Discussion of the Forex Contest FX Primus Forex Contest

Aug 30, 2015 at 11:16
229 Replies
会员从Apr 25, 2013开始   28帖子
Oct 23, 2015 at 16:27
One thing I don't understand, why the champion when closed his trades at breakeven (entry=SL) didn't pay the Spread while when I closed my trades even with a small margin of PIPs to avoid to pay the spread, I did it?

It's complicated... ??🙄
Vivi vivi vivi !!!
会员从Jul 30, 2012开始   6帖子
Oct 24, 2015 at 09:04
simoilmari posted:
One thing I don't understand, why the champion when closed his trades at breakeven (entry=SL) didn't pay the Spread while when I closed my trades even with a small margin of PIPs to avoid to pay the spread, I did it?

It's complicated... ??🙄

Its so easy >>> Because of using " Close By " method
会员从May 30, 2015开始   37帖子
Oct 24, 2015 at 09:11
6.9% profitable traders, from +1% to top winner.

119 out of 1723 active (at least one trade) participants!

会员从Aug 11, 2015开始   5帖子
Oct 26, 2015 at 11:49
Is there any one already received the rewards ? I already ask to live chat support fxprimus but seems there is a problem so I must escalate to email to their support..
会员从Mar 02, 2015开始   30帖子
Oct 27, 2015 at 07:05
anggwa posted:
Is there any one already received the rewards ? I already ask to live chat support fxprimus but seems there is a problem so I must escalate to email to their support..

Hi sir Anggwa this is first live contest.

Wait to finish and we will ask the winner do he has touch and received the rewards...
会员从Aug 11, 2015开始   5帖子
Oct 27, 2015 at 07:25
Hi @Omega73, I'm asking about fxprimus contest, as I read on http://www.myfxbook.com/contests/forex-contest-fx-primus/31/rules it should be end on Oct 20 or maybe you have another explanation ?
会员从Aug 19, 2015开始   2帖子
Oct 27, 2015 at 08:43
Somebody has got his prize?
会员从Jul 30, 2012开始   6帖子
Oct 28, 2015 at 06:58
BlackHeart posted:
Somebody has got his prize?

I got it
会员从Aug 11, 2015开始   5帖子
Oct 28, 2015 at 07:14
Yes, after contact the fxprimus support, the price already landed ..😄


会员从Apr 25, 2013开始   28帖子
Oct 29, 2015 at 15:05
foralios posted:
simoilmari posted:
One thing I don't understand, why the champion when closed his trades at breakeven (entry=SL) didn't pay the Spread while when I closed my trades even with a small margin of PIPs to avoid to pay the spread, I did it?

It's complicated... ??🙄

Its so easy >>> Because of using " Close By " method

What is Close By ?

I see they closed at Breakeven with 0 profit/loss while when i closed few pips more then BE i had losses !
Vivi vivi vivi !!!
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