
13:16 dün
28 Görüntüleme
2 Replies
Sep 16, 2024 zamanından beri üye   18 iletiler
13:16 dün
what is the difference between fixed time trades and forex on olymp trade
Sep 20, 2024 zamanından beri üye   29 iletiler
13:17 dün
aminmohammed11 posted:
what is the difference between fixed time trades and forex on olymp trade
in fixed time trades you pick a time frame and predict if the price will go up or down within that period it’s simpler and the risk is fixed but in forex you trade without time limits and can set stop loss and take profit so you control when the trade closes
Sep 20, 2024 zamanından beri üye   30 iletiler
13:18 dün
aminmohammed11 posted:
what is the difference between fixed time trades and forex on olymp trade
i use both but prefer forex because you can set a stop loss and take profit which gives you more control over your risk in ftt once you place the trade you’re locked in until it expires which can be limiting
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