Viper EA 20x TW (stopped) (tarafından forex_trader_165856)
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Viper EA 20x TW (stopped) Tartışma

Dec 03, 2013 zamanından beri üye
599 iletiler
Sep 21, 2015 at 07:56
Dec 03, 2013 zamanından beri üye
599 iletiler
RedRhino posted:
I could possibly see 100% gains in about 30 days running these risk setting and lately the lotsize has been turned down to about 5x risk. I normally start with a 0.01 on $1000 balance which is 10x risk and this account has above $2k trading 0.01 lotsize most of the time.
FX Viper EA - Account Management Available with minimum investment $5000 at most ECN MT4 brokers of your choice.
No lock in periods. Transparent investment will all the freedom to do what you want with your money!
Equity Protection at 10% - All trades will automatically close
Different Risk Profiles available ( Equity Protection would adjust accordingly to your risk profile)
Performance for September
22% with 8%DD
Learn more about the trading system -
Learn more about account management -

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