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good opportunity
Jul 19, 2020 zamanından beri üye
310 iletiler
Sep 22, 2020 at 12:30
Jul 19, 2020 zamanından beri üye
310 iletiler
Forex can be potential investment. But it is not an easy investment. Forex trading requires specific knowledge and skills. It is a work of professional. Without being skilled you would lose your money quickly. No matter how big the investment is. Learning requires a lot of time. Most people do not ready to invest their time to learn the art of trading.
Jul 19, 2020 zamanından beri üye
749 iletiler
Sep 22, 2020 at 13:14
Jul 19, 2020 zamanından beri üye
749 iletiler
Forex trading can be a very good opportunity but only if you are willing to study a lot. It requires professional skills to be profitable. People become restless when they come to forex. They start expecting unrealistic profit but not ready to invest time to learn.
Jul 20, 2020 zamanından beri üye
278 iletiler
Sep 22, 2020 at 20:14
Jul 20, 2020 zamanından beri üye
278 iletiler
Yes, I agree with you. Forex can be a potential investment if you have proper knowledge and experience about this.
Jul 20, 2020 zamanından beri üye
286 iletiler
Sep 23, 2020 at 01:53
Jul 20, 2020 zamanından beri üye
286 iletiler
It is possible to earn a lot of money in Forex, but to earn that money, you must develop skills. If you don't learn and trade, there is a possibility of loss. You have to profit by trading according to discipline. And you have to follow the risk-reward all the time.
Aug 28, 2020 zamanından beri üye
14 iletiler
Sep 24, 2020 at 07:01
Aug 28, 2020 zamanından beri üye
14 iletiler
That's right.
Skills, passion and knowledge is mandatory to have good success here. Really important to earn well.
Skills, passion and knowledge is mandatory to have good success here. Really important to earn well.
Jul 19, 2020 zamanından beri üye
283 iletiler
Sep 24, 2020 at 13:10
Jul 19, 2020 zamanından beri üye
283 iletiler
Yes. Forex can be a great opportunity to become rich. You can make huge money from this market if you have the basic knowledge about the market.
Jul 23, 2020 zamanından beri üye
696 iletiler
Oct 18, 2020 at 17:20
Jul 23, 2020 zamanından beri üye
696 iletiler
GeorgeBischof posted:
Yes. Forex can be a great opportunity to become rich. You can make huge money from this market if you have the basic knowledge about the market.
Forex trader has high possibility to become poor also. So, invest carefully. Don’t jump into the market without knowing anything.

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