FX Broker with lowest co-location latency

Feb 02, 2015 at 09:55
2 Replies
会员从Sep 08, 2014开始   7帖子
Feb 02, 2015 at 09:55
I am searching for a broker with the lowest possible retailer co-location latency. I know two brokers which have an ultra low latency.

Pepperstone with 0.5 ms

FinFX with 0.35 ms

Does anyone know a broker which beats these figures?

Hope that someone can help me. 😲

会员从Sep 09, 2013开始   406帖子
Feb 02, 2015 at 10:09
Do you mean from your platform/vps) to their server(mt4 server location)? If so, CNS VPS includes a latency chart to all their OnNet broker connections. I believe Beeks also advertises the same.

From Beeks website
"Latency is the measure in time that it takes a message to go from a VPS to a broker/liquidity provider, this is usually measured in milliseconds. If you are using a popular expert advisor ie Million Dollar Pips, Megadroid etc. There are literally tens of thousands of people trying to place the same trade at the same time. There is a finite amount of liquidity up for grabs to these traders before slippage occurs. The lower your latency is the more chance you have of getting filled at the best price and more chance of making money on the specific trade. It can make the difference between making a profit on a trade and losing. Our data centres are located centrally in London and New York"
会员从Sep 08, 2014开始   7帖子
Feb 02, 2015 at 10:50
Hi Frank,

thank you very much for reply. Beeks offers the delay in ms. Unfortunately does CNS not offer precise delay times. They offer only the advice: ON-NET but no figures in the range of < 1 MS

Does anyone know a faster combination than 0.35 MS?

Kind regards
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