Risk/Reward Ration-Why you should master the Act.

Nov 05, 2020 at 06:26
1,832 Görüntüleme
22 Replies
Oct 17, 2021 zamanından beri üye   1 iletiler
Oct 30, 2021 at 20:02
Interessante conversation... merci beaucoup
Jul 19, 2020 zamanından beri üye   742 iletiler
Oct 31, 2021 at 01:22
The expectation that a trader will get $ 3 by investing $ 1 is called investment. One of the advantages of using it is that the stock market or the forex market cannot be traded with a 100% profit guarantee, so the risk ratio is used to keep the loss percentage low. Like I use 1: 2 or 1: 3 ratio.
Mar 28, 2021 zamanından beri üye   586 iletiler
Nov 06, 2021 at 09:33
@croisssan Yes risk can bring good return. But problem with forex is it's already risky business due to high leverage. It's like taking double risk when we don't follow proper risk management system.
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