 mil. now so if investors combine the international law and regulators will take action.

Why do I think this is a scheme? Simple, because there is no founding team visible, the offshore company is owned by another offshore company and so on... There is no office just a virtual one, there is no regulator that will take action now and ask for a financial license and audit the yearly financial report of the company... They offer packages that lock down your initial investment. They lie about IPO and Warren Buffet and so on...

There is also a moral point of view. If you want to make a profit on behalf of other people and don't care that they lose it, fine, but a moral person would always point out the scam and warn others before investing!

I ask you again, knowing all this how can you continue saying all is fine if it's not. If it smells like a duck, walks like a duck then it's what?
เป็นสมาชิกตั้งแต่ Jul 06, 2020   35 โพสต์
Nov 16, 2020 at 22:00
Got to remind you @oportunis you've been slamming this since May of 2019. Now, this weekend, for the first time, you post about some ponzi scheme you got caught up in (having never posted anything about it in all your previous posts on this thread). You cap it off by bringing morals into it, too. You're working very hard to convince people their profits are tainted and/or their in grave danger putting money into RoFX. I'll just tell you - I'm good. I have a plan. I've pretty much laid it out & shown what's possible here.

You can continue all you want down whatever rabbit hole you'd like. I'll do as I have since joining and continue to post the risk/reward and keep this group updated. Given you've spent over 1.5 years on this subject, nothing I say nor anybody else says, will ever convince you otherwise. Carry on, mate.

Sincerely, The Duck.
If it is to be it is up to me!
เป็นสมาชิกตั้งแต่ Oct 17, 2020   13 โพสต์
Nov 17, 2020 at 08:36
OldRetiredGuy posted:
Got to remind you @oportunis you've been slamming this since May of 2019. Now, this weekend, for the first time, you post about some ponzi scheme you got caught up in (having never posted anything about it in all your previous posts on this thread). You cap it off by bringing morals into it, too. You're working very hard to convince people their profits are tainted and/or their in grave danger putting money into RoFX. I'll just tell you - I'm good. I have a plan. I've pretty much laid it out & shown what's possible here.

You can continue all you want down whatever rabbit hole you'd like. I'll do as I have since joining and continue to post the risk/reward and keep this group updated. Given you've spent over 1.5 years on this subject, nothing I say nor anybody else says, will ever convince you otherwise. Carry on, mate.

Sincerely, The Duck.

You can use reference of how a scam works here -,49
Exactly same approach as you have here and it lasted 5 years... The end game is lure enough capital in, then make a "mistake" in few hours that blows account and blame it on the market. No proof of any wrongdoing... Anyone investing in unregulated broker that can produce trades on demand without any audit is playing with fire... Don't be naive and stay away from such scams. If you are early sure you might win, but if you are investing now the risk of losing funds is far greater.

You oldretiredguy stop promoting it and be happy you got your investment out. By promoting such scheme you are luring more investors and thus prolonging it and more people will get hurt. It seems this is your goal to get as much of other people money to yourself otherwise I don't see any reason why would you waste time on this, since no happy investor is wasting time on forums, unless you are scared that you lose. Have you considered that those investing in this now might lose all their investments? It's not about you but for naive investors that don't know how such schemes work...
เป็นสมาชิกตั้งแต่ Jul 06, 2020   35 โพสต์
Nov 17, 2020 at 21:04
@protectron And we have another who KNOWS not only that this is a ponzi scheme but also MY motives for being involved. Thanks for the help Nostradamus.
If it is to be it is up to me!
เป็นสมาชิกตั้งแต่ Oct 17, 2020   13 โพสต์
Nov 18, 2020 at 11:04
OldRetiredGuy posted:
@protectron And we have another who KNOWS not only that this is a ponzi scheme but also MY motives for being involved. Thanks for the help Nostradamus.

I'm not Nostradamus but in your case I can predict clearly what will happen...

1. They are making a push to lure more investors with false marketing on IPO and Warren Buffet involvement. This is the lie that should bring all red flags to this company because Warren would never post publicly that they will invest 500 mil. into any company due to market manipulation. He does share information to shareholders internally but after the fact...

2. There is no IPO in Vanuatu where broker is based unless they do it in USA or UK which would bring a shitstorm of regulators to them. In fact I do hope they make an IPO so I can short them and drop email to hinderburgresearch to make sure they will take them down.

3. There is no loss coverage, this is another lie that they promote. We can put an example of Warren... He invest 500 millions with them and they make a loss... there are no funds to cover such loss, not even a smaller like 1 mil... Any company writing they can cover your loss is a scam. Nothing in this world is without risk! If there would be such a thing that loss can be covered by a company all financial world would be invested in this and reality shows it's not...

4. Once this scheme ends you will delete your profile here and move on to something else thinking you got lucky.

You can put this comment in a frame and check it once this happens and hopefully you will see what you did wrong, by thinking only about yourself and not people investing now or in the future... I have no idea how long this scheme will last, but no matter it's a scheme and as we exposed and warned about many of them this is one is no different... Our goal is to expose the scheme early so that many naive investors don't get hurt.
เป็นสมาชิกตั้งแต่ Jul 20, 2019   338 โพสต์
Nov 18, 2020 at 15:30
protectron posted:
OldRetiredGuy posted:
@protectron And we have another who KNOWS not only that this is a ponzi scheme but also MY motives for being involved. Thanks for the help Nostradamus.

I'm not Nostradamus but in your case I can predict clearly what will happen...

1. They are making a push to lure more investors with false marketing on IPO and Warren Buffet involvement. This is the lie that should bring all red flags to this company because Warren would never post publicly that they will invest 500 mil. into any company due to market manipulation. He does share information to shareholders internally but after the fact...

2. There is no IPO in Vanuatu where broker is based unless they do it in USA or UK which would bring a shitstorm of regulators to them. In fact I do hope they make an IPO so I can short them and drop email to hinderburgresearch to make sure they will take them down.

3. There is no loss coverage, this is another lie that they promote. We can put an example of Warren... He invest 500 millions with them and they make a loss... there are no funds to cover such loss, not even a smaller like 1 mil... Any company writing they can cover your loss is a scam. Nothing in this world is without risk! If there would be such a thing that loss can be covered by a company all financial world would be invested in this and reality shows it's not...

4. Once this scheme ends you will delete your profile here and move on to something else thinking you got lucky.

You can put this comment in a frame and check it once this happens and hopefully you will see what you did wrong, by thinking only about yourself and not people investing now or in the future... I have no idea how long this scheme will last, but no matter it's a scheme and as we exposed and warned about many of them this is one is no different... Our goal is to expose the scheme early so that many naive investors don't get hurt.

100% agree. 😎
patience is the key
เป็นสมาชิกตั้งแต่ Jul 06, 2020   35 โพสต์
Nov 20, 2020 at 21:31
Feeling even better about this one since @protectron & @marco_mmbiz are in 100% agreement.
If it is to be it is up to me!
เป็นสมาชิกตั้งแต่ Jul 17, 2020   17 โพสต์
Nov 23, 2020 at 12:23
protectron posted:
OldRetiredGuy posted:
@protectron And we have another who KNOWS not only that this is a ponzi scheme but also MY motives for being involved. Thanks for the help Nostradamus.

I'm not Nostradamus but in your case I can predict clearly what will happen...

You can put this comment in a frame and check it once this happens and hopefully you will see what you did wrong, by thinking only about yourself and not people investing now or in the future... I have no idea how long this scheme will last, but no matter it's a scheme and as we exposed and warned about many of them this is one is no different... Our goal is to expose the scheme early so that many naive investors don't get hurt.

you are speaking correctly in case of ponzi schemes existence in principle and describing how it happens.
1. no one should accuse another person without any evidence. all these assumptions are irrelevant. at least 95% of traders lose their accounts partially or completely according to statistics. so in 95% of cases you will be right.
2. why are you wasting your energy warning naive investors? as long as the market, trust management exists, there will be investors and there will be losses.
besides, there is enough cruelty in the world where you can direct your superman energy. this is terrorism and wars and bullying of women and children. but you care about other people's money?...

investors must understand the risks of forex and diversify risks by investing in different accounts or areas. and if they got money to burn, then there is no need to warn such people. this is my 2 cents
เป็นสมาชิกตั้งแต่ Jun 22, 2013   91 โพสต์
Nov 27, 2020 at 15:48
Mathias88 posted:
protectron posted:
OldRetiredGuy posted:
@protectron And we have another who KNOWS not only that this is a ponzi scheme but also MY motives for being involved. Thanks for the help Nostradamus.

I'm not Nostradamus but in your case I can predict clearly what will happen...

You can put this comment in a frame and check it once this happens and hopefully you will see what you did wrong, by thinking only about yourself and not people investing now or in the future... I have no idea how long this scheme will last, but no matter it's a scheme and as we exposed and warned about many of them this is one is no different... Our goal is to expose the scheme early so that many naive investors don't get hurt.

you are speaking correctly in case of ponzi schemes existence in principle and describing how it happens.
1. no one should accuse another person without any evidence. all these assumptions are irrelevant. at least 95% of traders lose their accounts partially or completely according to statistics. so in 95% of cases you will be right.
2. why are you wasting your energy warning naive investors? as long as the market, trust management exists, there will be investors and there will be losses.
besides, there is enough cruelty in the world where you can direct your superman energy. this is terrorism and wars and bullying of women and children. but you care about other people's money?...

investors must understand the risks of forex and diversify risks by investing in different accounts or areas. and if they got money to burn, then there is no need to warn such people. this is my 2 cents

You need to warn them because most investors are not high-end investors boot poor or middle struggling class that is hoping for the better life and they are lured into this trap and they gain confidence and invest money they cannot afford to lose. It's happening again and again. Here at least we can warn them and hopefully prevent some investors to blindly trust and deposit their life savings.
เป็นสมาชิกตั้งแต่ Jul 06, 2020   35 โพสต์
Nov 29, 2020 at 17:51
Guys named @protectron @oportunis & @marco_mmbiz here to save you from your money. As an @OldRetiredGuy let me give you a little advice: Do your own DD. Invest only what you can afford to lose. Make a plan & stick with it. Don’t take advice from those with zero skin in the game.

I have requested another $9k withdrawal & opened another $1k Advanced/Compound package. Slowly. Steadily. Surely.

All the best to each of you - even the doubters!

If it is to be it is up to me!
เป็นสมาชิกตั้งแต่ Oct 17, 2020   13 โพสต์
Nov 30, 2020 at 11:57
OldRetiredGuy posted:
Guys named @protectron @oportunis & @marco_mmbiz here to save you from your money. As an @OldRetiredGuy let me give you a little advice: Do your own DD. Invest only what you can afford to lose. Make a plan & stick with it. Don’t take advice from those with zero skin in the game.

I have requested another $9k withdrawal & opened another $1k Advanced/Compound package. Slowly. Steadily. Surely.

All the best to each of you - even the doubters!

Good for you. I hope you will take a deep good look once this collapses. You do know that there is no technology in the world that would keep the draw down under 1% ever... Wallstreet would buy off that company 100x over... You thinking that those results are real is really concerning and damaging for other people and it points out that you have no clue how forex trading works.

Also another question arises, why would somebody need other people money to trade if they have such a free risk ATM system. Why would they need your money specifically if they can make profit on their own? Why would they need the stress and people pointing fingers at them if they can just trade privately? I understand traders that start and don't have capital, but here we see an initial deposit of 10 million so clearly they don't need your money. Oh and I forgot no withdrawals made ever...

Don't be naive and learn to trade on your own. Stay out of such scams. Keep the money on regulated broker and under your control. Invest your time in proper education and only then test on demo and after you find your strategy trade with real.

เป็นสมาชิกตั้งแต่ Jul 06, 2020   35 โพสต์
Dec 02, 2020 at 14:30
Did you take all of that right out of a manual @protectron ? Let me repeat: Do your own DD. Invest only what you can afford to lose. Don't take advice from those with zero skin in the game.

So ... I put a small (in relative terms) amount of my total portfolio into this. I withdraw profits regularly (quarterly to begin with & now monthly) with a plan to have my initial investment +100% profit withdrawn in 16 months. So far, right on schedule. The boogeyman (I mean unregulated broker) has performed right on time every time.

Naive you call me? I'm anything but that. Learn to trade on my own you recommend? Let's compare just one trading account for the past couple of years. Then we'll know who's making money and who's acting the part of the trader. You can get your friends @oportunis and @marco_mmbiz in on this also. You may need their numbers ...

Thanks for all the help!
If it is to be it is up to me!
เป็นสมาชิกตั้งแต่ Jun 22, 2013   91 โพสต์
Dec 02, 2020 at 16:28
OldRetiredGuy posted:
Did you take all of that right out of a manual @protectron ? Let me repeat: Do your own DD. Invest only what you can afford to lose. Don't take advice from those with zero skin in the game.

So ... I put a small (in relative terms) amount of my total portfolio into this. I withdraw profits regularly (quarterly to begin with & now monthly) with a plan to have my initial investment +100% profit withdrawn in 16 months. So far, right on schedule. The boogeyman (I mean unregulated broker) has performed right on time every time.

Naive you call me? I'm anything but that. Learn to trade on my own you recommend? Let's compare just one trading account for the past couple of years. Then we'll know who's making money and who's acting the part of the trader. You can get your friends @oportunis and @marco_mmbiz in on this also. You may need their numbers ...

Thanks for all the help!

Sure show us your account so we can see... You can check mine anytime on my profile... And it's not about you, but to average Joe here, that doesn't know how it works. This is not the first time I warn people. There were Thorex, gulden5, safeinvest, AnthonyWins... and many more I can't remember all and guess what? All were on some unregulated offshore broker...
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