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- Link Magic numbers in sequence
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Link Magic numbers in sequence Tartışma
Aug 06, 2010 zamanından beri üye
159 iletiler
Sep 03, 2010 at 13:03
Aug 06, 2010 zamanından beri üye
159 iletiler
Some EAs release new versions with new Magic numbers, or a person might have used two different numbers and now wants to show a progression line of the same bot, which was run one after another. On a chart they would show up as broken systems when in reality it should be the same.
For example, I had Megadroid v1.20, then upgraded to v1.30 and now the numbers are different, I would like to show it as one system, since there is no overlap in timeframes.
For example, I had Megadroid v1.20, then upgraded to v1.30 and now the numbers are different, I would like to show it as one system, since there is no overlap in timeframes.
Take your profits while you can or the market will take them from you
Jul 31, 2009 zamanından beri üye
1417 iletiler
Sep 06, 2010 at 08:28
Jul 31, 2009 zamanından beri üye
1417 iletiler
Gerald, thanks for the suggestion!
*Ticari kullanım ve istenmeyen e-postalara müsamaha gösterilmez ve hesabın feshedilmesine neden olabilir.
İpucu: Bir resim/youtube urlsi yayınlamak, onu otomatik olarak gönderinize gömer!
İpucu: Bu tartışmaya katılan bir kullanıcı adını otomatik olarak tamamlamak için @ işaretini yazın.