Creating a Tournament Alternative To Financial Markets

Feb 14 at 05:40
292 Görüntüleme
2 Replies
Feb 13, 2024 zamanından beri üye   2 iletiler
Feb 14 at 05:40
So not trying to promote anything but am genuinely curious if the day betting/tournament crowd here will take to this. I've been a trader the last almost 7 years (focusing now primarily on equity futures) but my solopreneur mindset is taking me on an added trajectory as of late.

A very basic platform to allow traders to engage in a tournament style competition to wager a fixed amount on individual skills where they think a provided stock will close out by the end of the session. My goal is to shift the ODTE options crowd and other niche aspects of the trading world in a different direction. Right now I am setting up a platform for 1v1 and 5 player free-for-all. I could go over the whole legality talk but channeling the tournament style (like Players Lounge), yes it is legal.

The site hasn't launched yet (within the month I want to launch). What are your alls thoughts? Genuinely curious on ideas I could potentially utilize from this community. If you have any questions just reach out. Appreciate you all!
Feb 14, 2024 zamanından beri üye   6 iletiler
Feb 14 at 10:47
It is an interesting idea but may people go into FX because they think that it will make them rich and make massive gains. Would your platform provide enough gains to attract them? Especially if it is a winner takes all tournament
Feb 13, 2024 zamanından beri üye   2 iletiler
Feb 14 at 12:08 (Feb 14 at 12:15 düzenlendi)
Hey thanks for reaching out. I’m contemplating with a few mode styles: I’m definitely going with 1verse1. The next two ideas I plan to utilize at launch will either be 5 player free for all or 10-20 player free for all. Let’s say it’s a fixed $50 wager, if it’s 5 player free for all I plan to pay out the first and second place winners: 60% ($150) for first place and second place 40% ($100).

Hypothetically let’s say we have a full 20 player free for all at a $50 wager, I plan to pay out the first through fifth places: first place 40% ($400), second 30% ($300), third place 25% ($250), fourth place $20% ($200) and finally fifth place 10% ($100). As a trader what’s more appealing to you mode wise?

And hey, our biggest struggle is garnering a fallowing at the moment so if you have an insta follow us at mrktspeculate or DM me. We’re trying to do free money bets at the moment to bring people in. Like predict the EOD price on $NVDA and we’ll PayPal you $20. The plan was to up it each week before launch but the traction is a grind
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