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- API to access historical liquidity / COT reports data
API to access historical liquidity / COT reports data oylama sonuçları
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API to access historical liquidity / COT reports data Tartışma
Apr 12, 2020 zamanından beri üye
4 iletiler
Mar 03, 2021 at 07:01
Apr 12, 2020 zamanından beri üye
4 iletiler
My suggestion is to add an API for developers to access your database of current and historical liquidity and COT reports data.
Addtionally , it would be helpful to provide access to the system analytics as part of the API , and I'm sure many other parts of the site.
This would be very valuable to aid in private research efforts.
Unless this already exists?
I would be happy to offer my software development skills to aid in making this a reality, if myfxbook API does not already exist.
My suggestion is to add an API for developers to access your database of current and historical liquidity and COT reports data.
Addtionally , it would be helpful to provide access to the system analytics as part of the API , and I'm sure many other parts of the site.
This would be very valuable to aid in private research efforts.
Unless this already exists?
I would be happy to offer my software development skills to aid in making this a reality, if myfxbook API does not already exist.
In god we trust, all others must bring data.
Oct 30, 2020 zamanından beri üye
4 iletiler
Mar 11, 2021 at 11:23
Oct 30, 2020 zamanından beri üye
4 iletiler
I think it’s a great suggestion. I am sure that there are many traders who would support this thought.
Apr 03, 2021 zamanından beri üye
13 iletiler
Apr 14, 2021 at 07:40
Apr 03, 2021 zamanından beri üye
13 iletiler
That’s a great thought. I have been thinking of this for quite a long time but was not sure whether other traders are also looking for something like this.
Jan 06, 2021 zamanından beri üye
10 iletiler
Apr 23, 2021 at 05:22
Jan 06, 2021 zamanından beri üye
10 iletiler
That is an amazing suggestion. I hope it works out fine for you.
*Ticari kullanım ve istenmeyen e-postalara müsamaha gösterilmez ve hesabın feshedilmesine neden olabilir.
İpucu: Bir resim/youtube urlsi yayınlamak, onu otomatik olarak gönderinize gömer!
İpucu: Bu tartışmaya katılan bir kullanıcı adını otomatik olarak tamamlamak için @ işaretini yazın.