Watch This "Live" 4X Account Make Thousands Per Month - 1k to 100,000 usd

Apr 08, 2014 at 06:56
25 Replies
会员从Apr 21, 2013开始   98帖子
Apr 08, 2014 at 06:56
Trading Full time from home this is what the account would look like! See details below
We are putting this thread up, because of the growing frustration with all the demo accounts being posted on fxbook by shady sellers. We want to showcase a real live trading account.

That Makes Money every week “hundreds of dollars daily” and thousands monthly. We plan on Growing this Account to around $100,000 USD. We have done it many times in the past but, this is the first time we are doing it live and in a public Domain. We repair damaged forex trading accounts all the time.

If you have ever blown a trading account or close to blowing your current account. We recommend you take a break and follow this thread. You will learn a few things about trading.
Below is the Link to our Live trading Accounts.
会员从Mar 20, 2014开始   93帖子
Apr 08, 2014 at 11:12
That's great but you don't show balances or any other monetary totals, so how will anyone know how you're getting on with the challenge?

Also your trading privileges aren't verified.
会员从Apr 21, 2013开始   98帖子
Apr 08, 2014 at 15:17
C-1-LIVE Real (USD), Oanda, Technical, Automated, 1:50 , MetaTrader 4

Track Record Verified | Trading Privileges Verified

This is the system that is being used to trade the account.
会员从Apr 21, 2013开始   98帖子
Apr 08, 2014 at 21:16
Good Day today made an account return close to 3% using the Forex octave program... Accuracy on today's trade we modest.
"Message to moderator" now your blocking the EDUCATION trading videos on my trading method that makes money? "Really"
会员从Apr 21, 2013开始   98帖子
Apr 09, 2014 at 06:49
System is off to a Smooth start this month Banking a few thousand dollars. the Forex Octave system combined with the forex android app produced a few dozen trades. Think maybe we should rename the system to: "Bank Money Printing Machine"...
会员从Apr 21, 2013开始   98帖子
Apr 09, 2014 at 20:38
About to Break the $20,000 USD Mark! Still Have a ways to go...
会员从Apr 21, 2013开始   98帖子
Apr 14, 2014 at 21:38
Account Has Broken Past the $20,000 Balance Level.... We Still have a was to go... but it will get there... Follow this Account. or better yes plug your account into the same system and make a profit with us...
会员从Apr 21, 2013开始   98帖子
Apr 16, 2014 at 07:01
This Forex Account has now broken past the $21,000 level and has officially made over $10,000 in pure profits!!!!! 😂
会员从Jun 03, 2010开始   675帖子
Apr 16, 2014 at 13:55
forexalertsystem posted:
This Forex Account has now broken past the $21,000 level and has officially made over $10,000 in pure profits!!!!! 😂

So? Is is so great?
PAMM MANAGER // Professional Fund Manager
会员从Apr 21, 2013开始   98帖子
Apr 24, 2014 at 10:57
System Has Stable Smooth Equity Growth, and is still making Hundreds of Dollars Per day and Thousands Per month, system has made it past $8,000 usd in profits this year and Growing...

This account has achieved these returns with low leverage of 50:1 and no hedging.... Unlike the system posted above (Adrian Matusiak (adrian8891) ) that's using excessive leverage and has very few trades and large draw-downs as high as 68.17%. our system is different and has placed over 1,000+ trades. with our large data sampling its safe to safe its stable and has a clear edge if your looking to make a full time living profit income from trading forex.

If you have any questions on how we do it, just Send a PM.
会员从Apr 21, 2013开始   98帖子
Apr 25, 2014 at 15:13
The Holy Grail Continues to pump out daily Profits.... no matter what the market conditions are!

the System has Made it Past! $9,000 In Cash Profits and Growing!

Follow this system... Grow Rich with Us...
会员从Apr 21, 2013开始   98帖子
Apr 27, 2014 at 14:49
Looking Forward to another great trading week......
会员从Apr 27, 2014开始   4帖子
Apr 27, 2014 at 19:39
Great man. Keep the profits coming! 😀
Buy right, sit tight, don't let the sharks bite.
会员从Aug 02, 2011开始   39帖子
Apr 27, 2014 at 19:40
Nice performance for the last 3 months, but why you use the custom start date?
Wait for it
会员从Apr 21, 2013开始   98帖子
Apr 28, 2014 at 05:20
the account belongs to a client, she had a draw-down of 45% before we took over.. we explain this in the description already. we could have started with a new account but thought it would be good to keep it in place. kinda like before and after
会员从Aug 02, 2011开始   39帖子
Apr 28, 2014 at 11:17
forexalertsystem posted:
the account belongs to a client, she had a draw-down of 45% before we took over.. we explain this in the description already. we could have started with a new account but thought it would be good to keep it in place. kinda like before and after

Your client must be very relieved now :))
Wait for it
会员从Apr 21, 2013开始   98帖子
Apr 29, 2014 at 20:18
Yes! she is, everyone we help always is. Women make for good savvy investors, they know when to ask for professional help and do not have there ego or pride to get in the way... so in the end they make more money then most....

Market is choppy, today but we are still squeezing and juicing the markets for decent profits...
会员从Mar 31, 2014开始   53帖子
May 01, 2014 at 05:09
what is your current DD? Im curious because you stopped update the account 8 hours ago. I bet you are holding shorts on E/U. I myself fortunately closed my short on E/U early so only a minor loss for me today.
会员从Apr 21, 2013开始   98帖子
May 01, 2014 at 09:07
The Month is over, we are done trading this account. the client contract is over she has made over 100% return, we are starting a new account in a few days and it will run for another 3 months.
会员从Apr 21, 2013开始   98帖子
May 01, 2014 at 09:07
when we are done with an account we hand it back over to the client, what happens to the account and balance after that is not our concern....
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