FX Manager Listing Board

Jun 12, 2010 at 06:57
690 Replies
会员从Mar 14, 2010开始   20帖子
Sep 23, 2012 at 05:13
dd 52.27% ?
会员从Jun 21, 2012开始   12帖子
Sep 23, 2012 at 07:04
If that is the case then no one should be allowed to post their results on MYfX. The whole purpose of the site is to show results to attract investors who are looking for profitable traders.


WhyLose posted:
Guys, in most countries it is illegal and a criminal offense to advertise for retail forex clients unless you have a license from the relevant country's regulator. This usually means where you are based but there are exceptions.

If you're based in France, for example, you need to contact the Direction des Agréments, des Autorisations et de la Réglementation to establish an exemption unless you are already registered with https://www.banque-france.fr

In Malaysia you need to be a Licence Holder as provided under section 77 of the Capital Markets and Services Act 2007 at https://www.sc.com.my with the Securities Commission Malaysia.

On a general note it is not sufficient that you are an IB for a regulated broker who may be a Futures Commission Merchant or a member of the NFA or any other such governing body which may or may not be local to you. The test would be if the people - the people posting here - are ADVERTISING? It would be my contention that this thread is clearly advertising.

I mention this because most of the people open for business here may not be aware of the law. If you disagree with my opinion then please feel free to contradict me, state the class of client you are aiming to attract - as Fill or Kill (cateful) did - or state your relevant authorisation or exemption and the country or countries you are aiming to attract clients from.
It's not the market. It's not the spread. It's not slippage. It's not the broker. It's not the system. It's YOU. Once you stop whining and making excuses, you can start winning.
会员从May 08, 2012开始   17帖子
Oct 09, 2012 at 22:37
This is not a EA, its a group of 2 junior traders and a master trader with 21 years of financial market, the focus are dax, maximum protection, and the performance you can see, manual trading based in news and analyse. Master trader works directly for manage big accounts with saxo and barclays bank.

History of last year - 34% monthly

Minimum investement - 20000 usd

50% performance fee


registration link:


Email: [email protected]
skype: billiontrendy
会员从Aug 13, 2009开始   45帖子
Oct 11, 2012 at 03:12

this is an open offer for all high net worth individuals , I will provide you the investor password of my account and you can copy trades on your real account.

I dont want a penny from the profits, but just the explorer of the account will remain on my FF, Zulu and myfxbook profiles.

minimum amount of funding will be 10k and all profits generated which will be approx 4% monthly and 48% yearly, will be all yours.

Email [email protected], [email protected]





会员从Mar 30, 2011开始   58帖子
Oct 11, 2012 at 13:13
4xeuro posted:

this is an open offer for all high net worth individuals , I will provide you the investor password of my account and you can copy trades on your real account.

I dont want a penny from the profits, but just the explorer of the account will remain on my FF, Zulu and myfxbook profiles.

minimum amount of funding will be 10k and all profits generated which will be approx 4% monthly and 48% yearly, will be all yours.

Email [email protected], [email protected]





Oh account with 10 days history. LETS INVEST ALL MY MONEY.
会员从Mar 30, 2011开始   58帖子
Oct 11, 2012 at 13:26
odyssey posted:
Hello FX Traders and Investors,

This is a very interesting thread. Here's what FX Odyssey PAMM can offer.

Better and safer profits.

The goal is 10% return on investment, monthly.

Exclusive Advantages to Investors:
- Excellent Investor Service
- High Return on Investment + 6% Annual Interest
- You can Order Profit (Rollover) any number of times
- Low Risk Investment Portfolio - Max Risk is 5%
- Steady and Continuous Growth of the fund

See performance and more details on myfxbook : https://odyssey.rocks.it
See what other say on facebook : https://www.green.makes.it
Invest in FX Odyssey PAMM: https://www.fxodyssey.does.it

You are acctually in loss. 16000USD deposited, 3k USD withdrawed. Equinity at 75%. This is a good and steady PAMM? Dont think so.
会员从May 08, 2012开始   17帖子
Oct 11, 2012 at 13:28


会员从Aug 26, 2012开始   10帖子
Oct 11, 2012 at 16:01
biosko posted:
odyssey posted:
Hello FX Traders and Investors,

This is a very interesting thread. Here's what FX Odyssey PAMM can offer.

Better and safer profits.

The goal is 10% return on investment, monthly.

Exclusive Advantages to Investors:
- Excellent Investor Service
- High Return on Investment + 6% Annual Interest
- You can Order Profit (Rollover) any number of times
- Low Risk Investment Portfolio - Max Risk is 5%
- Steady and Continuous Growth of the fund

See performance and more details on myfxbook : https://odyssey.rocks.it
See what other say on facebook : https://www.green.makes.it
Invest in FX Odyssey PAMM: https://www.fxodyssey.does.it

You are acctually in loss. 16000USD deposited, 3k USD withdrawed. Equinity at 75%. This is a good and steady PAMM? Dont think so.

Yes, you are right. there's a 250 USD loss. This is due to 47 open trades. Don't you think, that's normal? :-) The 250 USD running loss will turn to atleast a 1000 USD profit once the open trades are closed.
Trade Forex, Change the World
会员从Apr 04, 2011开始   66帖子
Oct 11, 2012 at 18:15
Hi Actually you have 5356 in floating loss right now, not 250. And yes you are in profit 16754.11 deposited, 3240.46 withdrawn and a current equity of 15356 makes you 1842 in profit. Still have to say 25% floating draw down in no way safe, do you use a stop loss?
会员从Feb 11, 2011开始   1768帖子
Oct 11, 2012 at 20:46 (已编辑 Oct 11, 2012 at 20:56)
launching pamm acc at instaforex



this acc is mirroring one my live acc,

minimum investment of 500$

10 t0 30% monthly profit with a controlled expected dd no more than 30% if you follow my mm rules,see details at my monitoring acc link
i trade for living so rest assured that your investments are in good hands 😄
会员从Aug 26, 2012开始   10帖子
Oct 12, 2012 at 09:08
Kookoo posted:
Hi Actually you have 5356 in floating loss right now, not 250. And yes you are in profit 16754.11 deposited, 3240.46 withdrawn and a current equity of 15356 makes you 1842 in profit. Still have to say 25% floating draw down in no way safe, do you use a stop loss?

Why do you want to calculate your own numbers if all of them are given by myfxbook? :-) 25% floating loss is normal, when you have a big enough account and multiple trades open( in this case > 45 ) But, that's the maximum floating loss, I am comfortable with. Let's consider that as running cost of the business. Makes sense?
Trade Forex, Change the World
会员从Feb 15, 2012开始   197帖子
Oct 12, 2012 at 09:48
rob559 posted:
launching pamm acc at instaforex



this acc is mirroring one my live acc,

minimum investment of 500$

10 t0 30% monthly profit with a controlled expected dd no more than 30% if you follow my mm rules,see details at my monitoring acc link
i trade for living so rest assured that your investments are in good hands 😄

You start a PAMM on a 3 pips spread broker...? Wow.
会员从Feb 11, 2011开始   1768帖子
Oct 12, 2012 at 13:17
rebates are the key,when rebates are applied it covers 80% of the spread,i think they offer a good pamm system
会员从Feb 11, 2011开始   1768帖子
Oct 12, 2012 at 13:36 (已编辑 Oct 12, 2012 at 13:37)
for those who'd like to be traded at their own broker, i can do that under a limited power of attorney agreement,same conditions 30/70,what's matter the most is the system i trade is a winning system so no matter if this this under pamm acc or your own broker it is the same trading system,.just pm me and and will set it up right away
会员从Jul 21, 2011开始   14帖子
Oct 17, 2012 at 15:47
Hello everyone,

I started to accept clients under management. Please check my profile here: https://www.myfxbook.com/members/cornix for recent performance. Latest (Alpari UK) account tracks performance of actual money manager activity (as I already have some clients linked with me).

Broker: Alpari UK, direct management with power of attorney linking of your account to my manager's account (please contact me for details).

Minimum deposit is $500 (Classic 2 account needs to be opened in order for me to be able to manage it).

Expected return: ~10% per month. I can compound or not depending on you preference (we can negotiate it as well as desired risk per trade & related position sizing etc.).

Manager's fee: 25% of profits gained in a month.

Trading style: day-trading, quick relatively high probability trades. Always with a hard stop-loss which guarantees maximum loss never exceeds 13 pips.
会员从Aug 13, 2009开始   45帖子
Oct 21, 2012 at 08:58 (已编辑 Oct 21, 2012 at 08:58)
biosko posted:
4xeuro posted:

this is an open offer for all high net worth individuals , I will provide you the investor password of my account and you can copy trades on your real account.

I dont want a penny from the profits, but just the explorer of the account will remain on my FF, Zulu and myfxbook profiles.

minimum amount of funding will be 10k and all profits generated which will be approx 4% monthly and 48% yearly, will be all yours.

Email [email protected], [email protected]





Oh account with 10 days history. LETS INVEST ALL MY MONEY.

thanx for your reply, but keep an eye on my activity, and then u might consider my offer correct?
会员从May 30, 2012开始   27帖子
Oct 21, 2012 at 13:43
I get in manual trade 90% in a week relative low risk, no its difficult.. but sell a strategies for the 4% monthly ^^ is irrelevant.

My minimum deposit 50$, get about 20% daily, for the smarties with a good ratio risk, and a good trading experience and a good strategie its very possible. Dont lost the money and the time for a 4% monthly if the bank offer you the 3-4% too.. is irrelevant try scamm the users..

Have a good day friends.

会员从Mar 30, 2011开始   58帖子
Oct 21, 2012 at 22:32
David, no, its not a good system.
Good system is system with stable gains in range of min. 2 years.
If you can handle doing 90% per week for 2 years show me forward test and I am in.

4xeuro --->
I am watching you, but I still think that you will delete this account till christmas.
As you can see from this topic If you click on some other offers and system you will see that almost 90 percent of them is dead now.

Dont trust systems and offers without atleast 2 years of forward test = live trading.
会员从May 30, 2012开始   27帖子
Oct 22, 2012 at 07:07
Im not offerting nothing sorry, i only express my opinion and show one sample. But is true need minim. two years or one year.
会员从Oct 08, 2011开始   41帖子
Nov 03, 2012 at 14:54
Hey everyone, i was wondering please,

In order to trade OPM using a PAMM account with a broker (let's say FXCM), should I be licenced from the AMF, SEC or any other authority? Or am i just able to trade OPM like that without any legal structure and then receive my profits??

Thank you !