Show your profitable account here.

Apr 12, 2015 at 12:17
6,052 Replies
会员从Jan 19, 2013开始   224帖子
Jan 13, 2016 at 10:55
hermonysystem posted:
BellaVista507 posted:
hermonysystem posted:

dd% isnt factor here cause starting balance is 100$ so who ll talk about dd% are total nob in forex.So avoid those nob its waste of time reply those nob.

DD% is always a factor, no matter the size of the account. Imagine he was a PAMM manager in which he his starting balance was 100 usd, then he gets 10 clients who deposit 10k each. He now has a total of 100,100usd to control. Yet, if in his account he allows his 100usd to go in red 75 usd, then in all of his clients account will be in red 7,500 usd as the loss and profit the account manager gains in his account, it is passed to the other accounts also.
The profit of that account is very good, but with a dd % that high, it means that his account is a ticking time bomb to be margin called!

Check my account u ll have the whole concept of dd%.chek the dd% details.Listen why u think that he gonna do pamm with the same strategy.his account is micro account of 100$ and he bating 100$ he gonna loss 100$ no matter what happened.So he earned 2k till now it can go 10k like that. Even it dosnt happened he ll still loss 100$ at max.If u want to compare dd% than compare my accounts u are always welcome for that.And show me ur system if its better than mine.

I have looked at your account, and for some weird reason, you do so well in DEMO, but your LIVE account has 8x higher loss, than it has profit. That should tell you something about your "system".
会员从May 13, 2015开始   81帖子
Jan 13, 2016 at 12:53
Dear Frank, you have been trading like 1-3 years I think.

Your still trading! That's good! Not needed to go defend yourself. Most important is to build a portfolio of 2 years and than trade big equities. Due you gained trust of client. And their not stupid either, in the end it is all about trust and promising your word.

My tip; don't go defend yourself for any reasons (I have seen your name on other forums as well and must say your respected over there). Bit crazy defending yourself over here; what you make in 1 day, is their whole trading account........😉
Build a portfolio and focus on this one:

and you'll be fine, before you know it, you will be trading 600k+ accounts for clients in Dubai etc.
(I use other portfolio site, with passwords on it - which I use to send to clients)

会员从Dec 10, 2015开始   141帖子
Jan 13, 2016 at 13:05
BellaVista507 posted:
hermonysystem posted:
BellaVista507 posted:
hermonysystem posted:

dd% isnt factor here cause starting balance is 100$ so who ll talk about dd% are total nob in forex.So avoid those nob its waste of time reply those nob.

DD% is always a factor, no matter the size of the account. Imagine he was a PAMM manager in which he his starting balance was 100 usd, then he gets 10 clients who deposit 10k each. He now has a total of 100,100usd to control. Yet, if in his account he allows his 100usd to go in red 75 usd, then in all of his clients account will be in red 7,500 usd as the loss and profit the account manager gains in his account, it is passed to the other accounts also.
The profit of that account is very good, but with a dd % that high, it means that his account is a ticking time bomb to be margin called!

Check my account u ll have the whole concept of dd%.chek the dd% details.Listen why u think that he gonna do pamm with the same strategy.his account is micro account of 100$ and he bating 100$ he gonna loss 100$ no matter what happened.So he earned 2k till now it can go 10k like that. Even it dosnt happened he ll still loss 100$ at max.If u want to compare dd% than compare my accounts u are always welcome for that.And show me ur system if its better than mine.

I have looked at your account, and for some weird reason, you do so well in DEMO, but your LIVE account has 8x higher loss, than it has profit. That should tell you something about your "system".

In my real account I am not trading for profit.I am using it checking my various system in real account environment.I am trying to get the real in a loss condition and recover from that point.Cause I believe the recovery is the key of winning.And dont worry I also have real account which making big profit but gonna share it little later.
会员从Dec 10, 2015开始   141帖子
Jan 13, 2016 at 13:28
And more impotently I want to let the broker thing I am making profit very hard so they let me withdraw my real fund without any reason.After I get all the fund withdraw.I ll start full throttle of money making trading.Lets get my real fund back than the fun ll began.
会员从Dec 20, 2015开始   8帖子
Jan 13, 2016 at 14:46
会员从May 09, 2013开始   10帖子
Jan 14, 2016 at 01:50
eletropol posted:
herpnysystem and razayev what wrong with my system ?

you open trades left and right and dont use stoploss. so basically every penny you gained is trapped in those open positions. its still an achievement, but your stats are ridiculously bad. you should start over with a new account where you use what youve learned and apply them. im sure itll be even better.
会员从Dec 30, 2015开始   18帖子
Jan 14, 2016 at 09:09
Market has no memory. Here and Now are your best indicators.
会员从Jan 09, 2016开始   24帖子
Jan 14, 2016 at 09:27
outofsystem posted:

Nice results! Keep it up.
会员从Jan 09, 2016开始   24帖子
Jan 14, 2016 at 09:29
Here's mine after moving the start date to early November. This week has been great due to a new strategy. I use cycle analysis and it is manual, discretionary traded. No EA.
会员从Dec 10, 2015开始   141帖子
Jan 14, 2016 at 09:40
razayev posted:
eletropol posted:
herpnysystem and razayev what wrong with my system ?

you open trades left and right and dont use stoploss. so basically every penny you gained is trapped in those open positions. its still an achievement, but your stats are ridiculously bad. you should start over with a new account where you use what youve learned and apply them. im sure itll be even better.

Thats a good idea.But I think u should keep it continue cause ur investment is 100$.Try to open another account with little balance and trade there with the experience u gain from the current account.Just make sure keep a regular withdraw scope on the new account.
会员从Dec 11, 2015开始   6帖子
Jan 14, 2016 at 11:16
会员从May 09, 2013开始   10帖子
Jan 14, 2016 at 15:56
hermonysystem posted:
razayev posted:
eletropol posted:
herpnysystem and razayev what wrong with my system ?

you open trades left and right and dont use stoploss. so basically every penny you gained is trapped in those open positions. its still an achievement, but your stats are ridiculously bad. you should start over with a new account where you use what youve learned and apply them. im sure itll be even better.

Thats a good idea.But I think u should keep it continue cause ur investment is 100$.Try to open another account with little balance and trade there with the experience u gain from the current account.Just make sure keep a regular withdraw scope on the new account.

we all know what happened with chf pairs a while back. No account is safe. Specially those without stoploss. Take care.
会员从Dec 10, 2015开始   141帖子
Jan 15, 2016 at 08:11
razayev posted:
hermonysystem posted:
razayev posted:
eletropol posted:
herpnysystem and razayev what wrong with my system ?

you open trades left and right and dont use stoploss. so basically every penny you gained is trapped in those open positions. its still an achievement, but your stats are ridiculously bad. you should start over with a new account where you use what youve learned and apply them. im sure itll be even better.

Thats a good idea.But I think u should keep it continue cause ur investment is 100$.Try to open another account with little balance and trade there with the experience u gain from the current account.Just make sure keep a regular withdraw scope on the new account.

we all know what happened with chf pairs a while back. No account is safe. Specially those without stoploss. Take care.

Forex trading is like rube cube there is only few right ways of complete it but million of wrong ways of dis complete it.
会员从Nov 14, 2013开始   1帖子
Jan 15, 2016 at 08:13
会员从May 09, 2013开始   10帖子
Jan 15, 2016 at 12:25 (已编辑 Jan 15, 2016 at 12:25)
100$ deposit demo update:

another +30% gain this week. Done.
会员从Jan 12, 2016开始   16帖子
Jan 16, 2016 at 17:28
会员从Jan 19, 2013开始   224帖子
Jan 16, 2016 at 17:28
razayev posted:
100$ deposit demo update:

another +30% gain this week. Done.

This thread is only for live accounts.
会员从Dec 20, 2015开始   8帖子
Jan 16, 2016 at 17:29
razayev posted:
100$ deposit demo update:

another +30% gain this week. Done.

demo doesn't count
会员从Aug 24, 2011开始   1帖子
Jan 16, 2016 at 17:33
会员从Apr 20, 2012开始   3帖子
Jan 16, 2016 at 17:39
My New system of Trading working Properly :)