Managed Accounts

Sep 17, 2012 at 10:52
1,021 Replies
会员从Feb 08, 2013开始   56帖子
Mar 14, 2013 at 07:18
Low risk settings dd of 15% for $1000 account balance ROI of 75%-250%+ per month PM me if you are interested. Since February 12 I have adjusted my EA risk settings to conservative so you can see that it even doubled the balance and has been consistent gaining profits everytime. Kindly contact me for more details if you are interested to duplicate your earnings.
会员从Mar 06, 2013开始   9帖子
Mar 14, 2013 at 10:52
Someone is interested in investing in something that gives same money?
会员从Mar 12, 2013开始   3帖子
Mar 14, 2013 at 11:57
I'm ...
会员从Mar 13, 2013开始   4帖子
Mar 14, 2013 at 13:10
Hello to community.
If someone is interested for investing the money please take a look at
I use my own EAs.
Best regards.
会员从Oct 24, 2012开始   62帖子
Mar 14, 2013 at 13:10
Live accounts only please
会员从Mar 06, 2013开始   9帖子
Mar 14, 2013 at 13:10
Minimum deposit: 1000€

Broker : hotforex


If you want real results also can send...

Best Regards
会员从Oct 15, 2012开始   25帖子
Mar 14, 2013 at 16:49
thedoctor posted:
Live accounts only please

See my real account and others.

I trade automatically with my own EA that I have coded and developed it for 3 years.
Hope to receive your reply. Thanks!
会员从Oct 24, 2012开始   62帖子
Mar 14, 2013 at 16:50
@_@. attach for transparency.
会员从Feb 08, 2013开始   56帖子
Mar 14, 2013 at 16:52
We'll see.
会员从Feb 08, 2013开始   56帖子
Mar 14, 2013 at 16:52
This is a very good opportunity to showcase our skills in trading.
会员从Oct 24, 2012开始   62帖子
Mar 14, 2013 at 17:06
i want to invest in risk per trade trader. not those with many dd or trades running for too long.
会员从Feb 08, 2013开始   56帖子
Mar 14, 2013 at 17:18
In your dreams.
会员从Mar 13, 2013开始   4帖子
Mar 14, 2013 at 21:19
Well, Doctor I think that 4 hours is no so long duration of trading. Also 58% of profit for 40 days !!!!!!
This is a result of 6 strategies, were You can choose which strategy to trade with.
Best regards.
To aragonsystem : Is it a comment for my portfolio or to doctors wishes?
会员从Mar 13, 2013开始   4帖子
Mar 14, 2013 at 21:19
In aragonsystem portfolio there is a day with huge profit. I think it is riskier then my system
会员从Feb 08, 2013开始   56帖子
Mar 14, 2013 at 22:33 (已编辑 Mar 14, 2013 at 22:35)
That's what you are saying check out my complete stats before blabbing your mouth with non-sense and the doctor who is a representative of hotforex. Don't believe in the doctor he is just recruiting people who will trade a hotforex PAMM account seems like this broker is a loser do create Alpari NZ or its much better broker no minimum ecn deposit available and fast execution 0.02 sec. unlike hotforex add to that a higher spread.
会员从Oct 24, 2012开始   62帖子
Mar 15, 2013 at 01:24 (已编辑 Mar 15, 2013 at 01:28)
you can't even invest real money in a simple live account, and expect people to believe in demo? god i have demos running with 300-500 % as well.

well, alpari, 3tg, axi or ic market, etc as long they got pamm or mam. But don't expect people to believe in your demos :). unless you traded it for 1 year.

as for dd, win my demo account in terms of growth and dd, before you think using demo, 45%? dd is almost gambling and near margin call as well, because of red trades. and don't even hide your stats to cover up your under-water trades.

naive demo dreamers.
会员从Oct 15, 2012开始   25帖子
Mar 15, 2013 at 02:16

See my EA:
We rent this EA. Please contact me if you want. Thanks!

[email protected]
会员从Oct 17, 2012开始   48帖子
Mar 15, 2013 at 03:33
12264 posted:
Good Afternoon All, (AU)

I've been looking into inventing my money into a PAMM account/Managed fund although I'm struggling to find
a reasonable rate of return (monthly) having figures of 30% plus which for me is just to to much risk and
does not seem realistic in my opinion. If someone could point me in the right direction or even recommend a managed
fund you use and what returns you are seeing.

Geoffrey Reynolds.


We have a solution for interested investors.
Please check our profile here. Thanks.
No manual trading can compete with automated trading by intelligent robots. Manual trading is influenced by human emotions, whereas robots have no emotions and can take a 'calculated decision' at any moment.
会员从May 17, 2012开始   206帖子
Mar 15, 2013 at 04:20
Demo accounts are for learning, REAL accounts are the acid test... and not just a few months, 6 months at least, showing consistant returns hopefully, without large drawdowns.

That is an investors dream. If you can trade a live account and manage a 5% monthly profit consistantly, with no more than about 10% drawdown, for 6 to 12 months, you should be able to attract investors with hundreds of thousands for you to trade... however in my experience they will start you off trading a small test account to see if you can trade for them as well as you trade for yourself (the responsability of managing clients can affect a lot of traders adversly).
Wait for the trade to come to you... be patient.
会员从Oct 17, 2012开始   48帖子
Mar 15, 2013 at 04:33
pt49 posted:
Demo accounts are for learning, REAL accounts are the acid test... and not just a few months, 6 months at least, showing consistant returns hopefully, without large drawdowns.

That is an investors dream. If you can trade a live account and manage a 5% monthly profit consistantly, with no more than about 10% drawdown, for 6 to 12 months, you should be able to attract investors with hundreds of thousands for you to trade... however in my experience they will start you off trading a small test account to see if you can trade for them as well as you trade for yourself (the responsability of managing clients can affect a lot of traders adversly).


Investing money is one side of the game, actually doing the trading is another side of the game. As far as we know, there are no investors who want to see any drawdown; all of them want to see only "positive" figures. But the TRUTH is this: in Forex traders who make real money are those who have learned to withstand drawdown larger than the 10% you have mentioned above. The explanations are simple: when you are trading the M1 timeframe, you can avoid all possible DD at the cost of losing heavy amounts of money. But experienced traders follow the larger time frame, and you cannot avoid DD when trading on larger time frames.

Best trading!
No manual trading can compete with automated trading by intelligent robots. Manual trading is influenced by human emotions, whereas robots have no emotions and can take a 'calculated decision' at any moment.
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