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- Made $200 k profit but still nervous and not trust in my sel...
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Made $200 k profit but still nervous and not trust in my self .
Aug 26, 2014 zamanından beri üye
23 iletiler
Apr 15, 2016 at 11:41
Aug 26, 2014 zamanından beri üye
23 iletiler
Hi Friends ,
I have been trading on and off over 10 years .
ofcours like most of people here I lost money , a lot of money in last 10 years .
I gave up 3 - 4 times and came back .Couple times I even swear never trade again because I understand forex is zero sum game at the end most of us would lose our shirts .
I worked different jobs in my life but I have to amid , trading is my favorite job , I love trading , I can look at the iPhone or chart on computer 24 hours without eating ,I don't feel tired . In trading I see who I am , it is action , excited , scary , nervous , happiness , joy , stress ….. you can have whole life in trading .
I think about trading when I eat , when I sleep ….and even when I make love ..( no kidding ) .
I try to find the way to make profit , I tested hundred ways , read many books .
And finally I think I found the secret .Ofcourse I can't share here , it is not because I am selfish but I believe experience everybody is different .
I start made profit every month in last 14 months it is better better every month , the total profit about $200 k so far .
I feel I can have career and make good living to take care my family and pay them back those days they worry about me and think I am a worthless person who addicted to gamble .
I have mix feeling of happiness , worry , don't trust in my self can make profit like this in long run .
I feel guilty too because I know zero sum game then I took money from sone one else .
Just wonder any one here trade for living ? please share your feeling and if possible to make profit years to come or even can make millions of dollars .
I have been trading on and off over 10 years .
ofcours like most of people here I lost money , a lot of money in last 10 years .
I gave up 3 - 4 times and came back .Couple times I even swear never trade again because I understand forex is zero sum game at the end most of us would lose our shirts .
I worked different jobs in my life but I have to amid , trading is my favorite job , I love trading , I can look at the iPhone or chart on computer 24 hours without eating ,I don't feel tired . In trading I see who I am , it is action , excited , scary , nervous , happiness , joy , stress ….. you can have whole life in trading .
I think about trading when I eat , when I sleep ….and even when I make love ..( no kidding ) .
I try to find the way to make profit , I tested hundred ways , read many books .
And finally I think I found the secret .Ofcourse I can't share here , it is not because I am selfish but I believe experience everybody is different .
I start made profit every month in last 14 months it is better better every month , the total profit about $200 k so far .
I feel I can have career and make good living to take care my family and pay them back those days they worry about me and think I am a worthless person who addicted to gamble .
I have mix feeling of happiness , worry , don't trust in my self can make profit like this in long run .
I feel guilty too because I know zero sum game then I took money from sone one else .
Just wonder any one here trade for living ? please share your feeling and if possible to make profit years to come or even can make millions of dollars .
Feb 22, 2011 zamanından beri üye
4573 iletiler
Apr 15, 2016 at 11:59
Feb 22, 2011 zamanından beri üye
4573 iletiler
This user doesn't share any systems currently.
It is hard to evaluate your trading without any system shared.
It is hard to evaluate your trading without any system shared.
Jun 08, 2014 zamanından beri üye
104 iletiler
Apr 15, 2016 at 19:34
Jun 08, 2014 zamanından beri üye
104 iletiler
Anyone can post here anything they like . I only read their posts during my free time I have nothing to do . It is just for fun only .
Often , the best trade is no trade at all
Sep 20, 2014 zamanından beri üye
342 iletiler
Apr 15, 2016 at 21:28
(Apr 15, 2016 at 21:32 düzenlendi)
Sep 20, 2014 zamanından beri üye
342 iletiler
People do make a living out of fx. A few even get rich.
I think the best way to handle it, is to consider going full-time once you can draw 12 months or more worth of expenses. Cash in hand in the bank. And keep it topped up as you go.
That way if you hit a brick wall you have a year to make a plan. And then you can relax as well, since you're not under pressure to produce.
As for guilty, well it might be JP Morgan's money you're taking, or a HFT outfit or even a sovereign fund. Iow's people who don't really deserver to have any money since they're just this side of criminal in general. Very unlikely you're taking money from someone who can't afford to eat.
People do make a living out of fx. A few even get rich.
I think the best way to handle it, is to consider going full-time once you can draw 12 months or more worth of expenses. Cash in hand in the bank. And keep it topped up as you go.
That way if you hit a brick wall you have a year to make a plan. And then you can relax as well, since you're not under pressure to produce.
As for guilty, well it might be JP Morgan's money you're taking, or a HFT outfit or even a sovereign fund. Iow's people who don't really deserver to have any money since they're just this side of criminal in general. Very unlikely you're taking money from someone who can't afford to eat.
Jan 14, 2014 zamanından beri üye
166 iletiler
Apr 16, 2016 at 01:51
Jan 14, 2014 zamanından beri üye
166 iletiler
Tombuontien posted:
I start made profit every month in last 14 months it is better better every month , the total profit about $200 k so far .
I feel I can have career and make good living to take care my family and pay them back those days they worry about me and think I am a worthless person who addicted to gamble .
I have mix feeling of happiness , worry , don't trust in my self can make profit like this in long run .
I feel guilty too because I know zero sum game then I took money from sone one else .
Just wonder any one here trade for living ? please share your feeling and if possible to make profit years to come or even can make millions of dollars .
Hi Tombuontien,
You are not alone in your case. I know some traders even earn more than 200k and they are keeping up on earning good money.
Here is an example: http://www.myfxbook.com/members/Diamond_Trader/platinum/1454491
Have a nice weekend!
Sep 12, 2015 zamanından beri üye
1933 iletiler
Apr 16, 2016 at 11:45
Sep 12, 2015 zamanından beri üye
1933 iletiler
No information on your trading so I cant really comment,two things though,if you don't trust in yourself you will lose,you have addiction problem.
"They mistook leverage with genius".
Jan 12, 2014 zamanından beri üye
19 iletiler
Apr 16, 2016 at 17:04
Jan 12, 2014 zamanından beri üye
19 iletiler
togr posted:
This user doesn't share any systems currently.
It is hard to evaluate your trading without any system shared.
Never Miss an Opportunity
Jan 14, 2014 zamanından beri üye
166 iletiler
Apr 17, 2016 at 01:12
Jan 14, 2014 zamanından beri üye
166 iletiler
togr posted:
This user doesn't share any systems currently.
It is hard to evaluate your trading without any system shared.
tranle447 posted:
Anyone can post here anything they like . I only read their posts during my free time I have nothing to do . It is just for fun only .
snapdragon1970 posted:
No information on your trading so I cant really comment,two things though,if you don't trust in yourself you will lose,you have addiction problem.
I think may be his Country does not allow trading FX so he afraid to show 200k here to prevent any none expected problem.
Nov 14, 2015 zamanından beri üye
315 iletiler
Apr 17, 2016 at 11:47
Nov 14, 2015 zamanından beri üye
315 iletiler
Very true. It helps quite a lot if what you are doing for a living is actually legal where you live.
Jun 07, 2015 zamanından beri üye
92 iletiler
Apr 18, 2016 at 06:12
Jun 07, 2015 zamanından beri üye
92 iletiler
nothing in life is worth thinking about 24/7 . If you read any book about having a good life, "balance" is often a key point. Staring at charts 24/7 is going to kill you. Paralysis by Analysis , that will not help your trading.
If you are afraid, you have not figured it out, and your profits may have come from pure luck. If you knew what you were doing, no fear would be involved.
I would take a break from the markets for a while if I were you
nothing in life is worth thinking about 24/7 . If you read any book about having a good life, "balance" is often a key point. Staring at charts 24/7 is going to kill you. Paralysis by Analysis , that will not help your trading.
If you are afraid, you have not figured it out, and your profits may have come from pure luck. If you knew what you were doing, no fear would be involved.
I would take a break from the markets for a while if I were you
Everything in the market is like a fart, if you have to force it, it is probably shit
Feb 22, 2011 zamanından beri üye
4573 iletiler
Apr 18, 2016 at 08:11
Feb 22, 2011 zamanından beri üye
4573 iletiler
dkilmer posted:
nothing in life is worth thinking about 24/7 . If you read any book about having a good life, "balance" is often a key point. Staring at charts 24/7 is going to kill you. Paralysis by Analysis , that will not help your trading.
If you are afraid, you have not figured it out, and your profits may have come from pure luck. If you knew what you were doing, no fear would be involved.
I would take a break from the markets for a while if I were you
Thats why My robots are trading for me 24/7 and I enjoy life :)
Jun 07, 2015 zamanından beri üye
92 iletiler
Apr 19, 2016 at 06:21
Jun 07, 2015 zamanından beri üye
92 iletiler
togr posted:
Thats why My robots are trading for me 24/7 and I enjoy life :)
Well , isn't that just grand!
Everything in the market is like a fart, if you have to force it, it is probably shit
Jan 14, 2014 zamanından beri üye
166 iletiler
Apr 19, 2016 at 10:06
Jan 14, 2014 zamanından beri üye
166 iletiler
Tombuontien posted:
Just wonder any one here trade for living ? please share your feeling and if possible to make profit years to come or even can make millions of dollars .
He need you to "share your feeling", not need you guy tell him how to trade or show off your robot... 😂
Feb 15, 2016 zamanından beri üye
165 iletiler
Apr 21, 2016 at 07:29
Feb 15, 2016 zamanından beri üye
165 iletiler
Congratulations Tombuontien. As someone else has noted,there are big players that may be the one given you some crumbles from their table when you win.Also there are big businesses,governments,companies,etc that require the various currencies for their exports,trade balances,foreign reserves,etc.It is not everyone in the market that is purely there as currency speculator traders.
You do not need to feel back to my mind as you are not there to gamble but trade based on your hard earned skills,knowledge,information,etc.True there are a few retails traders there that are gambling,trading ignorantly with bad psychology.Buy whose fault is it if such lose money.You might have once upon a time been one of them and now you are no more.Such traders should fortify themselves to be equipped to profit from the market or go and do something else.Everyone does not have to go through the same path in life.
Also,if your system,strategy,etc now give you a good edge to profit in the market why should you remain worried on any trade whatsoever,provided you have done your best,plan your trade with good money management,lot sizing,SL and TP then "set it and forget".Come back later to see your profit,or loss or lessons learnt for better performance next time God-willing.
I will appreciate it if you can share your discovery of the way to trade profitable with me privately.Perhaps I can learn some more lessons from that.
You do not need to feel back to my mind as you are not there to gamble but trade based on your hard earned skills,knowledge,information,etc.True there are a few retails traders there that are gambling,trading ignorantly with bad psychology.Buy whose fault is it if such lose money.You might have once upon a time been one of them and now you are no more.Such traders should fortify themselves to be equipped to profit from the market or go and do something else.Everyone does not have to go through the same path in life.
Also,if your system,strategy,etc now give you a good edge to profit in the market why should you remain worried on any trade whatsoever,provided you have done your best,plan your trade with good money management,lot sizing,SL and TP then "set it and forget".Come back later to see your profit,or loss or lessons learnt for better performance next time God-willing.
I will appreciate it if you can share your discovery of the way to trade profitable with me privately.Perhaps I can learn some more lessons from that.
to turn humble investments into huge fortune with minimal risk ...
Feb 15, 2016 zamanından beri üye
165 iletiler
Apr 21, 2016 at 07:31
Feb 15, 2016 zamanından beri üye
165 iletiler
pls pardon the typo errors.Quite in a rush to step out.
to turn humble investments into huge fortune with minimal risk ...

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