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Mopheme feed içinde Sep 12, 2022 at 12:42
THE MATRIX EXPLAINED The blue pill describes a continuity of the current state of life i.e. living life without knowing its meaning or running away from the truth in order to stay as is. In the movie, Morpheus, a major character, describes it as waking up in bed without caring for your "destiny" or such profound ideas Redpill The red pill is described as the solution for knowing the real truth in life. Morpheus explains it as continuing into the "rabbit hole" or in other words, continuing to learn about the lies that were set in the world in order to break them and obtain freedom. The Money is coming Bot This an automated trading software for Volatility 75 index Scalper Robot AGENT SMITH VIX75 EA Never send a human to do a machine's job ! Agent Smith says to Mr Anderson a brokie wagie like you 9 to Fivver: It seems that you've been living two lives. One of these lives has a future, and one of them does not Have you ever stood and stared at it? Marvelled at its beauty, it's genius. Billions of people, just living out their lives... oblivious! Like Cypher you are delusional you already want to ignore this opportunity because you’re addicted to the Matrix ( slave mind wagie ) and have mastered the povertycraft of ignorance subconsciously!