Publisher Settings

Aug 19, 2010 at 18:21
7 Replies
会员从May 11, 2010开始   5帖子
Aug 19, 2010 at 18:21
I have been trying for days to get myfxbook to work with the publisher in MT4 at DEMO account. I think I need the PASSIVE ticked in my MT4? And I guess I am not using the right passwords and or account IDs. What about the LOCATION PATH? Anyone using can help me get my settings correct?

Butch in Oklahoma
会员从Apr 02, 2010开始   63帖子
Aug 21, 2010 at 07:17

This should help

Less is more.
会员从May 11, 2010开始   5帖子
Aug 25, 2010 at 18:19
Well, I have tried that help page, but still no worky. I have 2 accounts setup in myfxbook. One is and the publisher workis fine. Says its ACTIVE. But my setup for does not work. I have tried so many combinations of settings. It is so frustrating when myfxbook is so skimpy on their instructions for newbies like me. Anyway, you'd think I could use the settings in my publisher settings as a guide, and get the other account working. Frustrating.
会员从Jul 31, 2009开始   1418帖子
Aug 26, 2010 at 06:38
okietrader, your account is currently not being processed since your statement template has been changed by your broker.

Please download the original statement here: and extract it into the templates folder of your MetaTrader installation directory.
会员从May 11, 2010开始   5帖子
Sep 22, 2010 at 15:53
I still can not get myfxbook publisher to work with my demo acount at even though I have publisher working fine with You'd think by using the settings that work with as a guide, I'd get the publisher working between my Fapturbo and MyFxBook. But no such luck. I guess I need someone who is actually using Fapturbo and help me with the settings in Publisher. Hopefully someone out there can help. By the way, I did the thing mentioned above, and still no work.
会员从Jul 31, 2009开始   1418帖子
Sep 22, 2010 at 16:25
okietrader, please refer here: (use the troubleshooter, as your MetaTrader hasn't sent any data yet).
会员从Nov 03, 2013开始   16帖子
Sep 04, 2015 at 18:07
It does not appear to work on Windows Server 2003 x64.
.NET seem to be required to use the .exe. But it does not seem to be required for the EA to work. Tested on Windows Server 2003 32bit without .NET (i think)

Would be nice if support would inform about system requirements for EA to work.
会员从Jan 07, 2016开始   1帖子
Jan 16, 2016 at 17:33
I tried to extract the new ststement template but it is on HTML format, how can I have it in TPL format?
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