Important - Auto Update Issue

May 20, 2013 at 08:39
254 Replies
会员从Feb 22, 2012开始   10帖子
May 30, 2013 at 09:34
Does anyone know if cTrader works with myfxbook?
To make the most amount of money with the least amount of risk
会员从Nov 26, 2009开始   33帖子
May 30, 2013 at 09:38
会员从Jul 31, 2009开始   1417帖子
May 30, 2013 at 09:56
Viz77 posted:
Does anyone know if cTrader works with myfxbook?

They're working on an api for the past few months so it should be ready very soon. Then we'll be able to support them.
会员从Apr 22, 2010开始   122帖子
May 30, 2013 at 11:08
jagui posted:

Renat 2013.05.30 12:37

So funny complains. Read again: they hacked our network protocols and created illegal services. You are a user of illegal service.

Renat, seems you are very happy... lol
then, try to explain what the VPS providers hacked???
会员从Apr 19, 2013开始   1帖子
May 30, 2013 at 12:05
I have a problem with some accounts. Also, Thinkforex doesn't have publisher. How can I do ?
会员从Dec 16, 2011开始   268帖子
May 30, 2013 at 12:08
dont need to delete my comments . its a try . The bloody thing dosnt work . this website become useless in 1 sek .. i can read news somewhere else .No problemo
会员从Mar 05, 2012开始   7帖子
May 30, 2013 at 12:09
FYI, unfortunately your EA does not work on corporate network with proxy server from behind the firewall.
Chase value, not price
会员从Oct 02, 2011开始   35帖子
May 30, 2013 at 12:56
Need help....
In Pepperstone... They doesnt have publisher... when I try in Option>FTP... simply because it just looks like in Publisher's menu, the Journal report was : 2013.05.30 19:52:30 TemplateFile: cannot open the template file
Any advice?
Cent account matter$
会员从Sep 18, 2012开始   143帖子
May 30, 2013 at 12:58
I think Metaquotes had stated that there will be some implications for third party mt4 firms soon........I will try to find the article and post it on here.............I remember reading up on it and it was noted that sites like mt4i would be that might all be part of it......
会员从Dec 10, 2009开始   23帖子
May 30, 2013 at 12:58 (已编辑 May 30, 2013 at 13:00)
I suggest myfxbook implements the auto-update feature through internet proxies. Choose a random proxy to update each account, this should get around all the problems from Metaquotes attempting to block large number of connections from a single IP or the myfxbook IP addresses. You can get a list of free proxies here:
会员从Oct 02, 2011开始   35帖子
May 30, 2013 at 13:16
What the best solution?
Publisher: error when building the report 'C:\Program Files (x86)\MetaTrader - Pepperstone\profiles\statement.htm'
@danielfppps : should we use free proxies? or myfxbook should?
Cent account matter$
会员从Dec 10, 2009开始   23帖子
May 30, 2013 at 13:24
Myfxbook should, they can route their connections to MT4 servers through free proxies, thus eliminating any possible filtering that Metaquotes might make on their servers. If they have 70K+ accounts, they can route them through 100 free proxies, having only 700 connections per proxy which if they divide evenly amongst brokers would result in no disconnection issues (I believe). Worth a try at least.
会员从Dec 16, 2011开始   268帖子
May 30, 2013 at 13:28 (已编辑 May 30, 2013 at 13:30)
Never use FREE proxy . u dont know wh0 is watching them and who made them in the first place could be hackers or it could be anyone u just dont know .. i dont want my account be be compromised cos of that ..
会员从Dec 10, 2009开始   23帖子
May 30, 2013 at 13:35
mmm... well myfxbook can also pay for proxies which would allow for added security/control
会员从Sep 25, 2012开始   1帖子
May 30, 2013 at 13:53
hi all, one question: form what I got installi myfxbook EA should represent a working alternative, I have only one concern about it: will an additional EA working affect, even barely, performance of other ea/broker/vps? will executions feel even a minimum effect?

If someone can assure it won't, I think I'll follow that way

thanx to all

会员从Apr 05, 2012开始   93帖子
May 30, 2013 at 17:45
emmeci76 posted:
hi all, one question: form what I got installi myfxbook EA should represent a working alternative, I have only one concern about it: will an additional EA working affect, even barely, performance of other ea/broker/vps? will executions feel even a minimum effect?

If someone can assure it won't, I think I'll follow that way

thanx to all


Working EA may affect all those things you mentioned only in that way that it takes a fraction of computer/vps CPU. I just checked it for myself and found that with 9 working MT4 platforms, each of them now having 2 EAs (one trading EA + Myfxbook EA), I have CPU usage between 4% and 7%. Before this story with an autoupdate 9 EAs took not more than 5%. But 7% is still far from any negative effect on a performance, so you may not worry about it!

Also I have another good news! 4 of my 9 accounts are now verified. It took almost 24 hrs, but we must understand that 70K+ accounts became not verified at once. I hope that everything is going to be OK! Bravo Ethan, keep going!
会员从Apr 22, 2010开始   122帖子
May 30, 2013 at 18:42
do not take so seriously himself, sometimes it hurts... I personally will look for alternatives of Metaqoutes, there are such...


会员从Apr 05, 2012开始   93帖子
May 30, 2013 at 21:29
Finally all my accounts are verified by now! Great job of Myfxbook staff despite of all attempts to sink the service!!!
会员从Dec 10, 2009开始   23帖子
May 31, 2013 at 02:52 (已编辑 May 31, 2013 at 02:52)
I just wrote an open letter to Metaquotes:, which I wanted to share with you. I bet many of you feel the same way
会员从Nov 29, 2011开始   1帖子
May 31, 2013 at 05:36
The ea-connector-program is not a solution at all. It needs .net-Framework 3.5 and its difficult to install it on windows server or a server which runs xp (without admin-rights). Why did it all change it worked great for years???