Seeking a mentor

Mar 23, 2017 at 15:39
15 Replies
会员从Sep 26, 2016开始   2帖子
Mar 23, 2017 at 15:39
Hi, I am fairly new to forex and CFD trading and have made some and obviously lost some money. I am looking for an experienced person to guide me etc. 😎
会员从Mar 31, 2017开始   8帖子
Apr 06, 2017 at 06:47
Hi ZanerE, If you're still looking for help let me know.
Better to lose less then to make more
会员从Apr 24, 2017开始   4帖子
Apr 24, 2017 at 12:17
Hey guys, I'm also interested...
会员从Oct 30, 2015开始   13帖子
Apr 30, 2017 at 06:36
Just my thoughts here.
If you want to find someone for free or ever for small fee to teach you what is going to create lifetime income for you, just forget it. There might be some tips or tips from guys but nothing to make you alot. Why you may ask? Guys who want to teach you for some small amount dont know nothing themselves, if they would they would be earning a lot and their teaching courses would cost a lot, like 1K+(10K even probs), because they value their time and their knowledge, and they know they can make u earn it all back.
I would suggest you to study yourself, go to sites like,, and study, then read some books, do search for ones that are the best. I would highly suggest studying Elliott wave theory, its most complex theory out there and might take you 1-2 years if you learn a lot and everyday, but if you are willing to put in work you can make a lot out of time spent learning it.
Good luck on you journey guys!!!
会员从Apr 21, 2017开始   2帖子
Apr 30, 2017 at 11:56
DM if you are interested. However you will need to pay the normal rate but you will actually learn how to trade. I teach how the real market works not put on tens of micro lots and take 5 pips - thats is not trading.
会员从Apr 21, 2017开始   2帖子
Apr 30, 2017 at 11:56
Btw I worked for a sovereign wealth fund and some of the largest forex players globally - not retail brokers but top 5 institutions
会员从Feb 03, 2017开始   30帖子
Jun 09, 2017 at 08:39 helps a ton.

Start with that first.

I recommend to start with a live micro account and "let the market be your mentor".

Don't panic over drawdown, instead manage it !!
会员从Oct 01, 2015开始   69帖子
Jun 20, 2017 at 03:54
Somebody wants to learn ? I can mentor from a to z. Teach you to be a winning trader, or a least breakeven controlled.

tradersonflow. com get the program.
会员从May 21, 2017开始   1帖子
Jun 21, 2017 at 07:37
Zemnieks posted:
Just my thoughts here.
If you want to find someone for free or ever for small fee to teach you what is going to create lifetime income for you, just forget it. There might be some tips or tips from guys but nothing to make you alot. Why you may ask? Guys who want to teach you for some small amount dont know nothing themselves, if they would they would be earning a lot and their teaching courses would cost a lot, like 1K+(10K even probs), because they value their time and their knowledge, and they know they can make u earn it all back.
I would suggest you to study yourself, go to sites like,, and study, then read some books, do search for ones that are the best. I would highly suggest studying Elliott wave theory, its most complex theory out there and might take you 1-2 years if you learn a lot and everyday, but if you are willing to put in work you can make a lot out of time spent learning it.
Good luck on you journey guys!!!

Can't agree more.
会员从Oct 30, 2015开始   13帖子
Jun 21, 2017 at 09:55
cloudater posted:
Zemnieks posted:
Just my thoughts here.
If you want to find someone for free or ever for small fee to teach you what is going to create lifetime income for you, just forget it. There might be some tips or tips from guys but nothing to make you alot. Why you may ask? Guys who want to teach you for some small amount dont know nothing themselves, if they would they would be earning a lot and their teaching courses would cost a lot, like 1K+(10K even probs), because they value their time and their knowledge, and they know they can make u earn it all back.
I would suggest you to study yourself, go to sites like,, and study, then read some books, do search for ones that are the best. I would highly suggest studying Elliott wave theory, its most complex theory out there and might take you 1-2 years if you learn a lot and everyday, but if you are willing to put in work you can make a lot out of time spent learning it.
Good luck on you journey guys!!!

Can't agree more.

Again would like to add, its not all in price of tutoring, because if you dont know what you want to learn they can sell you any knowledge at any price. thats why study yourself a lot or at least in beginning so you know what you want out of your mentor, let it be ''make me profitable''.
There are a lot of scams and people claiming they can teach you, they can change your life, ask them to prove if they are profitable them selves for a long period of time before even start talking. I have heard so many people taking courses, buying signals and loosing, i would say 90% are scams out there :D
To avoid that you can study yourself or do lots of research and talk to people who have taken course, and are now doing good.
Dont get fooled people, good luck.
会员从Nov 08, 2012开始   5帖子
Jul 19, 2017 at 06:36
Right now there are a lot of stuff for free. If you pay for learning do yourself the best.
Prepare for a long ran.
Read again what Zemnieks has posted
会员从Feb 22, 2011开始   4573帖子
Jul 20, 2017 at 12:25
Crudeoiltrader1 posted:
Somebody wants to learn ? I can mentor from a to z. Teach you to be a winning trader, or a least breakeven controlled.

tradersonflow. com get the program.

Why should anyone listen to you when you dont have a single profitable account?
Crudeoiltrader1's profile
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Real traders are trading and making money
Not offering to mentor someone.
会员从Sep 12, 2015开始   1933帖子
Jul 20, 2017 at 14:04
Multiple revenge streams are always welcome in any business.
"They mistook leverage with genius".
会员从Feb 14, 2018开始   3帖子
Mar 07, 2018 at 07:15
Have you think about joining a trading community?

I know that's how I became profitable.. even though I admit it is not easy to find the right one...
会员从Aug 09, 2017开始   4帖子
Mar 08, 2018 at 05:44
I am happy to help mentor anyone interested.
会员从Oct 01, 2015开始   69帖子
May 09, 2018 at 07:28
I teach people to make money and I am profitable on the markets, doing both is fine.
Come chek us everyday [me]
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