crypto curriency

Sep 26 at 15:34
6 Görüntüleme
3 Replies
Sep 16, 2024 zamanından beri üye   18 iletiler
Sep 26 at 15:34
What is the safiest way to trade on the crypto curriencies on my olymp trade and save my capital?
Sep 20, 2024 zamanından beri üye   29 iletiler
Sep 26 at 15:58
aminmohammed11 posted:
What is the safiest way to trade on the crypto curriencies on my olymp trade and save my capital?
the safest way i trade crypto on olymp trade is by using a small portion of my capital for each trade i only risk about 1 to 2 percent of my total account balance this way if a trade goes bad it won’t hurt me too much and i can keep trading without losing everything
Sep 10, 2024 zamanından beri üye   78 iletiler
Sep 26 at 15:59
aminmohammed11 posted:
What is the safiest way to trade on the crypto curriencies on my olymp trade and save my capital?
for me, diversifying my investments is key i don’t put all my money into one cryptocurrency i spread it across several different coins on olymp trade this reduces the risk because if one crypto drops, my other investments can help balance it out plus i always stay updated on market news to make better choices
Sep 20, 2024 zamanından beri üye   30 iletiler
Sep 26 at 16:00
aminmohammed11 posted:
What is the safiest way to trade on the crypto curriencies on my olymp trade and save my capital?
Asllamalikum brother i always set stop-loss orders when trading crypto on olymp trade this helps me limit my losses if the market moves against me also i make sure to do my research before entering any trade so i understand the market conditions and can make informed decisions
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