Discussion of the Forex Contest FX Choice Forex Contest

Mar 02, 2015 at 08:37
21,293 Görüntüleme
930 Replies
Mar 09, 2013 zamanından beri üye   45 iletiler
Mar 05, 2015 at 09:54
Rash2580 posted:
is there anyone knows when is the contest going to start?

"Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently." ~Henry Ford~
Feb 27, 2015 zamanından beri üye   3 iletiler
Mar 05, 2015 at 09:56
Hello dear traders!
Glad participation in this contest and to communicate with You!
I am looking for investors who are interested email me!
Good day, great all the profits!)
Sincerely, Roman. 😀
"A good day I'm a bad day I'm fine, what's the difference, emotions to the fact are not!"
Sep 16, 2009 zamanından beri üye   112 iletiler
Mar 05, 2015 at 10:24
Dude , 3700% is achievable. Check other contests.

My target is 5000% in this one. Compound gains till it breaks the bank!

can the pursuit of wealth be automated?
May 08, 2010 zamanından beri üye   178 iletiler
Mar 05, 2015 at 10:31
3,700%...5,000%....and over 100,000%.....YES, of course that happens ALL the time in most Demo FREE competitions 😁...What I am saying is, why not go on a LIVE trading account to achieve the same results?.....and with such high profits return, you only need USD5 pittance initial capital and go on 1:2000 leverage with EXNESS and you should be a multimillionaire in no time 😁
Nov 09, 2014 zamanından beri üye   57 iletiler
Mar 05, 2015 at 10:37
RahmanSL posted:
3,700%...5,000%....and over 100,000%.....YES, of course that happens ALL the time in most Demo FREE competitions 😁...What I am saying is, why not go on a LIVE trading account to achieve the same results?.....and with such high profits return, you only need USD5 pittance initial capital and go on 1:2000 leverage with EXNESS and you should be a multimillionaire in no time 😁

Yes, Keep it going bros! No % are here limited, fire free 😎


be humble,wise and thanks the Lord for every pip you get and try to keep it!
Nov 09, 2014 zamanından beri üye   57 iletiler
Mar 05, 2015 at 10:39
kebayamwamba posted:
Dude , 3700% is achievable. Check other contests.

My target is 5000% in this one. Compound gains till it breaks the bank!


I thought the contests will be started on 16th of this month, but it seems to be that we already make a " mouth" contest :D


be humble,wise and thanks the Lord for every pip you get and try to keep it!
Sep 16, 2009 zamanından beri üye   112 iletiler
Mar 05, 2015 at 10:47
RahmanSL posted:
3,700%...5,000%....and over 100,000%.....YES, of course that happens ALL the time in most Demo FREE competitions 😁...What I am saying is, why not go on a LIVE trading account to achieve the same results?.....and with such high profits return, you only need USD5 pittance initial capital and go on 1:2000 leverage with EXNESS and you should be a multimillionaire in no time 😁

Dude chillax... watch men do this... boys stand aside.. BSD
can the pursuit of wealth be automated?
Oct 03, 2013 zamanından beri üye   8 iletiler
Mar 05, 2015 at 11:01
Contest starts in 10 Days 21 Hours 58 Minutes 57 Seconds
Dum Spiro Spero
Nov 09, 2014 zamanından beri üye   57 iletiler
Mar 05, 2015 at 11:08
kebayamwamba posted:
RahmanSL posted:
3,700%...5,000%....and over 100,000%.....YES, of course that happens ALL the time in most Demo FREE competitions 😁...What I am saying is, why not go on a LIVE trading account to achieve the same results?.....and with such high profits return, you only need USD5 pittance initial capital and go on 1:2000 leverage with EXNESS and you should be a multimillionaire in no time 😁

Dude chillax... watch men do this... boys stand aside.. BSD

Hey bro,

In forex no difference will be made between age ranges and background of a person, it is just counted the results and who will survive in that battle of "money', of course with live accounts! Demo is a place for you to do your practice to enter in a new level of financial world!


be humble,wise and thanks the Lord for every pip you get and try to keep it!
Nov 02, 2014 zamanından beri üye   9 iletiler
Mar 05, 2015 at 13:27
good news....
term & condition of contest :

The use of commercial robot is prohibited.
Any kind of arbitrage trading or any other abuse with pricing and/or quotes will be subject to disqualification from the Contest.

what ever it takes, never give up hope
Sep 16, 2009 zamanından beri üye   112 iletiler
Mar 05, 2015 at 13:29
relax guys... this is demo money... nothing serious.. I apologise if i rubbed someone the wrong way! its friendly banter.!! do not take anything personal... am sorry
can the pursuit of wealth be automated?
Feb 13, 2015 zamanından beri üye   2 iletiler
Mar 05, 2015 at 19:49
Hey everyone
Really looking forward to the competition. I am relatively new to myfxbook, and up until now I have always been under the impression that EA's and robots were not a good idea. You should learn how to trade on your own, which I have done. However, there seems to be some promising results with regards to EA's. Does anybody use them and have consistent REAL money pfofits over a period of time. Can you also suggest to me the best EA's that are free please thank you
Aug 24, 2010 zamanından beri üye   21 iletiler
Mar 05, 2015 at 20:24 (Mar 05, 2015 at 20:27 düzenlendi)
RahmanSL posted:
3,700% profits in one month???
...hehehe...then you should go on a live trading account and make real money for yourself...and, if you can make 3,700% in one month of trading, that would be 44,400% in 12 months....and if you start on a USD1,000 live account, that will be at LEAST USD444,000.00 of REAL money ....and in 5-10 years???...you will be a multimillionaire!😁

Yeah, the problem is it's very hard to sustain. I've actually had a monstrous 2 months or so in a real money account swinging for the fences on oil -- made about 1,000% (actually more than that but I'm still exposed and slightly less up now than my high water mark currently). I know this sounds massive and in % terms it's insane, but the account started with only £250 and is now approx £2,500 so it's not exactly life changing. As others have said, it's also doubtful that one would be able to sustain this level of performance for another 2 months, let alone a whole year, as these types of returns imply extreme risk. So, thousands of % is perhaps possible in a month, but don't extrapolate too naievely from that... the risk of ruin is very real when you push things that hard, it's almost inevitable that you will blow up at that sort of level of performance.
Nov 13, 2010 zamanından beri üye   44 iletiler
Mar 06, 2015 at 10:49
why not just ban all EAs or start 2 competitions, one for humans , one for robots. It's not fair for humans to trade against robots.
Feb 27, 2015 zamanından beri üye   3 iletiler
Mar 06, 2015 at 13:17
Hello traders and investors!
I would be happy to compete with You with this contest =)
Looking for investors to expand their service purchases of financial instruments.
Good luck to everyone.
Sincerely, Roman. 😎
"A good day I'm a bad day I'm fine, what's the difference, emotions to the fact are not!"
Sep 17, 2013 zamanından beri üye   1 iletiler
Mar 06, 2015 at 15:11
I have a combination style of an EA running om two pairs, whilst I trade the EUR/GBP, I use Fibs a lot, turned 50k into 495k in 14 days, which as you say is a very easy to do in a demo account. How long have you been trading? Nick
Jul 13, 2012 zamanından beri üye   1 iletiler
Mar 06, 2015 at 15:12
but to make 1000% have used a lever to suicide.
it went well, but you risked a lot, you're a crazy man!Do not come to a year if you continue like this, trust me.
Nov 29, 2014 zamanından beri üye   2 iletiler
Mar 06, 2015 at 15:12
may the pips be with me...
i hope you blow your account so i can take the prize 😈😁😈
Once you stop learning, you start dying
Feb 13, 2015 zamanından beri üye   2 iletiler
Mar 06, 2015 at 15:16
bkforex posted:
why not just ban all EAs or start 2 competitions, one for humans , one for robots. It's not fair for humans to trade against robots.

Hi there
Are you from bkforex.com?? I have a scalping strategy I have developed and was wondering if I could ask you a couple of questions?? I just need some advice on stops and limits and if there is any advice you could offer to develop strategy further?? If you have an email address I will send you over my thoughts!! Thank you

Mar 26, 2014 zamanından beri üye   4 iletiler
Mar 06, 2015 at 15:16
I agreed with this fellow. humans vs humans.....EAs vs EAs...great idea!

On Fri, Mar 6, 2015 at 5:49 AM, Myfxbook wrote:

Hello enoeraew!

bkforex has just posted in your subscribed topic Forex Contest FX Choice:

"why not just ban all EAs or start 2 competitions, one for humans , one for robots. It's not fair for humans to trade against robots."
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