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Japan eco stats surpass US
Mar 20, 2014 zamanından beri üye
2 iletiler
Mar 28, 2014 at 07:55
Mar 20, 2014 zamanından beri üye
2 iletiler
Japan reported YoY inflation of 1.5% YOY, US was 1.1%
Japan reported unemployment of 3.5%, US was 6.7%
Japan reported YoY retail sales growth of 3.6% , US was 1.5%.
Which economy is strengthening faster?
What are the implications of these stats for relative currency value of USD/JPY?
Japan reported unemployment of 3.5%, US was 6.7%
Japan reported YoY retail sales growth of 3.6% , US was 1.5%.
Which economy is strengthening faster?
What are the implications of these stats for relative currency value of USD/JPY?

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