How to learn forex trading?

Jul 03, 2022 at 06:16
501 Görüntüleme
1 Replies
Mar 18, 2022 zamanından beri üye   48 iletiler
Jul 03, 2022 at 06:16
“With interest I listen to your lectures. I have been trading on the stock market for several years with huge losses, there are also profits, but my portfolio is still zero. I move in the dark without adequate knowledge, I am self-taught, some things I do not understand or do not practice. It is hard to learn on my own. Please give me some advice on what to do first to learn forex trading?”

I agree, that’s why it’s best to buy the best thing (training, mentoring, book, etc) you can afford. It just saves time! Although I also know traders, who have come to everything on their own without reading practically any trading book! And they are very good traders. BUT the amount of time and work they put in, and the stubbornness, and persistence to succeed was enormous.

So what can I recommend? Find a good teacher and a good trading system. Also find good books. Robert Miner has books worth recommending, as does Bryce Gilmore (although those are quite difficult).

Becoming a surgeon, driver or baker by yourself is very difficult. It’s the same with trading. It’s a waste of time to navigate in the dark. Better to invest in finding a good source.
Huge Changes, New Ideas & Decline Of Traditional Investing
Apr 09, 2019 zamanından beri üye   538 iletiler
Jul 05, 2022 at 13:00
The thing is though that even a strategy followed will still need tweaking by the individual and that takes time. While sometimes getting a mentor can be useful I think it can be like having your parent teach you to drive with all their bad habits before you take a test and you end up having to unlearn first before you re-learn. As such, while it takes a while, those who come in as a blank canvas can sometimes get to a point of competency in their own strategy before someone who ends up jumping from mentor to mentor trying to seek the holy grail.
If you can't spot the liquidity then you are the liquidity.
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