Pip Difference

Oct 20, 2015 at 06:19
1,075 Görüntüleme
12 Replies
Oct 17, 2015 zamanından beri üye   2 iletiler
Oct 20, 2015 at 06:19
hello I was just wondering about an EA I've been following can someone please explain how this EA can make a profit and still have negative in Pip difference thank you for your help the links are below


and also from hotforex

Jul 16, 2013 zamanından beri üye   352 iletiler
Oct 20, 2015 at 09:34
It is the hallmark sign of a martingale strategy.
Jul 16, 2013 zamanından beri üye   352 iletiler
Oct 20, 2015 at 12:25 (Oct 20, 2015 at 12:41 düzenlendi)
Sorry.. Apparently not so..
Sep 20, 2014 zamanından beri üye   342 iletiler
Oct 20, 2015 at 12:36

Please man. A wise man once said, if you have nothing to say, say so. When you know how this works, please feel free to comment.


I haven't looked at this result, but in a trend following system you'd take a series of small losses at say 30 pips with small trade sizes, 0.01 lots, till you get on the right side of the trend. Then you increase your trade sizes as the trend goes for you.

I'm sure you'll understand a 0.01 trade size @ -30 pips loss would less than a profit of say 1 lot @ +15 pips. If you add the two together you'd be at -15 pips but you'd have a good profit.

I suspect that is the case here. And no it's not martingale. It's just commen dog *** run with your winners.
Jul 16, 2013 zamanından beri üye   352 iletiler
Oct 20, 2015 at 13:02 (Oct 20, 2015 at 13:32 düzenlendi)
theHand posted:

Please man. A wise man once said, if you have nothing to say, say so. When you know how this works, please feel free to comment.


I haven't looked at this result, but in a trend following system you'd take a series of small losses at say 30 pips with small trade sizes, 0.01 lots, till you get on the right side of the trend. Then you increase your trade sizes as the trend goes for you.

I'm sure you'll understand a 0.01 trade size @ -30 pips loss would less than a profit of say 1 lot @ +15 pips. If you add the two together you'd be at -15 pips but you'd have a good profit.

I suspect that is the case here. And no it's not martingale. It's just commen dog *** run with your winners.


Thank you for taking the time to explain why I see it wrong for the benefit of many others, and not just running a fellow trader down because he is wrong. It really contributes to the brilliance that accompanies your participation. Very kind of you..
Sep 20, 2014 zamanından beri üye   342 iletiler
Oct 20, 2015 at 13:44
Huh? Not going to get into a pissing contest as is obligatory onto the interweb ?

Jul 16, 2013 zamanından beri üye   352 iletiler
Oct 20, 2015 at 14:05 (Oct 20, 2015 at 14:09 düzenlendi)
theHand posted:
Huh? Not going to get into a pissing contest as is obligatory onto the interweb ?

I really thought that you were insightful, always liked your comments, even vouched for you. Sadly I see that I was horribly wrong about you.It is not your style to contribute and point out our wrong ways, no sirree, you rather use this to belittle others.
Game of thrones shame..........
Sep 20, 2014 zamanından beri üye   342 iletiler
Oct 20, 2015 at 23:20
Well, if you make stupid comment like that...

Why do you automatically presume a variable trade size is martingale ? It's one thing if you want to sabotage yourself, but quite another if you want to help some other poor hapless soul over the edge with a boot in the back.

Variable trade sizes are key to fx. Much more so than direction. It's ok to adjust trade sizes, it's not the mark of a doomed or martingaled system, quite the contrary.
Jul 16, 2013 zamanından beri üye   352 iletiler
Oct 21, 2015 at 05:25 (Oct 21, 2015 at 05:41 düzenlendi)
theHand posted:
Well, if you make stupid comment like that...

Why do you automatically presume a variable trade size is martingale ? It's one thing if you want to sabotage yourself, but quite another if you want to help some other poor hapless soul over the edge with a boot in the back.

Variable trade sizes are key to fx. Much more so than direction. It's ok to adjust trade sizes, it's not the mark of a doomed or martingaled system, quite the contrary.

We can't say if the lot size is variable, because it is set to private. We can only see that there is definitely a gain of profit and a loss of pips - I always believed this was a sign of a martingale or grid, but I know nothing (according to you)

Instead of taking the time to explain why you believe this is not the case (Like educate all those interested, YES YOU COULD ACTUALLY DO SOMETHING LIKE THAT), you get off your high and mighty seat to come spread a bit of your know-it-all and if you trample on someone while you do that, so be it and then scurry back to your seat.

It was never my intent to sabotage someone - why would I do that?

I made a mistake and instead of correcting you chose to insult. But looking at your previous posts, it is quite apparent that this is what you do - rather insult than correct and educate - a character trait, you't can help it.
Sep 20, 2014 zamanından beri üye   342 iletiler
Oct 21, 2015 at 06:15 (Oct 21, 2015 at 06:16 düzenlendi)
It must be variable, there is no other way for the situation to occur. And I did explain it already, it goes without saying that the system in question is very likely trend following and not martingale. It's obvious. Or should be anyway.

It's very hard to tell the difference between martingale and good risk management anyway as both will have large trade size changes. The difference between my winning and losing trades on a position is 500% in 100 pips.

You're sabotaging yourself mate and anyone else that asks for help. Must be martingale, must be bad. Really ? Looks to me like it could very likely be someone who does know what they're doing. Just as likely if not more than a martingale. But see, I put a bit of thought into it instead of the standard forum Tourettes "it's martingal and its bad" reaction.

You didn't even answer the guys question. I had to do that. Irritates the crap out of me because I have to put down my beer to type.

Jul 16, 2013 zamanından beri üye   352 iletiler
Oct 21, 2015 at 08:59
theHand posted:
It must be variable, there is no other way for the situation to occur. And I did explain it already, it goes without saying that the system in question is very likely trend following and not martingale. It's obvious. Or should be anyway.

It's very hard to tell the difference between martingale and good risk management anyway as both will have large trade size changes. The difference between my winning and losing trades on a position is 500% in 100 pips.

You're sabotaging yourself mate and anyone else that asks for help. Must be martingale, must be bad. Really ? Looks to me like it could very likely be someone who does know what they're doing. Just as likely if not more than a martingale. But see, I put a bit of thought into it instead of the standard forum Tourettes "it's martingal and its bad" reaction.

You didn't even answer the guys question. I had to do that. Irritates the crap out of me because I have to put down my beer to type.

Thank you for coming to the party. I don't believe I am sabotaging myself. One mistake and I am sabotaging myself and others? If that is your outlook on life then I feel veeery sorry for you. I never ever said that martingales are bad. There are those that trade martingales successfully and those who try and crash and burn. Whether they are good or not is one of those topics that I will NEVER engage, like EA or Manual, Technical or Fundamental, Real or demo, God or no God.

These topics are very sensitive and have many yaysayers and naysayers. I might give my experience, but thats as far as it goes.

Isn't that what forum participation is all about? Then I have been under the wrong impression all this time. I always thought forums were to participate freely and if a person gives wrong advice to correct him with your say. So it irritates you and you had to put down your beer to give a more adequate answer? Why partake at all then? If I find it so annoying to put down my beer and get irritated by other's answers, I would rather not be a part of the community.

But I suppose society must accept those that just sit in their armchairs, lurking around in forums and get irritated by others, looking for somebody to say something wrong so they can jump in and remark.

Sep 20, 2014 zamanından beri üye   342 iletiler
Oct 22, 2015 at 00:00 (Oct 22, 2015 at 00:14 düzenlendi)
You might have noticed I don't post much on the forum. I don't like forums because of conversations like this. I only jump in when I think I can help someone in the right direction or if I see something that is so wrong, so misleading that it could ruin someones else's attempts at doing this.

You didn't make a mistake. You displayed a complete lack of comprehension. You don't have clue what's going on here. And you're helping other people down completely the wrong path.

That's when I feel I am obligated to say something, because that's what people did for me.
Sep 20, 2014 zamanından beri üye   342 iletiler
Oct 22, 2015 at 00:15
And while on the subject, it's obvious you've never worked with variable trade sizes. I strongly suggest you start.
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