FX Cure EA (TEA Free)

Oct 06, 2013 at 19:13
294 Replies
会员从Jan 01, 2012开始   148帖子
Nov 28, 2013 at 03:14
Wow, my first 3 baskets closed, all doing the right thing!

-that's a first!

Did ForexJack NAIL it? Let's see some more.....

-And 5% drawdown, nice.

Waant aal, lose aal, man...
会员从Jan 04, 2011开始   37帖子
Dec 01, 2013 at 23:27
Glad to hear it looks like it's working correctly
会员从Jan 01, 2012开始   148帖子
Dec 02, 2013 at 11:44
Hey FJ, I may have spoken too soon.

Are you testing more than one MT4 terminal with this EA on the same computer?

Why? Well, yes, everything was fine last week, baskets all profitable. Then, to start this
week, I added two more MT4 terminals, one for multiplier 3 and one for multiplier 6.

Now I get strangeness: the original MT4 (with multiplier=1) just closed a 3X and 6X
for a "tp" in GBPUSD of -$575! At the same time, my multiplier=3 MT4 is opening
all kinds of 1X orders! But the multiplier=6 terminal has no orders yet (as expected).

So, I am thinking there must be some kind of Magic Number "leakage" between
multiple MT4 terminals running this EA on the same computer. What do you think?

Waant aal, lose aal, man...
会员从Nov 22, 2011开始   51帖子
Dec 02, 2013 at 21:34
I saw the same type of issues last week and then again yesterday. I am also running three different MT4 with the EA
会员从Jan 04, 2011开始   37帖子
Dec 03, 2013 at 05:31
First question does this happen with the previous version? I'm guessing it does, if you don't know please test and find out. Another question did you do a copy install or a full install of the additional terminals. If you did a copy install did it only happen once per symbol if so I would guess that you should delete all the global vars first, either way after a copy install you should delete all the global vars. If the previous version had the problem I would suspect there is a problem with the math the calculates where the TP should be. Please remember that when there are multiple trades in a position/basket some can be negative and the position/basket will be positive the best way to double check this is to sort the trades by close time because the trades in the same position/basket will be next to each other and easier to do the math that way.
会员从Jan 04, 2011开始   37帖子
Dec 03, 2013 at 05:32
Oh I forgot, I only run one terminal with the default settings. FYI on the 28 majors and currently there is more negative floating than the closed profit.
会员从Jan 01, 2012开始   148帖子
Dec 03, 2013 at 14:18
Okay, I started again, new account, because it was continually closing negative baskets,
where before it was nothing but positive. I cleaned out all existing Global Variables and
Objects. Verified all the .chr files had no residual objects. Closed, then opened the terminal.

It is located here, for those that follow:

I believe, by opening up those other MT4 terminals on this PC, the data
stream got corrupted. So let's see if once again trades are as expected.

Waant aal, lose aal, man...
会员从Jan 04, 2011开始   37帖子
Dec 03, 2013 at 22:11
The different Mt4 Terminals don't communicate with each other. I see two possible problems the equation to determining TP or leftover global vars. It would be interesting for someone to do multiple terminal after making sure everything is cleaned up.
会员从Jan 04, 2011开始   37帖子
Dec 09, 2013 at 01:29
How are things going?
会员从Jan 01, 2012开始   148帖子
Dec 09, 2013 at 04:56
Well, I am back to one clean MT4 terminal. I am not going to open any other terminals on this PC.
I'm feeling spooked because both times I had more than one terminal, everything went for shit.

I just want to run only one v.94 with multiplier 1, Risk 2 and $50K on 28 pairs for 4 weeks....

It would be cool for others (hint, hint) to do the same with multiplier 3 or 6 and report here.

Eternal Thanks FJ!

Waant aal, lose aal, man...
会员从Nov 22, 2011开始   51帖子
Dec 09, 2013 at 12:11
I have three MT4s running on the same computer using different settings. After the update to 0.94 I had several baskets closeout for a loss overall but since that time all seems to be working fine. Not sure why the TP got messed up with the update.
会员从Jan 04, 2011开始   37帖子
Dec 10, 2013 at 20:50
My guess for the TP problem is the EA is using global vars instead of figuring things out on the fly, and when you updated you created a new account but did not delete the global vars.
会员从Jan 04, 2011开始   37帖子
Dec 10, 2013 at 20:50
Good to hear things are working correctly now.
会员从Dec 10, 2013开始   20帖子
Dec 10, 2013 at 21:22
Hello Guys
会员从Nov 22, 2011开始   51帖子
Dec 10, 2013 at 21:24
I spoke too soon. My MT4 on setting 1 closed a EURAUD basket for a loss today.
会员从Jan 01, 2012开始   148帖子
Dec 11, 2013 at 02:24
Hey, welcome FXking1, need any help?

==>Really chan77? What was in the basket, sizewise? a 3X and a 6X? All my singleton 3X's
(so, not baskets, per se), closed with profit, but my only "Basket" with a 3X and 6X closed
for a loss. So, something is still wrong in the code, I'm absolutely, positively 75% sure ;)

(FJ, I was very careful to delete all global vars, and objects, even logs - a very Clean startup)

But, still monitoring.....

Waant aal, lose aal, man...
会员从Nov 22, 2011开始   51帖子
Dec 11, 2013 at 11:21
Yes it was a 3X and a 6X together. I also saw single 3Xs close with profit. I agree there is something not recalculating the profit for baskets.
会员从Jan 04, 2011开始   37帖子
Dec 13, 2013 at 20:54
chan77 posted:
I spoke too soon. My MT4 on setting 1 closed a EURAUD basket for a loss today.

Please sort your trade history by close time, and if you still see a problem please post your statement after being sorted by close time.
会员从Jan 04, 2011开始   37帖子
Dec 13, 2013 at 20:56
ForexCuredotcom posted:
Hey, welcome FXking1, need any help?

==>Really chan77? What was in the basket, sizewise? a 3X and a 6X? All my singleton 3X's
(so, not baskets, per se), closed with profit, but my only "Basket" with a 3X and 6X closed
for a loss. So, something is still wrong in the code, I'm absolutely, positively 75% sure ;)

(FJ, I was very careful to delete all global vars, and objects, even logs - a very Clean startup)

But, still monitoring.....

Perhaps there is a problem with the code that calculates where the TP needs to be. When trades are added to the basket it needs to recalculate where the TP needs to be, and that part could have a problem. Can you post your sorted by close time trade history?
会员从Jan 01, 2012开始   148帖子
Dec 13, 2013 at 21:31

I will in a few hours....away from my trading PC right now.....

Waant aal, lose aal, man...
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