Reasonable monthly/ annual returns

Oct 26, 2010 at 17:08
90 Replies
会员从Feb 13, 2012开始   7帖子
Feb 24, 2012 at 06:57
The increase in deposit $ 15,000 per year, without removing the profit
the average profitability of 15% per month
Period of deposit amount ($)

1st month. 17,250
2nd month. 19,838
Third month. 22,813
The 4th month. 26,235
5th month. 30,170
The 6th month. 34,696
7th month. 39,900
8th month. 45,885
The 9th month. 52,768
The 10th month. 60,683
The 11th month. 80,253
The 12th month. 92291.81
Profit: 515% 😄
会员从Feb 13, 2012开始   7帖子
Feb 24, 2012 at 06:57
So you deposit $ 15,000 and you are able to earn 600 pip per month.
the first month you trade every day, a lot = 100 000, while last month
you have a profit of 6000 and your total deposit will be equal to 21000,
the second month you are trading a lot again and earn another 6,000 - 27,000 itgo
(You ask me, why do not large,
even if we believe in the movement-and-answer work out the strength of will.
At the same time, many were ruined, when suddenly they start to receive
and they began to increase Volume of all let down in the cases of wrong-entry this time.
Give the steady increase cushion
to increase is the second board) So you have 27,000. Here you can afford
start trading a 2lotami = 200 000.
Your total income per month is 12,000 total = 39000.4 th month
You are trading the same amount in 2 lots end up with 51,000.
In the fifth month, you increase the Volume of up to 3 lots, total of 69,000.
You is presented confidence that you have found your system and it is stable you
bring at least 600 min. You become mentally prepared for the
that an increase in the volume you uvelichivaetsya and size of the loss of Stoplos,
but you have a system and you Stoplos accept as costs.
In the sixth month, you begin to trade 5 lots = 500000
your income will be 30,000, and the overall balance has to be 99 000.
In the seven month increase the volume to a Leman - the total for the month the balance is equal to = 159 000.
At 8mesyatse you increase the volume up to 2mil. total = 279 000.
With this deposit, you can increase the transaction volume of up to 3 mils
loss in the case of SL you will be in 9000. A profit of over 9 per month sostavit180000.
Total for 9 months at the depot you will grow to 459 000.
Here, I would recommend you to the rest of the month not to increase the volume,
and trade theme is the theme and then 3 million by the end of the year your deposit will grow to 999 000.
And then the Free Will ... who wants stability, or directly to Forbes,
and perhaps return to the beginning of the road .... "😎
会员从Feb 13, 2012开始   7帖子
Feb 24, 2012 at 06:58
Оld trader sits in front of the monitor and working. he takes two points, then five, and so the whole day. Suitable for him and let the young trader to criticize it:
- But how do you work, but you have no system, but all you're doing that's shit ...
old trader turns to him and says:
- You know, I'm tired of being smart, I want some money. 😄
会员从Mar 21, 2016开始   3帖子
Mar 21, 2016 at 07:27
Hi, is there a possible that a company trade using forex and get a profit of 25-60% per month? Using a big fund of USD 12,297,876.00
会员从Nov 14, 2015开始   315帖子
Mar 21, 2016 at 13:31
albert568: Perhaps. But at some point you won't be able to trade using high leverage. Ask yourself how well your system works using leverage 1, and how well it works using market movements.
会员从Feb 22, 2011开始   4573帖子
Mar 21, 2016 at 14:41
Chikot posted:
Hello everyone!

I am posting my first topic here as I am struggling to gouge what is that serious investors want?
I have been trading Forex since October 2008 and stopped losing money approximately 6 months after I started. I still trade same money as I deposited in the very beginning.
However I used to have problems with returns. I actually have no idea for how much monthly/ annual returns should I strive to attract serious investors in the future. I am trading 2 accounts here and after being told that 5% is not worth it, i pushed myself and lost all my earnings for 4 months in September and this month only bringing account back up to previous high which is a waste of my time and energy. Thankfully I was more careful on my second account and it was doing fine.
Can experienced guys put me here on right trail? I am not looking for some crazy returns but does 4-6% monthly look really that bad? I simply see some systems strategies here making outlandish returns and it makes me feel like I am under performing.

5% a month and low DD for stable growth
会员从Mar 21, 2016开始   3帖子
Mar 25, 2016 at 10:47
Hi, may I ask if anybody knows about the meaning of floating in forex? How does it works? And is it really that if we let our money floating in the forex market, it will still help us in earning money? Thanks for all the advice and suggestions.
会员从Aug 27, 2013开始   12帖子
Apr 05, 2016 at 06:29
Elkart posted:
Talking a lot doesn't mean I know better. But Buffet does about 30% per annum. You're beating that by a factor of 2.

Thing is not to listen to other people with their own agendas. I assure you your bank manager isn't.

It might be possible to go faster, but not by much and definitely not manually. So you just putter along.

For the record, I'm GrimFd.

Most stupid and depressing thing ive heard Buffet does 30% so therefor you cant do any better because he is "worlds best trader"

Oh where to start off on this stupid, stupid reply..

1. Buffet trades billions in which it is much harder to make gains and limited strategies if any apply, where as normal sized accounts can be more technical in and out.. and really play the market efficiently..

2. Buffet trades stocks, and does not trade Forex.

3. Many people have made returns of 70-100%+ per year in Forex.. 1mil-2mil-4mil-8mil-16mil but they slow down as account gets larger, so they end up making 30-50%, ive seen and met people who have turned 5-10k to about 500k-1mil in 3 years.

4. People who compare hedge funds and billionaire stock traders to retail Leveraged technical forex traders are so stupid, its like comparing what a marathon runner runs at with a 100m sprinter..

5. Records are meant to be broken, Buffet didnt have the technology we have today.. with the mindset people have "i cant outdo Buffet because of this" buffet is just an oldschool guy whos really patient and has been compounding gains and investments with consistent profit for 50 years..

6. Year 2025-2030.. you´ll see alot more billionaire forex traders that have made astonishing returns.. a new wave of traders are rising.. anything is possible..
会员从Mar 21, 2016开始   3帖子
Apr 05, 2016 at 10:27
Hi, astronaut

May I ask what is the conclusion you wish to make, is it possible for a people to get profits up to 30-60% per month if he/she is having more than one account, with a huge capital by using the technique called floating. Thanks, appreciated so much for your suggestions and advice.
会员从Feb 22, 2011开始   4573帖子
Apr 05, 2016 at 10:41
Jackson posted:
The increase in deposit $ 15,000 per year, without removing the profit
the average profitability of 15% per month
Period of deposit amount ($)

1st month. 17,250
2nd month. 19,838
Third month. 22,813
The 4th month. 26,235
5th month. 30,170
The 6th month. 34,696
7th month. 39,900
8th month. 45,885
The 9th month. 52,768
The 10th month. 60,683
The 11th month. 80,253
The 12th month. 92291.81
Profit: 515% 😄

Show me the account with 15% profit for 12 months with reasonable DD.
会员从Feb 22, 2011开始   4573帖子
Apr 06, 2016 at 06:04
aSTRONAUT posted:
Elkart posted:
Talking a lot doesn't mean I know better. But Buffet does about 30% per annum. You're beating that by a factor of 2.

Thing is not to listen to other people with their own agendas. I assure you your bank manager isn't.

It might be possible to go faster, but not by much and definitely not manually. So you just putter along.

For the record, I'm GrimFd.

Most stupid and depressing thing ive heard Buffet does 30% so therefor you cant do any better because he is "worlds best trader"

Oh where to start off on this stupid, stupid reply..

1. Buffet trades billions in which it is much harder to make gains and limited strategies if any apply, where as normal sized accounts can be more technical in and out.. and really play the market efficiently..

2. Buffet trades stocks, and does not trade Forex.

3. Many people have made returns of 70-100%+ per year in Forex.. 1mil-2mil-4mil-8mil-16mil but they slow down as account gets larger, so they end up making 30-50%, ive seen and met people who have turned 5-10k to about 500k-1mil in 3 years.

4. People who compare hedge funds and billionaire stock traders to retail Leveraged technical forex traders are so stupid, its like comparing what a marathon runner runs at with a 100m sprinter..

5. Records are meant to be broken, Buffet didnt have the technology we have today.. with the mindset people have "i cant outdo Buffet because of this" buffet is just an oldschool guy whos really patient and has been compounding gains and investments with consistent profit for 50 years..

6. Year 2025-2030.. you´ll see alot more billionaire forex traders that have made astonishing returns.. a new wave of traders are rising.. anything is possible..

Can you prove your statement by showing account making 30+% for lets say 10+ years :)
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