Good broker for EUR/CHF

May 28, 2010 at 16:25
737 Görüntüleme
2 Replies
Oct 28, 2009 zamanından beri üye   1409 iletiler
May 28, 2010 at 16:25 (May 28, 2010 at 16:26 düzenlendi)
I've written a new scalping robot. Currently I'm testing it on EUR/CHF but it may work on EUR/GBP or other ranging pairs.

I'm looking for the best, and I mean the best spread for these pairs.

It trades between 14:00 GMT and 7:00 GMT

It may well trade at other times but I decided to exclude times when there may be news released for this pair.

If anyone knows of a good broker for this pair then I would appreciate the information.

Ideally 2 pips or less would be good - closer to 1 would be brilliant.

11:15, restate my assumptions: 1. Mathematics is the language of nature. 2. Everything around us can be represented and understood through numbers. 3. If you graph these numbers, patterns emerge. Therefore: There are patterns everywhere in nature.
Sep 04, 2009 zamanından beri üye   849 iletiler
May 29, 2010 at 12:27 (May 29, 2010 at 12:33 düzenlendi)
Hi Steve,

try to figure out in real time which broker may meet your needs best. Click on EURO pairs and compare.

I guess the air gets pretty thin on the E/CH regards spread less than 2 pips at special hours
Oct 28, 2009 zamanından beri üye   1409 iletiler
May 31, 2010 at 10:21
I do use Mt4spreads but it does not have all the brokers on it. Thanks for the tip though!
11:15, restate my assumptions: 1. Mathematics is the language of nature. 2. Everything around us can be represented and understood through numbers. 3. If you graph these numbers, patterns emerge. Therefore: There are patterns everywhere in nature.
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