HAMSTER TURBO (tarafından eleanna74)

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Sep 16, 2018 at 17:06
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519 Replies
Jan 03, 2018 zamanından beri üye   150 iletiler
Dec 18, 2018 at 07:14
hey Eleni ,but not on mql5 acc ...?
Jan 29, 2017 zamanından beri üye   568 iletiler
Dec 18, 2018 at 07:45
Not what?
Dec 18, 2018 zamanından beri üye   23 iletiler
Dec 18, 2018 at 10:49
Hi Eleni,
does it make sense to start copying your signal today when you are not going to trade at Christmas holidays anyway? ;)
Best Regards,
Jan 29, 2017 zamanından beri üye   568 iletiler
Dec 19, 2018 at 08:41
Hello Rixxx, only you know that. If you have a small account it doesn't worth it, but if you plan to invest more than 800-1000, your monthly subscription is only a day's profit. Please be careful as you should only put a part of your entire available capital in the signal, the 1/4 or 1/2 according to my money management strategies. (The 800-1000 refers to the part of your account, not the whole of it).
Jan 29, 2017 zamanından beri üye   568 iletiler
Dec 19, 2018 at 11:30
Dear subscribers, our tighter than usual trading criteria (due to the FED meeting today) weren't met last night, so we didn't had any trades. We will not trade tonight because its dangerous with the FED interest rate decision and forward guidance 'haunting' the markets. We will trade again cautiously on Friday and then we will stop from the 24th of December to the 4th of January. I am not going to take unnecessary risks during this dangerous period in order to please the greedy or justify my subscription cost. I am doing that by generating profits when the market conditions allow it and by protecting our capital when the risk is greater than the potential reward.

Thank you very much for your attention!

Eleni Anna Branou
Dec 18, 2018 zamanından beri üye   23 iletiler
Dec 20, 2018 at 12:51
Thank you very much for your reply! I decided to take my time until the new year to decide who I will start to follow. Could you compare the costs of either following you (40$ / month for the signal + 10$ / month for a VPS) with the costs of following a trader on Zulutrade? Both with a true ECN IC Markets account. I think that would be very helpful for a lot of people who can't decide which platform to use for copying signals as doing both doesn't make much sense.

Thank you for your help already in advance! 😄

Jan 29, 2017 zamanından beri üye   568 iletiler
Dec 21, 2018 at 08:56
Hello Rixxx, I've tried to use Zulu in the past, but its very unreliable when it comes to slippage between brokers. None of my subscribers could follow me correctly and it was a total mess. I've found that SignalStart it much better, providing a more trustworthy copying platform. MQL5 also has its own problems, but with proper setup you could find a way through it.

Eleni Anna Branou
Jan 29, 2017 zamanından beri üye   568 iletiler
Dec 21, 2018 at 11:32
Dear subscribers, December ends here with 65% profit, so its time for our weekly money management arrangements, unless you withdraw your profits daily, according to my second strategy. I 've divided the sum of signal and back up funds in 4 parts and trading will resume next week with the new 1/4 of the entire capital. As I have already mentioned before, we will not trade from the 24th of December to the 4th of January. So our next trading day will be Monday morning 7th of January. I want to express my sincere gratitude to all of you for your continuous support, warm hearted comments and excellent reviews for HAMSTER TURBO!

I wish to you and your loved ones a Happy & Prosperous 2019!

Eleni Anna Branou
Dec 18, 2018 zamanından beri üye   23 iletiler
Dec 23, 2018 at 08:05
Thanks for your information!
So you think Signalstart is the best platform to copy your signal? Do I need a VPS to trade your signal there, like on MQL5?
Unfortunately there are no slippage information on Signalstart. How is it in comparison to MQL with a VPS?

Thanks again for your help already in advance and a Merry Christmas to you all!
Jan 29, 2017 zamanından beri üye   568 iletiler
Dec 23, 2018 at 14:35
You do not need a VPS with SignalStart, they use their own system of hosting both your and signal's account on the same server somehow. I haven't used SignalStart a signal subscriber, but from what I hear from subscribers its much better from MQL5 in terms of slippage and performance. Its strongly advised though to still use an ECN 1:500 ICMarkets account for best results.
Mar 20, 2017 zamanından beri üye   2 iletiler
Dec 28, 2018 at 12:44
how can I subscribe please?
Jan 29, 2017 zamanından beri üye   568 iletiler
Dec 30, 2018 at 07:26
Hello, you can subscribe to HAMSTER TURBO here:



Please have in mind that I will not trade until the 4th of January.
Jan 03, 2019 zamanından beri üye   1 iletiler
Jan 04, 2019 at 09:59
Hello I subscribed to your signal yesterday.

On 2016 I've had a $100k USD loss due to bad management of my capital. I was copying CALM signal wih lot multipliers, that caused a margin call on my account. With the rest of funds I played roulette on news and spike killed me.

Literally I lost a life opportunity of wealth and relax, but money is replaceable and I managed to build many income sources that provide me around $2000 every month.

After I've saved some money, I decided to create an account again and I've deposited $2000 to be traded with your signal.
I choosed your signal because I've seen that you have no deposits, this indicates that all the profit generated was legit and copiers got exactly what you made.

I think the key here is compounding, I'll not be touching the earnings since month 2. According to compound calculator, if you are abe to make an average of 100% every month, in 2 months my capitall will convert to $8000 approximately. Will be there when I will withdraw the 50% of total funds, to recover my deposit and some profit.

I have a question, if for some reason I see that on "Journal" of the virtual MQL5 server it says signal disabled, but there are active trades copied, what happens if I enable again that checkbox called "enable realtime signal subscription" on my local MT4 client and then sync all again? Will it double the trades?

I need to make sure how to manage the situation if this happens. Since with MQL5 you don't have visual access to the client.
Jan 29, 2017 zamanından beri üye   568 iletiler
Jan 06, 2019 at 08:20
I have answered your questions in MQL5.com.
Dec 18, 2018 zamanından beri üye   23 iletiler
Jan 06, 2019 at 09:38
I wish you all a happy and successful new year! :)

Please let us know about your trading plans asap, Eleni, so that I can get my follower account ready. ;)
Jan 29, 2017 zamanından beri üye   568 iletiler
Jan 06, 2019 at 09:59
Dear HAMSTER TURBO subscribers, we will resume trading on Sunday night to Monday morning, 7th of January, so don't forget to renew your signal subscription and check that you have everything up and ready for signal copying.
Jan 29, 2017 zamanından beri üye   568 iletiler
Jan 08, 2019 at 07:31
Dear subscribers, my custom turbulence filter didn't allow the opening of any trades last night. Maybe it was for the best. We will trade normally tonight. Safety always comes first.
Jan 29, 2017 zamanından beri üye   568 iletiler
Jan 08, 2019 at 07:32
Dear HAMSTER TURBO subscribers, I had a lot of angry messages again today for my reluctance to trade in our first 2019 day. As I already informed you in my previous message we were on alright but my turbulence filter didn't allow us to open any trades. You will be happy to know that we just saved a -85% margin stop out, that we would have suffered if we had opened these 2 sell orders this morning.

Thank you very much for your attention!

Eleni Anna Branou
Jan 01, 2019 zamanından beri üye   1 iletiler
Jan 08, 2019 at 07:41
Helloo... I already open an account in ic markets. Now my question is i have to deposit 650 euro (same as Elenianna) or i can start with small amount. if i start with small amount, how about lot sizing? Tq
Dec 18, 2018 zamanından beri üye   23 iletiler
Jan 08, 2019 at 07:58
Are you talking about the night from Sunday to Monday? Tthere is an open trade on signalstart from this morning with -250 EUR at the moment.
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