Aug 19, 2013 at 06:19
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18 Replies
Jul 05, 2013 zamanından beri üye   2 iletiler
Aug 19, 2013 at 06:19
When we execute trades in the fx pair spot market we earn profits in various currencies such as euro, usd, yen, pound etc.

But then these profits are converted to the accounts base currency. while converting the exchange rates apply, and we pay spread! !! !!!

That means if u earn profit in cad, u pay spread for gbp/cad if ur accounts base currency is usd, its the best until usd is not falling down.

Any ideas/ views on this friends
Mar 09, 2013 zamanından beri üye   8 iletiler
Aug 19, 2013 at 09:21
Eg, EUR/USD pair,
up trend - long use EUR base acc.
down trend - short use USD base acc.
K.I.S.S - Keep It Simple Stupid ...
Jul 05, 2013 zamanından beri üye   2 iletiler
Aug 19, 2013 at 20:32
ya thats the best, RIGHT :)
Sep 05, 2013 zamanından beri üye   13 iletiler
Sep 05, 2013 at 12:10
Probably it is the only way to make it work. Better to have several accounts. Or only trade the currancy of your account.
Nov 21, 2011 zamanından beri üye   1601 iletiler
Sep 05, 2013 at 15:37
It reminds me 2 years ago when some smart people from Switzerland came to France to open account into € while EURCHF was around 1.0000.

They got 20% thanks to Forex without trading it o_O
Sep 18, 2012 zamanından beri üye   143 iletiler
Sep 15, 2013 at 00:24
CrazyTrader posted:
It reminds me 2 years ago when some smart people from Switzerland came to France to open account into € while EURCHF was around 1.0000.

They got 20% thanks to Forex without trading it o_O

Smart Move 😉
Sep 16, 2013 zamanından beri üye   18 iletiler
Sep 16, 2013 at 12:57
or you can trade commodities and have no issues with exchange rates.
Sep 17, 2013 zamanından beri üye   8 iletiler
Sep 19, 2013 at 09:58
lihkin posted:
When we execute trades in the fx pair spot market we earn profits in various currencies such as euro, usd, yen, pound etc.

But then these profits are converted to the accounts base currency. while converting the exchange rates apply, and we pay spread! !! !!!

That means if u earn profit in cad, u pay spread for gbp/cad if ur accounts base currency is usd, its the best until usd is not falling down.

Any ideas/ views on this friends

I think you're perfectly right!
Sep 19, 2013 zamanından beri üye   8 iletiler
Sep 19, 2013 at 16:46
Yes you do loose, but you loose quite small.
May 24, 2011 zamanından beri üye   87 iletiler
Sep 19, 2013 at 21:44
small? for 1000 trade and example spread 3 pip? 3000 pip. yes. small. for many people is 3000 pip very big profit.
Best rebate for IC Markets 1,60 RTL+ armada markets 10% commision back + next 30 brokers company only in . Who will give you more?
Sep 18, 2012 zamanından beri üye   143 iletiler
Sep 20, 2013 at 00:14
dvejn posted:
small? for 1000 trade and example spread 3 pip? 3000 pip. yes. small. for many people is 3000 pip very big profit.

valid point there
Sep 24, 2013 zamanından beri üye   36 iletiler
Sep 24, 2013 at 11:08
That is why demo trading supposed to be long enough. You need to figure out the currency pair, you will trade with as well as find the broker that dits you the most.
Sep 26, 2012 zamanından beri üye   13 iletiler
Sep 26, 2013 at 11:44
It easier said that done,be advised that some broker will apply awful prices when sending you withdrawals in different currencies, or you have to deal with your bank, I make an example..

You put 1000 EUR in a USD account,the spot quote is 1.3000(pure examples here) the deposit is processed by a third party financial istitution which gives you this price 1.2930 (i have seen even -150 pips commission), so on your platform you have now 1293.00 dollars for trading.
In the following weeks EUR strenghtens against USD of 200 pips,so spot price is 1.3200 (or can either loose) and you managed to make some profits, let's say 100 USD, and want to withdraw to buy GTA5 (how often you withdraw your profits?).

Your broker has Sbrillz-MoneyLaunders (purely invented) for processing outgoing money, they charge you with a 2.5% commission and give you the 1.3050 quote for swapping usd to eur, so 100-2.5= 97.5, now apply the reversed quote 97,5*76,66= 74EUR.

Ive seen worser conditions than those decribed, read carefully broker intercurrency transfer policy, fees, and third party istitutions.
They will play hard on price so this strategy is profitable only on long term big moves and obviously only when the currency is stronger..
Aug 21, 2013 zamanından beri üye   12 iletiler
Sep 30, 2013 at 13:43
AndyQuant posted:
It easier said that done,be advised that some broker will apply awful prices when sending you withdrawals in different currencies, or you have to deal with your bank, I make an example..

You put 1000 EUR in a USD account,the spot quote is 1.3000(pure examples here) the deposit is processed by a third party financial istitution which gives you this price 1.2930 (i have seen even -150 pips commission), so on your platform you have now 1293.00 dollars for trading.
In the following weeks EUR strenghtens against USD of 200 pips,so spot price is 1.3200 (or can either loose) and you managed to make some profits, let's say 100 USD, and want to withdraw to buy GTA5 (how often you withdraw your profits?).

Your broker has Sbrillz-MoneyLaunders (purely invented) for processing outgoing money, they charge you with a 2.5% commission and give you the 1.3050 quote for swapping usd to eur, so 100-2.5= 97.5, now apply the reversed quote 97,5*76,66= 74EUR.

Ive seen worser conditions than those decribed, read carefully broker intercurrency transfer policy, fees, and third party istitutions.
They will play hard on price so this strategy is profitable only on long term big moves and obviously only when the currency is stronger..

So in the end of it all the advices would be...?

So far I can see: know the way withdraw is being delivered to you, and have in your mind all the fees while taking profit during the trade. Is there anything elase?

Aug 06, 2013 zamanından beri üye   30 iletiler
Sep 30, 2013 at 14:26 (Sep 30, 2013 at 14:40 düzenlendi)
well if you trade for living or at least for improving the conditions of living :-) use the currency you need in your daily life as base currency (at least G7). Demoaccounts and $50 heros do not need think about this problem at all. (I know especially these people love to calculate irrelevant cost)

All these cost mentioned above are just part of the game and it is up to you to select the appropriate broker. this one should be at least as trustworthy as you bank you use on daily basis.

And some answers... well, i guess it is a dangerous business for some people...
Sep 26, 2012 zamanından beri üye   13 iletiler
Oct 01, 2013 at 14:21
FXdiversified posted:
well if you trade for living or at least for improving the conditions of living :-) use the currency you need in your daily life as base currency (at least G7). Demoaccounts and $50 heros do not need think about this problem at all. (I know especially these people love to calculate irrelevant cost)

All these cost mentioned above are just part of the game and it is up to you to select the appropriate broker. this one should be at least as trustworthy as you bank you use on daily basis.

And some answers... well, i guess it is a dangerous business for some people...

They surely are part of the game, but if you take trading as a serious business you are in charge of optimizing costs to maximize income, they impact a 50euro account as well as a 1million..

My advice is to use the same currency you use for living, and since you trade on leverage(with clear conditions) all the trade you do will be more profitable than the mere swapping, because you are LEVERAGED... otherwise it is not different from going into your bank and change phisical money :)
Aug 06, 2013 zamanından beri üye   30 iletiler
Oct 01, 2013 at 15:12
sure that's right and it is not.....but there is a simple approach to that, a management structure requires a certain set-up. To realize that might be the first step to enter serious trading.

Some basics are helpful as well:

-Base currency should be the currency of daily needs (as i mentioned)
-Swap-cost are related to your P/L. (if not in your base currency).
-you can hedge your base in many ways if you think it is necessary

Unfortunately the comparison to physical exchange is as helpful as comparing $50 to $1000k accounts.

There is not that much to say about your calculation above... it is definitely right. If you take a brokerage with low spread and a $ 100 gift for opening the account or you open a very small account with an investment bank you can perfectly calculate that something is wrong and these people will get their money back and more.... do you really need to calculate this?

i think an appropriate brokerage company that means a solid, fully regulated business will provide you with competitive solutions.
It is highly dependent on the initial investment which one should be selected.
If you take these things into consideration there is no need to calculate all the time. Thats definitely not what will improve your performance.

And if you have a $1mio account you might find it easier to negotiate certain things.

Sep 24, 2013 zamanından beri üye   36 iletiler
Oct 02, 2013 at 08:26
FXdiversified posted:
sure that's right and it is not.....but there is a simple approach to that, a management structure requires a certain set-up. To realize that might be the first step to enter serious trading.

Some basics are helpful as well:

-Base currency should be the currency of daily needs (as i mentioned)
-Swap-cost are related to your P/L. (if not in your base currency).
-you can hedge your base in many ways if you think it is necessary

Unfortunately the comparison to physical exchange is as helpful as comparing $50 to $1000k accounts.

There is not that much to say about your calculation above... it is definitely right. If you take a brokerage with low spread and a $ 100 gift for opening the account or you open a very small account with an investment bank you can perfectly calculate that something is wrong and these people will get their money back and more.... do you really need to calculate this?

i think an appropriate brokerage company that means a solid, fully regulated business will provide you with competitive solutions.
It is highly dependent on the initial investment which one should be selected.
If you take these things into consideration there is no need to calculate all the time. Thats definitely not what will improve your performance.

And if you have a $1mio account you might find it easier to negotiate certain things.

Thanks, it should help me. Another thing is how to consider all the fees, you have to pay to withdraw your money.
Aug 06, 2013 zamanından beri üye   30 iletiler
Oct 02, 2013 at 08:55 (Oct 02, 2013 at 09:05 düzenlendi)
Wolfgang posted:
FXdiversified posted:
sure that's right and it is not.....but there is a simple approach to that, a management structure requires a certain set-up. To realize that might be the first step to enter serious trading.

Some basics are helpful as well:

-Base currency should be the currency of daily needs (as i mentioned)
-Swap-cost are related to your P/L. (if not in your base currency).
-you can hedge your base in many ways if you think it is necessary

Unfortunately the comparison to physical exchange is as helpful as comparing $50 to $1000k accounts.

There is not that much to say about your calculation above... it is definitely right. If you take a brokerage with low spread and a $ 100 gift for opening the account or you open a very small account with an investment bank you can perfectly calculate that something is wrong and these people will get their money back and more.... do you really need to calculate this?

i think an appropriate brokerage company that means a solid, fully regulated business will provide you with competitive solutions.
It is highly dependent on the initial investment which one should be selected.
If you take these things into consideration there is no need to calculate all the time. Thats definitely not what will improve your performance.

And if you have a $1mio account you might find it easier to negotiate certain things.

Thanks, it should help me. Another thing is how to consider all the fees, you have to pay to withdraw your money.

Well it is the same thing..... you have to select the right broker.......... just let me give you an example:

my broker charges no fees for withdrawals (by SEPA) so this is good enough if you live primarily in Europe as I do, it might be not for free if you live somewhere else and you need other ways....

BUT... i did not select the broker because his service is so cheap, definitely not!

I looked for an ECN Broker, regulated in mid or west Europe /US. There are some and so I selected further, tried all of them with a demo account and finally i compared the cost.

There is one thing for certain all of them have very very competitive cost structures for my location. So i followed my personal preference. Thats it. No further calculations needed.

There is no need to give you names of companies like this, set-up your criteria and do your own selection.... you will be fine.

BUT: there is an urgent need to understand the impact of the base currency(it is not restricted to FX trading) and how the single brokerages generate income (some sort of interbank market pricing knowledge might be helpful)

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