Mar 19 at 06:55
263 Görüntüleme
1 Replies
Apr 03, 2017 zamanından beri üye   11 iletiler
Mar 19 at 06:55 (Mar 19 at 06:57 düzenlendi)
Dangerous pair to trade for newbies.

Share your insight on how you trade this pair.
Plan your TRADE - Trade your PLAN
Sep 01, 2022 zamanından beri üye   24 iletiler
Mar 19 at 09:50
SureProfitFX posted:
Dangerous pair to trade for newbies.

Share your insight on how you trade this pair.
There are no specific pairs that are more dangerous than another pair.
'A chart is a chart is a chart'.
When a trader follows the rules (chart language), then trading will become profitable for anyone.
It is us traders who violate these rules and put the health of our trading account at risk.
A little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing!
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