Bi-Scalper (GOLD+BTC) (tarafından biscalper)

Kazanma : +727.11%
Düşüş 12.70%
Pipler: 2375.1
Tradeler 247
Model Kalitesi : 90.0%
Testteki çubuklar: 8836
Modellenmiş Tikler: 4195959
Strateji Dosyaları:

Bi-Scalper (GOLD+BTC) Tartışma

Jun 20 at 11:19
277 Görüntüleme
2 Replies
Dec 26, 2023 zamanından beri üye   1 iletiler
Jul 05 at 13:17
Hello sir! I saw your results! I lost my amount back years ago! Can you help me out getting out of this financial stress with this strategy so that i can also follow!! Waiting for you reply✌️
Jun 14, 2024 zamanından beri üye   2 iletiler
Jul 15 at 04:54
Dear write me

autobiscalper at gmail dot com
May 24, 2024 zamanından beri üye   1 iletiler
Jul 27 at 08:37
Hi biscalper. i purchased EA from you. but its not working as it shown in the page. after several emails, you not even bother to reply. it works 1-2 days as it shown, but after 2 days it giving losses. huge losses. please help me out. i sent you several emails for this. please respond
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