Are you losing again and again?

Jul 15 at 12:42
143 Görüntüleme
4 Replies
May 18, 2019 zamanından beri üye   3 iletiler
Jul 15 at 12:42
Who calculates the profit and opens the trade and loses again and again. He will calculate the loss beforehand and open the trade and see that he is profiting again and again.

Ekler :

One way strategy
May 08, 2023 zamanından beri üye   80 iletiler
Jul 15 at 20:39
That does not make any sense to me. Care to elaborate on your statement?
Jul 05, 2024 zamanından beri üye   2 iletiler
Jul 16 at 09:09
Hello there😇

It is important to understand that thorough planning and a sound strategy are necessary for experienced trading success. It is a wise move to []calculate[/url] possible losses before starting a deal; as this aids in risk management. A trader may then set reasonable stop losses limits and profit targets. Simply calculating losses; still is enough; continuous market situations analysis and changes to strategies are necessary.
Sep 21, 2019 zamanından beri üye   8 iletiler
Aug 03 at 10:22
The person you're describing is likely a trader who repeatedly adjusts strategies and manages risks to ensure profitable outcomes despite initial losses. Or idk what u meant by that
Wallstreet Money
Aug 13, 2024 zamanından beri üye   14 iletiler
Aug 16 at 08:50
sarwar_a posted:
Who calculates the profit and opens the trade and loses again and again. He will calculate the loss beforehand and open the trade and see that he is profiting again and again.
It's important to have a solid trading plan and manage risk effectively. If you're consistently losing, it might be worth reviewing your strategy and possibly seeking advice or education to improve your approach.
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