ETS Investor MBW1 (tarafından dharma0277)

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ETS Investor MBW1 Tartışma

Feb 15 at 01:10
265 Görüntüleme
1 Replies
Jan 04, 2022 zamanından beri üye   11 iletiler
Feb 16 at 03:17
Is that an EA ?
What's the difference with all you other accounts ? Cause less DD but more profit.
Aug 19, 2023 zamanından beri üye   7 iletiler
Feb 16 at 08:18
Yes its all based on EA transaction. I combine many ea for one account. I group it based on the characteristic of ea, such as scalper, or swinger. If you interested with the ea, you can message me on my phone number, i'll give you the ea for free.
consistence, persistance, patience
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