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trading psychology
Aug 19, 2021 zamanından beri üye
203 iletiler
Aug 01, 2023 at 10:47
Aug 19, 2021 zamanından beri üye
203 iletiler
Ethanishere posted:WhiteWitcher posted:
Be philosophical about everything. If you have lost, then it should be for you, first of all, the desire to improve your strategy. And not just curse everything in the world and feel sorry for yourself. Lol.
I didn't get the first part, how is that going to help? by philosophical you mean without emotions?
Oh it is impossible for me to be unemotional. Just like any normal person. Do you believe this is possible? I believe you do not need to make a tragedy out of a loss. It is important to accept your feelings of resentment and disappointment. And point them in the right direction. I mean in the analysis of your actions and the correction of errors. Hope it is clear now. Lol.
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