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Complete Trading Life
会员从Jul 09, 2020开始
Jul 11, 2020 at 07:03
会员从Apr 18, 2017开始
the maximum result from Forex is not an easy task even though many of us try to make money easily . first of all you have to acquire most powerful analyzing trade knowledge which is the key to success in Forex. On the other hand despite of having most powerful analyzing trade knowledge it is not possible to achieve success without having a reliable support, because the broker can affects the result of our trading with certainly.
会员从Jun 26, 2020开始
会员从May 18, 2020开始
会员从Dec 26, 2019开始
Jul 19, 2020 at 09:30
会员从Dec 26, 2019开始
If you want to be a good trader then you need practice. iI knw that some people wil say that knowledge is the most important but I say that a demo is the most important. If you are not able to apply what you have learn in the demo account then you are not going to be a good trader.
会员从Dec 18, 2019开始
Jul 19, 2020 at 09:43
会员从Dec 18, 2019开始
To be a good trader you need to have good money management skills. Forex is all about money and if you are not able to manage yours properly then it is losses that you wil get. That comes down to using trade tools like a stop loss. They make sure that you do not go overboard in trades and take high risks.
会员从Aug 27, 2017开始
会员从Aug 27, 2017开始
会员从Aug 27, 2017开始
Jul 28, 2020 at 17:01
会员从Aug 09, 2017开始
You can earn money from Forex trading if you can acquire most powerful analyzing trade knowledge , on the other hand , despite of good trading knowledge that’s not possible at all to lead a profitable trading life without having a reliable support form a credible trading platform, because the broker can affects the result of our trading with certainly.
会员从May 11, 2020开始
Jul 29, 2020 at 18:06
会员从May 11, 2020开始
There are many opportunities in the market that can be exploited. Another issue is that traders in pursuit of profit miss it and make mistakes.
In fact, everything is easier.
1. Demo.
2. Training services from brokerage companies.
3. Normal leverage range.
In fact, everything is easier.
1. Demo.
2. Training services from brokerage companies.
3. Normal leverage range.
Sep 07, 2020 at 00:46
会员从Jul 19, 2020开始
Trading life requires a lot of things. Such important things as trading knowledge, trading plan, risk management, money management, trade management, good strategy trading are very important. And without these things, you will never be able to succeed in trading.
会员从Jul 20, 2020开始
